Minutes of Auchterarder & District Community Council Meeting
Aytoun Hall, Auchterarder
Thursday, 28th September 2017 @ 7.00pm
CC MembersWard Councillors
Malcolm Best (MB) - ChairAlasdair Kay (AK) – Vice ChairCrawford Reid (CR)
Drummond Faichney (DF)Jill Simpson (JS)Tom Gray (TG)
Euan Mackintosh (EMck)
Malcolm Scobie (MS)
MSP: Luke Graham (LG)Minute Secretary:Estelle Nicol (EN)
1. Apologies. Community Councillors – Martha Marnoch (MM)- Treasurer, David Homewood (DH)Ward 7 Councillors - Murray Lyle (ML)
2. Police Report. 2 Local Officers in attendance and reported very little crime in the area. The theft of a garden gate at Shinafoot had just been reported. Police requested promotion of lighting up (cars) now that darker nights are coming in. Traffic police had been monitoring traffic at The Castleton, High Street and Aberuthven. A number of convictions have been made. There have been a few instances of dog worrying and Police request members of the public to be vigilant and keep their dogs on leads. Cases of vandalism reported at both Auchterarder Parish Church and St Kessogs – youth suspected.
Member of the public reported stone throwing/banging on windows at Croft Road/Hanover Gardens. Public reminded to phone police
3. Previous Minutes. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record. Proposed by DF. Seconded by AK.
NOTE: Given the significant number of people attending the meeting MB changed the order of the meeting so as to address the most important issues first; Parking, the BID and the presentation by SSE
A substantial number of members of the community came along to the meeting to discuss parking in the town. It was acknowledged that there was no magic bullet but some suggestions and comments included:
1) Pedestrianise the High Street
2) Concerns were raised that Resident Parking Permits were to be introduced, it was stressed this would not work as it would simply mean that parking spaces currently available to everybody would then only be available for residents this reducing the parking available
3) Demand that housebuilders require to build parking into their plans
4) Halt housing development in the town – parking issue needs to be resolved before more planning agreed
5) Introduce a 3 hour ticket/disc to stop all day parkers
6) Utilise Dunlop Park for parking (although as the park and /or the entrance was left to the town it would be necessaryto investigateany restrictions regarding its use)
7) Utilise the Royal Mail/Telecom Van Space
8) Compulsory purchase of the land behind the property known as The Waverley
9) Ochil Towers School – remove the elongated entrance and relocate using the freed up land for parking
10) Introduce multi storey parking – convert car park in centre or use this format in any new area identified
11) Field behind school – this is already earmarked for housing
12) Paint parking bays in the High Street
- LG agreed this need tackled before it reached crisis point (although some voiced concerns that this had already been reached). He agreed that public consultation was the way forward
- CR suggested utilisation could be made of the Ryder Cup Car Parks through a Park & Ride scheme
- Member of the publicraised the point that, allegedly, a sum of £1.2m had been paid by a housebuilder to PKC for the provisionof parking spaces. CR/TG to investigate
- Issues with parking at the Community School also raised. It was rumoured that teachers were parking on the main street to allow them a quick get-away when school ended as there was always congestion. School has been asked and disputes this.
Suggestion that teachers are issued with a PERMIT so they get a space within the school car-park, which also seems to have issues with availability of spaces
- Main Car Park – 3 lorry bays that are under-utilised (although on the evening of our meeting it was reported that there was one lorry using a bay)Could these be converted to car parking spaces?
MB summed up, the parking problem in Auchterarder is serious and fiddling around with minor changes to create a few more parking spaces will not fix the problem. Auchterarder needs a significant increase in parking capacity and a solution such as turning Dunlop Park into a Car Park is a possible solution. MB asked for a show of hands to determine whether there was opposition to this – only a few hands were raised. MB asked the Local Councillors present to ensure that PKC does not simply impose a parking solution but does consult further with the community.
Auchterarder BID
A number of members of the public wished to discuss their concerns regarding the BID (Business Improvement District). MB explained the BID is not a Community Council project and this meeting is not a BID meeting to which all interested parties have been invited. In such circumstances it would be inappropriate to have a detailed discussion of the Bid at this meeting. MB went on to explain however that the Community Council is interested in the Bid and does receive updates on progress.
DH had submitted an update in the form of a next steps document to CCs and Ward 7 councillors on 17 September. The next steps document is being disseminated to businesses together with a survey, in which they can state whether they support the bid or not. If the overwhelming response is "NO", then that will be the end of the process. If it is "YES", then the BID process will continue to a ballot scheduled for 28 Feb 2018.DH also noted that at the moment the feedback he is getting is that there is significant opposition to the BID in the town.
AK also explained that it was the Auchterarder Community Partnership (ACP) that had initiated the BID processand Tony L’Anson is now looking after the BID. Questionnaires have been issued to the businesses (although some business proprietors in attendance said they had not seen questionnaires) and everyone was urged to make their view known by completing and voting. Public Meeting taking place in Aytoun Hall on 4th Oct at 5.30pm. Questionnaires ideally should be submitted in advance so that data can be collated, however, there is the option to bring along to the meeting.
Presentation by and Discussion with SSE re the Cable Overlay work in Auchterarder High Street (presentation document issued) by David Dickie & Neil Morrissey
- £375k investment to upgrade the low voltage underground electricity cable that runs down both sides of the High Street, to be carried out in 8 phases
- There have been 32 faults since Jan ’14, lasting on average 4 hours, affecting on average 14 domestic/business clients
- Work to commence this year with investigatory work starting 9th October
- At this stage there will be minimal disruption but there will be parking restrictions (although key events have been taken into consideration – eg Remembrance Sunday, Xmas light switch on). A break is also planned 8/12/17 to 8/1/18.
- Community consultation will start in earnest – public meetings, newsletters, media publications and letter drops
- SSE have been liaising with other utility providers – eg Open Reach
- Any disruption to power will be notified and consulted on with individual business and property owners in good time but will be minimal as it will simply be a change-over in supply
Note: The meeting now returned the order as set out in the Agenda
4. Matters arising.
- Parking – see above
b. Speeding/Road.As agreed at August meeting. MB has written to Police asking for speed cameras to be deployed in Auchterarder, to increase Police presence in Castleton road and written to PKC asking for a 30 mph sign to be co-located with the “Castleton” signs and for flashing speed signs to be deployed. Aberuthven - MS reported that the ground work to install the 30 mph Flashing Signs will start on 30th October. Delay has been caused by a procurement issue.
c. Townhead /Orchil Road Roundabout. CR reported that these roundabouts do not fulfil planning requirements and would be removed – costings for the work were in the next financial year
d. Soakaway, Lundies Walk & Kirkfield Place. Verges and edges overgrown, fly tipping, not maintained. Ongoing issue. MM. Carry this item forward
e. Disabled Parking Bays. The bay in front of the old Lloyds Pharmacy site has now been removed. However, the sign on the lamppost requires removed. TG/CR to request this is carried out.
f. Hunter Street.
(1) Feus Roundabout. Roundabout due to open this week. However, Benton Road (relief road) is open for construction traffic but not for the public – the need to open the road was waived
Plans show a path which cuts right across the Hunter Street Play Park. This had been removed from previous plans but has reappeared. This needs to be resituated outwith the park. CR to raise both the path and the relief road opening.
(2) Road Survey. Results of a recent Road Monitoring Survey – 13000 vehicles a week – 2000 Mon-Fri and 1500 at weekends. A percentage of them are speeding and there is a playpark beside the road
(3) Grass Maintenance. Grass at the end of Dunrobin Road/B8062 opposite Castlemains Farm needed attention as it was a messy entrance to the town. The matter was raised in September 2016. As agreed MBhas written to PKC.
g. Glendevon, Blacklinn Bridge. ML – agreed to follow up with PKC re their intentions re missing coping stones. Carry this item forward
h. Defibrillators. Auchterarder – AK, Aberuthven – MS, Glendevon – MB.
The Editor of the Lang Toon Times has been asked to put the question to the Community for suggestions for the location of an additional defibrillator in Auchterarder. AK will continue to look after this initiative. MS reported that the Aberuthven Village Hall were keen to have one and MBis seeking agreement with the Tormaukin Hotel for them to host a defibrillator. Noted that there will be further Strathearn and Strathallan Decides events at which we can apply for funding for defibrillators. Dunning received funding for their defibrillator from this source.
i. Beggarmuir Road – DH reported he had received the following responsefrom Dave Stubbs (PKC Greenspace Coordinator (Communities)) on 4 September: “I will look again after a wet spell. I understand that the land forms part of the old Burgh Council title for the Common Muir of Auchterarder and as such it is unlikely that there are simple answers about maintenance responsibilities there.” I think there is little more that the ADCC can do and therefore the matter should be deleted from the agenda unless a Ward Councillor can excite some action.
j. Men’s Shed¸- DHreported he hadattended the inaugural meeting on 5 September in MS’s absence. There appears to be interest in establishing a group in Auchterarder. The second meeting was scheduled for 25 September. MS confirmed this initiative should be supported by ADCC and he encouraged people to get involved, it provides social support and learning opportunities for men.
k. NHS Tayside Shaping Surgical Services Review – as agreed, DH considered the paper and proposed a response which was submitted prior to the deadline. Key elements of the proposal were provided by DH and read out to the meeting by MB
l. Dunlop Park – ML – following up with a request for dog waste and litter bins to be installed. Carry this item forward
m. Updated Community Councillor contact information provided to Lang Toon Times Editor. Carry this item forward
n. Lowering of curbs/Road crossings in the High Street – JS noted that there did not appear to be a need for this. CR referred to the area of the High Street by North Crofts and the difficulty some elderly people were having in crossing the road at this point. We noted that more crossings with traffic lights were not desirable.
o. Dog Fouling. AK – Request to PKC for permission to place signs on lamp posts - No update as yet. AK to chase
p. Auchterarder Arts Trust. DHsubmitted a report following hisrepresentation ofADCC at a meeting on 4 September. See previous brief circulated to CCs. This was followed up with a site meeting in the Aytoun Hall withthe organisers on 21 September to discuss various possibilities for more performing arts taking place in the town. The meeting was positive and it looks like they intend to put on a ‘pop up’ cinema in the Aytoun Hall sometime in October as a starter activity. ADCC are supportive of this initiative and we will endeavour to offer assistance if and when it is needed.
5. Presentation by and Discussion with SSE – See above
6. Planning.
a. Planning Applications. Validated and Planning Decisions made by PKC since our previous meeting (31/8/2017) – AK reported there had been no significant applications or decisions since our August meeting
b. Windfarms Update–Burnfoot East – 3 turbines – decision of Clack Council is awaited. Greenscares under appeal with the DPEA – MB Nothing new to report
7. Projects.
a. Town Centre & A9 Grade Separated Junction. EMcK, had to leave the meeting early accordingly it was agreed to carry this item forward
b. Victoria Park & Core Paths.
(1) Football Pitch. Greenspace are meeting McNabs next week. Fence to be removed. Primrose FC are having to pay £150 per week to hire the astro turf pitch at the school, this is not ideal and the work needs to be completed asap.
(2) Feasibility Study. Expected October 2017 – still awaited
8. Auchterarder BID – See above
9. Community Empowerment/Local Action Partnership. Minutes of the SSAP meeting on 25 July, the agenda for the meeting on 26 September and the SSLAP have been distributed. No feedback received yet.
10. Financial Report. MB advised no money had been spent since the previous meeting. therefore bank balance remains at £2,465.
11. District Matters.
(a) Aberuthven. Good news. Village Shop has applied for funding, part of the Village Hall to be turned into a HUB/Community Centre
(b) Glendevon. MB.
(1) 40mph Speed Limit to the north of Glendevon – PKC have been asked to forward a copy of the reportfollowing the recent traffic survey – awaited
(2) Footbridge, Glenquey Moss. No change from previous minutes.
(3) Glendevon Community Trust. Report received from Senscot Legal – theirrecommendations are currently being considered
12. AOCB.
a. Community Council Members.
(1) MB
i. NHS Tayside Public Meeting – Tuesday 7th October, Royal George Hotel, Perth, 7pm – find out more about the proposal for the future provision of services at PRI
ii. Scottish Government’s Making Places initiative – e-mail received from PKC and shared with all
iii. Provision of ADCC Accounts to Perth & Kinross Council. Received e-mails from PKC asking for our independently examined annual accounts.
(2) DH(Submitted a report, presented to the meeting by MB)
i. DH will attend the next meeting of the Strathearn & Strathallan AreaCommunity Partnership (SSACP) on 28/9/17 as a representative of ADCC and FOAH. Will circulate a note following the meeting of any significant matters
ii. Neuro Central – A new initiative in the town. It is aimed at advancing the health of people living with neurological conditions through the provision of a complete wellbeing programme offering complementary therapies (Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Relaxation), Exercise & Yoga, Counselling, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy and others. The Auchterarder group has established itself with around 35 people. It meets in the St Margaret’s Hospital Annex on the second Wednesday of the month between 7pm & 9pm. DH is trying to get the group linked into the care professionals that attend the SSACP.
(3) AK
i. Significant build-up of mud at the Spar bus-stop due to heavy rain – looks like a drainage channel is blocked. TG will take forward.
b. Local Councillors.
(1) CR - Amendment to train timetable (probably May 2018) will see anhourly train service to Glasgow from Gleneagles
(2) TGadvised next Council Meeting is taking place in theKinross/Loch Leven campus – the meeting moves around the area
c. Members of the Public
Future of Parkdale Care Home–The Owner/Editor of the Lang Toon Timesasked that ADCC write in response to the consultation to recommend that Parkdale remains open. CR agreed that this was a valuable resource and it contributes to other aspects of patient care as well as getting patients out of hospital. The meeting agreed we would write toPKC recommending that Parkdaleremains open. MB to action
Meeting closed at 9.02pm
Date of Next Meeting – Thursday, 26October 2017, Council Chambers, Aytoun Hall, 7pm