Board Meeting / Milken Mills Community Centre,
7600 Kennedy Road, Markham
Committee Meeting
DATE / Saturday, March 3, 2018
TIME / 9:15 a.m.
PRESENT / AngelosKotzambasis, (chair), Martina Orth-Demczyszyn, Ken Young, Tim Spence,
Ben Bouwer, Julie Szpara, John Hewerdine, Ken Tong
Regrets: George Gross
Staff: Nishant Damani, Kathy Torrens
1 / Call to Order: 9:15 a.m.
2 / Election of Executive
President: AngelosKotzambasis
Vice President: Ken Young
Secretary: Martina Orth-Demczyszyn
Treasurer: Tim Spence
3 / Agenda
Motion: to accept the Agenda,
Additions –to Other Business, WPC voting, Ontario Sport awards,
Motion to accept agenda as amended,Ken Y, Martina O-D. carried.
4 / Minutes
Motion: to accept the minutes from January 16, 2018, Angelos K., Tim S., carried
5 / Ballots from AGM election:
Motion: to destroy the electronic (email) ballots from the AGM election,Ken Y, Angelos K., carried.
6 / Anti-doping Policy:
- Included in the Code of Conduct, the same as WPC. We are required to have a separate policy in our Sport Recognition application.
-Kathy shared the draft policy with Ward Dilse, (Ministry Rep.),
Motion to accept: Tim S., carried: Angelos K.
- ACTION ITEM: Kathy will submit policy to the Ministry / Kathy
7 / Strategic/Operational Plan:
- Deferred to be discussed after Committee updates
8 / Committees; membership and status:
- no additional committees were suggested
-Questions raised:
Terms of reference required for non-board committee members
8a / Communications - Ken Y. spoke as Ken T. delayed
-ACTION ITEM: update on thehigh-performanceprogramto be distributed to the membership
- ACTION ITEM: produce a graph to distribute showing growing areas, especially girls
-ACTION ITEM: work with Steven Luckett(committee volunteer) who has experience in IT, develop plan to source clubs to update the information
-ACTION ITEM: find a young representative/intern who will gather and post the information to website and social media (Ken T. to set up draft a list with whom he will contact),
- trial period of a short-term contract (till the end of August)
-job and task criteria: 3hr/week for contracted amount or bill hourly stipend
- ACTION ITEM: Ken T. to develop plan and report back to the board
-task criteria were shared: posts should be measurable,update Twitter, Instagram
-Ken Y. raised another objective: try and get more regular information to our membership by sending out a quarterly report, create a newsletter to send out the membership
- ACTION ITEM: source price and supplier for OWP pins
-we acknowledged to hard work Ken T. put in about the branding work and the end results are amazing; 2 Thumbs up! / Nish/Ken Y.
Ken Y.
Ken T.
Ken T.
Ken T.
8b / Financial – Ken Y.
-Budget perspective: we are on track
-Membership perspective: just over 2000, up from last year, two hundred more than February (overall there were 2400 total),
-OWP was successful with a DDFAP application to help fund referee evaluation and training
-Membership feeswill be billed again in April
- discussed that a Kick out board will be provided to each club (perhaps announced on the president call), cost is about 300 -400$, have OWP logo,
- ACTION ITEM: Nish to source and determine cost / Nish
8c / Programming and Training
-Q4G almost complete. Athletes are to send in their agreements, there wereno appeals
-Ministry is revamping how this funding will go forward. Funding may be based on high performance programming
-In the Ottawa area, it is a challenge to develop a RDC program
-Team Ontario currently is in its planning phase, Women - Barcelona, Men - Greece
- the budget is approximately $3500 and about 12 days and the cost will be equalized
-last OPL weekend (March madness)
-14U provincials at TPASC, cost is a bit higher, 4-5 girls teams, 12 boys teams
-A module is being created which is more inclusive, speaking to the integration of various communities of the various needs, gender sensitivity training and then will be sharedwith Water Polo Canada
-Referee training has evolved, we have many trained and will need to continue to have games, league play to keep it moving forward
-Water Polo Canada is using a Web based program: Assigner, to assign referees
- ACTION ITEM: Nish to contact Doriel and Evan to assess benefit to OWP
- ACTION ITEM: generate a data base of referees for scheduling for games / Nish
8d / Awareness and Recruitment – Julie
- grant document was shared and discussed,adjustments to be made; program will cover the full season, number nor amount of grants available will not be included, accept those applying on merit
- ACTION ITEM: revisions to be made to grant document
- Announcement will be made as soon as document has been amended, applications are to be in by end of April
-Nish shared the “Iamwaterpolo” campaign done in the US and suggested that we could perhaps create a profile of our own successful women to share on the website
- Federally, 30 K has been allocated to spend on women in sport. How do we get access to some of this money?
- ACTION ITEM: research funding opportunity / Julie
8e / Outreach – Johnny
-Johnny chatted with Paul Fritz Capital Wave, Paul to develop programming proposal at Royal Military College, Kingston.
-in Milton: a ceiling in pool collapsed, so things are on hold for now
- Since the OUA has dropped Women’s water polo from it’s program it was suggested to create awomen’s league and make it accessible to varsity players
9 / Code of Conduct – game protocol
-Angelosshared an experience of an occurrence with regards to a coach and player exhibiting their dislike to an NCL game, raising, “How do we ensure code to conduct?
- It was suggested to share information at the president’s call
- It was also suggested to draft a document in the future as general rules and send out to the clubs to be used at invitationals informing teams of expected conduct.
10 / Other business:
-ACTION ITEM:Ontario Sport Awards – send information to clubs asking for nominations
-Create a Terms of reference >volunteering not assigned
- ACTION ITEM: Ken will be set up with a OWP email address by Kathy
-WPCMembershipVotingstructure: how number of votes are determined
- ACTION ITEM: response to be submitted on behalf OWP, to proceed with removing the board members being able to vote. / Kathy
Motion to adjourn at 1:40p.m. by Angelos.
Next meeting: video conference: April 10th, 8 p.m.


AngelosKotzambasis, President Martina Orth-Demczyszyn, Secretary