Wednesday 20th January 2016
ChairmanLt. Col. N de Foubert
Vice Chairman/Membership SecretaryLt. Col. G Southwell
SecretaryMr. P Smith
Welfare OfficerMr. J Swindlehurst
Area Poppy OrganizerMr. G Jones
Branch MemberMr. M Pattenden
Branch MemberMrs. P Jones
2. Apologies
PresidentBrig AJM Durcan
TreasurerMrs.M Hughes
Branch MemberMaj. N Estlick
Branch MemberRevd. D Acor
Branch MemberLt Col R Everard
Branch MemberMr. T Pryor-Jones
Branch MemberMr. C Burden
Branch MemberMr. R Hughes
Branch MemberMrs. P Gamble
Branch MemberMr. R Gamble
Branch MemberMr. N Darg-Forsytrh
Branch MemberMrs. J Darg-Forsytrh
Branch MemberMrs. J Swindlehurst
3. Exhortation
The Exhortation was read by the Vice Chairman and a respectful silence was observed.
4. Meeting Opened
The Chairman opened the meeting at 19:30hrs by welcoming all present.
5. Treasurer Report
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSBalances at 12th January 2015:
Current account£292.96
Social account£2,272,73
Stock £6.87
The Curry Lunch income after expenses was £491.66 and the Drinks party cost was £359.89 giving a profit of £131.77.
The Dunkirk club was given a donation of £100.00 on Remembrance Sunday, so the net increase in funds in the Social account was £31.77.
There is also £6.87 bar stock remaining.
6. Membership Report
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSThe Membership Secretary gave the following report:
The Database says we have 90 branch members.
10 branch members have not still paid their annual subscription, although reminder letters have been sent out, if not paid up by 31st March, these 10 will no longer be branch members.
2 x members (Gemma & Lucy Gamble) have resigned.
1 x new member who is currently serving has joined during this period.
7. Welfare Committee Report
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSJohn Swindlehurst & Tony Pryor-Jonesregularly visit Camelot House in Amesbury and continue to support those ex-servicemen/women residing there, it was confirmed that all residents visited were well.
Col P Tustin keeps an eye on ex-servicemen/women residing at Amesbury Abbey.
There are other retirement homes in the area, but Tony advised the RBL were not welcome.
8. Poppy Appeal
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSGlyn Jones advised that funds were still coming in.
An additional £179.92 had been raised, giving a total for the 2015 -2016 fundraising year of £11,920.61
A donation of £200 was presented to the Branch by Paul Horrobin who is the Chairman of the Amesbury Pub Watch.
Battle plan for 2016:
The Campaign is licensed to take place from 29th October to 12th November, with this in mind there will be a two pronged approach:
- Small box’s will be distributed around the town from Friday 28th, cashing up as per 2015.
- Manned trays at key locations on Sat 29th October, then 10th to 12th November
9. Appointment of Treasurer
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSThe Chairman advised that the branch was looking for a new Treasurer, as there were no volunteers, it was agreed that Margaret Hughes would remain treasurer, Ian Hurrell would look after the accounts & Paul Smith would present the report at branch meetings
10. Remembrance Parade-2015
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSGlyn Jones is now in post as Parade Coordinator, he advised it would follow last year’s format, planning in progress, no known issues.
Glyn also advised he was going to see if it would be possible to get a drummer to join the parade. / Glyn Jones
11. Any Other Business
SUBJECT / ACTION / REMARKSRemembrance Curry Lunch Sunday 13th November
It was confirmed that 32 Regiment Royal Artillery would be charging £8 per head to provide the curry lunch in 2016, when the hall charge is added it is feared that the ticket price for the coming year will need to increase.
It was suggested that Amesbury Tandoori may be able to offer a cheaper solution, based on 100 seats, Paul to liaise with Amesbury Tandoori:
- 2 x meat curry
- 1 x Vegetarian curry
- Rice
- Poppadum’sRelish
- Desert – Lychees & cream
Cocktail Party
The event was deemed to be successful & we should look to repeat it in 2016,
A vote was taken & the result was a unanimous decision that the event should be planned.
The event will take place on Friday 18th November at Wyndham Hall, Gerry to book.
The George Hotel
There is going to be a change of ownership in the George Hotel, we need to confirm that bookings made for 2016 will be honored
Amesbury Carnival
Glyn jones advised that the branch would be manning a pitch at the carnival (18th June) & would be supported by Pauline Jones who would be arranging the raffle, any other thoughts to Glyn.
Coin Counting
Gerry requested the branch purchase a cash counting machine at a cost of £125, Glyn agreed to discuss funding with Fi Dobson at county. / Paul Smith
Gerry Southwell
Glyn Jones
19. Date of Next Meeting
The next “Branch” meeting will take place on, Wednesday 27thApril2016 at 1900hrs for 1930hrs in The George Hotel.
There being no other business the Chairman closed the meeting at …20:40hrs……
CHAIRMAN:- “Is it your wish that these Minutes are recorded as being correct?”
Approved / Not Approved
Date:- …………………………………………….