1. Present: Cllrs. Pike (Chairman), Aldridge, Duggan, Foster, Gill, Mattick, Morgan, Pickford, Rideout, Thwaites and Travis.
Apologies: MDCllrs John and Rachel Carter. PCSO Housley.
2. Public Participation (open to anyone, whatever their age): None
3. Minutes of the Previous Ordinary Meeting: The minutes were agreed as a true record and signed accordingly.
4. Ongoing & Matters Arising:
a) Affordable housing in Parsonage Lane: Now going through.
b) Traffic Safety at Lynch Hill: Cllr Duggan had reported on the meeting with Somerset CC engineers. At the meeting it was intimated that a footpath project going SW out of the village was feasible at a cost of £120,000 but it was now down to the SCC Health & Safety. Jason Hill had said the scheme was progressing.
c) Police Report: In written report: 13/3 vehicle broken into in the Redan area, items removed. 29/3 small wheeled bike found burnt out in the Greenditch lane area.
d) Signposts: The clerk reported that he had asked for two more to be done.
e) Footpaths: Cllr Pickford had spoken on the need to get volunteers for the local adopt-a-path scheme.
f) Station Mead Play Area: MDC still investigating decommissioning. It was suggested that perhaps some people might not want it decommissioned. A period of consultation was proposed, including an article in the next newsletter. Re the green areas at Carters Way, Pines Close and Station Mead the clerk reported that it may be possible to transfer them from MDC to the PC but that there would be expenses involved. Clerk to investigate making them into Community Assets as a possible alternative strategy. Clerk to chase Ian Munday, who has hinted that there may be another way of making them safe.
g) Wells Road sign: Awaiting response from enforcement officer.
h) Taylor Wimpey: Re education money, the clerk confirmed that it would be going to the school. Re 106 play area. Clerk to find out the procedure for the PC to acquire the money.
i) Complaints procedure: Cllr Pike has produced a document to be voted on at next meeting. Clerk to run it by SALC.
j) Flags: Cllr Pickford reported that the flag had not gone up during March. Cllr Pike to contact Shaun Maundrill.
k) Co-option: The clerk had reported that David Richardson-Aitken was interested but not at this moment in time because of work commitments. Other interest has been sought through the newsletter.
l) Parsonage Lane: Re the splay at the top of the lane. Cllr Aldridge to talk to local resident. Re traffic, clerk to write to Highways about the possibility and price of a pinch point.
m) The Redan: Clerk reported that the parking issue was being dealt with.
n) Coop: Clerk reported that Highways had said that closing off the road was not feasible.
o) Bennel bus sign: Clerk said he had reported it. So far nothing has been done.
5. Committee reports: The Old Rec – Cllr Mattick getting quote for clearing the upper ponds. Cllr Rideout said they were still waiting on the lottery grant but they should hear in the next month. No deposit on the play equipment but you have to pay within 30 days. Sports field – Cllr Morgan said the minutes were just out. Speedwatch – Cllr Morgan asked Cllr Pike if he could get the gun back. Clerk to find the costs of the smiley face speeding signs. Website – Cllr Morgan said that he had met Peter Tater of the VHMC who said that they had no problems with WiFi in the village hall so long as the VHMC didn’t have to pay costs. Clerk to contact Connecting for Somerset to investigate start-up costs. Cllr Gill investigating website addresses said he needed ISP contact details. Clerk to find out. Village Hall – Cllr Pickford reported on the village hall buying new chairs. The PC agreed to pay for four new ones at a total cost of £208.
6. T.J.Coles Fund: There was a discussion about the meaning of the legal details, with no definite conclusion. Cllr Aldridge to get clarification and report back to next meeting about the status of the Stockhill graveyard and who is responsible for it.
7. Eileen Gould benefit: This has been set for 30/4. Cllr Mattick said that the Holy Cow would provide the food. Chris North needs to be consulted about food and drink.
8. Skate Park: Cllr Pickford reported that she had spoken to Margaret Pugh who said that she cleared up after every school holiday. Letter from the sports committee suggesting that the skate park should be removed. It was suggested that it could go down the Old Rec. The PC decided that since there was no real knowledge about usage, there should be a period of consultation. Clerk to put it on the website. Cllr Morgan to put it on Facebook. Clerk to put it on the agenda for June. Clerk to write to Margaret Pugh and Giles Harrod explaining what was happening.
9. Earmarking reserves: It was agreed that the reserves should be earmarked accordingly. £10,000 on the Old Rec, £1,000 on the Ponds, £2,000 on the small play area and £5,000 on the pavement.
10. Litter pickers: Cllr Foster updated the volunteer list for the village clear up on 16/4.
11. Planning Applications: No plans.
Subcommittee: (a) 2016/0466 Work on TPO Ash tree. Five Oaks, Wells Road. Recommend approval. (b) 2016/0506 Work on TPO Ash tree. 3 Carters Way. Recommend approval. (c) 2016/0548 New two storey side extension. Vigar House, 1 Vale View Broadway. Recommend approval.
12. Planning Decisions: (a) 2016/0093 Single storey rear extension. Hillcrest, Wells Road. Approved with conditions. (b) 2014/1402 Ten new affordable homes. Land off Lewis Close. Approved with conditions.
13. Accounts:
14. 961 – Mendip Community Transport - donation - 100.00
962 – M. Rigby - reimbursements - 26.52
15. 963 – M. Rigby - Clerk’s salary - 269.40
16. 964 – Post Office (HMRC) - Clerk’s tax - 67.20
17. 965 – Community Council for Somerset - membership - 40.00
18. 966 – CPRE - membership - 36.00
19. 967 – Primrose - Grasscutting - 150.00
20. 968 – Journal - Advert - 13.94
21. 969 – LGRC - training - 72.00
22. 970 – VHMC - hall rental - 45.00
23. 971 – TPM - newsletter printing - 773.23
Precept has arrived. £1,050 from newsletter adverts.
14. Correspondence: Email form Martin Stanford on various matters. Speedwatch, Cllr Morgan said he was doing as he could with limited volunteers. Cllr Gill volunteered to join the group. Poppy wreaths, the PC agreed they should be removed by the end of February. Pill box, Cllr Mattick said he would spray the area in the summer. Drains, ongoing problem. Hedge from the Hollies, high enough for a double decker bus. Beer festival, parking has been organised on a farmer’s field. Mud at the entrance to the old rec, grass will start growing shortly. Old Rec safety checks, Cllr Mattick says he does these on a regular basis. Footpath monitoring, two councillors presently help. Railing on the Pitchings, clerk to notify SCC footpath officer. Clerk to reply.
15. Any Other Business: Cllr Foster said that Chilcompton Celebrates still had money for village projects, people should apply to her. Cllr Foster reported flytipping on the unofficial path that goes just below the old station. Clerk to report. Cllr Pickford said that the footpath between the Street and Parsonage Lane needed strimming and the wooden stile on the Street side was unsafe. Clerk to report. Cllr Pickford said that accurate information should be brought to PC meetings. Cllr Travis said that double yellow lines could be extended round to the entrance of the Co-op. Clerk to contact Highways. Cllr Duggan said that six grey barrels were being put out on Broadway Close in order to stop people parking. Clerk to report to the police. Cllr Rideout said that recycling trucks were going up Somer Lea and then reversing in such a way that they had destroyed about a metre of grass on the corner. Clerk to write to Somerset Waste ccing the district councillors. Cllr Mattick said that there were pot holes again at the end of Tunnel Lane. Clerk to report. Cllr Pike said that he had been approached by neighbouring parish councils to go to a meeting about the White Post development – Cllrs Pike and Morgan to attend.
16. Date of next meeting: This was fixed for Wednesday 11th May 2016. Planning Meeting on Wednesday 27th April 2016.
17. Close: The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.48pm.
Signed...... Date...... Witnessed......