Strathpeffer Community Council
Minutes of Meeting at Strathpeffer Community Centre: Monday6th October2014
Present: - Acting chair person Alison Munro (AM).
Evans (KE), John Wombell (JW), John MacGregor (JMcG), Douglas Murray (DM), KevinCrockett (KC) and Ian Cockburn (IC) (THC)
Secretary: Posy Piper (PP)
Members of the Public
No / Item / Action1. Apologies
Kit Bowen (KB) and Peter Walling (PW).
2. Minutes of meeting of1st September 2014
Proposed by John Wombell and seconded by Douglas Murray
Corrections, as requested by JW and member of the public John Mackinnon, are to be made to minutes of previous meeting 1st September 2014. / PP
3. Accounts
Treasurer’s report – Current account balance £7,602.85 following receipt of annual community council grant 2014/2015 £1,270.27. Total account balance include the £4,500 grant for the Shieling which is to be returned to THC. / KC
4. Matters Arising
Eve Cromartie has resigned from her position on the committee. The SCC would like to thank Eve for all her hard work, time and commitment.
5. Police Report
No police report received. AM asked PP to make contact and request a more regular update. /
6. Planning IssuesDM reported that there had been one new application.
Extension requested to existing cemetery at Fodderty.
JW and DM both commented that there are sites of archaeological importance around the area. JW and DM to investigate further, liaise and feedback to the planning authorities as necessary.
All other planning applications are still ongoing;
- Nutwood development.
- House at Ardival East.
- Bus at Balnaird steading, Achterneed.
- House above old railway station.
7. Windfarms and Community Benefit
Ian Cockburn (THC) reported that both Woodlands and Carn gorm have been refused.
8. Progress Reports
Open Spaces Survey, Outstanding work and Village handyman
No update.
Strathpeffer to Dingwall Cycle Route
Meeting with Miles McMaster still to be arranged, feedback will be given at the next meeting.
Pavilion Garden Statues
No update.
Water cascade pumps
AM reported that she has spoken to SSE about the pumps for the large water fountain, sited next to Square Wheels, SSE have advised that following an inspection of the pumps they cannot help, however AM to query this as the pumps are currently stored with KB. AM still to liaise with local plumber.
Community Parks Project
Member of the public Val Moffat advised that a public consultation with the consultant who is carrying out the feasibility study will be held around week commencing the 10th November 2014 at the Community Centre. The Strathpeffer Resident’s Association are also seeking input from both the local primary and secondary school children.
DM advised no update. The SSRA are awaiting terms of the sale of land from Bowlts.
Community Centre
No update. PP asked if the community centre could reconsider joining the Highland Council’s Highlife scheme. KE to look into this and feedback at the next meeting.
Strath Times
The SCC would like to thank the new editors.
AM reported that a Diwali dinner would be held at the Richmond Hotel on the 24th of October 2014. For tickets contact Pat Justad or Phil Armshaw.
Fairtrade group leaflet being put together to promote fair-trade products within the village. Request made to the New York Villa Trust for funding.
Brown Signs
No update.
CC Notice Board
AM advised that they had received £500 from THC ward discretionary fund and £1000 from the New York Villa Trust, however another £300-£400 of funding is still required. JW suggested using SCC funds to make up the deficit. AM to explore other grant options available and email SCC members to confirm costs.
Pavilion Garden Gate
No update
Footpath Group
JW advised Roderick Noble FC Scotland land agent had a draft legal agreement for light maintenance of the Strathpeffer to Jamestown path. There will be a meeting in Contin to discuss.
JW has asked to view a copy of the document before he agrees to a meeting.
JW also mentioned reports of trials bikes in the Forestry area between Strathpeffer and Jamestown.
SCC asks the public to remain vigilant and report any further activity to the police.
PP raised the issue of the overgrown path from the old railway station to waterworks. DM commented that the SSRA are waiting to purchase the land before they can clear the track site/path.
AM reported that she had advised Peter Mackay that the broom and gorse up in Ordwood needed cut back and this has now been done.
No update, PP had looked into firework event however it would require a committee and a lot of pre planning. KE advised that PP should get in touch with Rosie Maclean. KE advised she would contact Clara at the Community Centre to see if it was possible to have a small event on bonfire night for younger children.
Disabled Access McColl’s
No update.
Community renewable energy
No update.
Roads and Drains
Walter Fleming advised that he had been photographing and reporting issues around the village to THC, he has recently been up to Ardival East where the road is in a bad state and drains are blocked. AM suggested that an article goes into the Strath Times advising residents to contact Walter with details of any problem areas in the village.
Men’s sheds
Val Moffat advised that the group are facing challenges as there are funding issues, no site at present or shed/building available for meetings. The next Men’s shed meeting will be held on the 30th October 2014.
No update.
Strategy paper
No update, to be removed from the agenda until Jan 2015. / KE
9. Correspondence
- Parking restrictions sign in the square. PP advised that the SCC had received an email communication from Nick, Aladdins Cave.
- Member of the public Ryan Macaskill reported that there had been vandalism to the public toilets in the square, windows were broken. Sandra and Walter, The White House advised that the police are aware of the incident and that the windows have now been repaired.
- Highland Communities Panel will be looking to Community Council’s for feedback, further information will follow.
- Community Grant 2014/2015 there is a closing date of the 14thNovember 2014. Possible projects which could benefit are the Community Garden and Men’s sheds.
- Community Council elections Contin, Torridon and Kinlochewe.
- Grow Wild from Carol Bancroft, AM to forward to VM for Community Garden Project and Men’s sheds.
10. AOCB
. /
- Member of the public John Mackinnon asked if he could site flower planters outside his Deli shop in the square. IC(THC) advised that he check with the roads department at THC or contact Robbie Bain. The Garden Group have offered to plant up the planters when they are in place in the square.
- PP advised that a local business owner had suggested that the SCC help attract people to visit the village by entering Strathpeffer into the village in bloom competition. AM and KE suggested this should be done once the Community Gardens project was completed as they would complement each other. KE also pointed out that a lot of effort would be required to enter this competition.
- Member of the public John Mackinnon asked if the open bins in the square could have lids fitted as seagulls are taking rubbish out of the bins littering up the square. AM also suggested recycling bins could be sited in the square.
- JW mentioned that Strathpeffer is quite similar to the village of Braemar and that he had heard they were undertaking a visitor management plan. JW has no further details so PP to investigate further and report back at the next meeting.
- JW reported that Kenny Stewart had very promptly cleared the path to Kinellan view point. SCC would like to thank Kenny for doing this.
- Bus shelter at Achterneed, Val MacGregor suggested that a bus shelter is needed at the end of Achterneed road for local residents. KE advised there is a spare bus shelter at Kinellan however it is missing several panels. IC(THC) to investigate this matter further.
11. Next meeting
Date of the next SCC meeting – Monday 3rd November 2014.
Strathpeffer Community Council Meeting 7 May 2012Page 1