Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held at the Fairford Leys Centre
at 8pm on Thursday 2nd March, 2017
Present: Cllrs Cole (Chairman), Lambert, Jarvis, Poland, David, Wilde, Minton
Keith Gray (Clerk to the Council).
2 Residents C Lambert (Bucks Herald)
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairman or Clerk
RESOLVED: To receive and accept apologies for absence from Cllr R Harper (illness),
Cllr Baughan (work commitment) and Cllr Pattinson (family commitment).
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest
To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)
To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
· Declaration of Interest was made by Cllr Cole on agenda item 12 Planning Application for 4 Dalwood Mews as the applicant is a neighbour.
3. Minutes of the Previous Full Council Meeting 2nd February, 2017
RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 2/2/17 as a true record.
4. Clerk’s Report
To receive a report from the Clerk on matters dealt with and taking forward.
· The clerk has circulated and copied all correspondence on a number of maters of interest to all councillors. The revised Ernest Cook Trust Guidelines were issued.
RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders to allow questions from the public and any reports from councillors
5. Questions from the Public & Reports
· The Chairman of Aylesbury Junior Football Club addressed the council on the arranged junior football tournament to take place on the Fairford Leys football pitches.
· Resident raised concerns about the proposed Hs2 works traffic and asked for clarification on how the site traffic would be entering the works areas and would it affect Fairford Leys roads. The Chairman have some information on the proposed works and access routes but nothing could be confirmed until the site was in place and the traffic monitored. The parish council would be taking a keen interest in how the works traffic affected Fairford Leys and will be prepared challenge any negative impact on the village roads, causing problems for residents.
· Resident clarified the recent concerns raised about the roundabout on Coldharbour Way/Great Meadow Way entrance and stated that the issues were of noise pollution rather than overgrown planting. She also raised concerns about the state of the footpath and trees on Monks Path. These matters have been reported and works are expected to take place to cut back the trees and repair the footpath.
· Cllr Jarvis reported on a matter she had been discussing with a resident of Hickman Street in relation to management company and land insurance. The clerk also reported that he was aware of the issues of concern and had been in correspondence before with residents on this matter. Further information would need to be obtained and a discussion with Taylor Wimpey on the land transfer would need to be clarified with AVDC. Cllr Cole was asked to raise this with AVDC officers working on the riverine corridor/land transfer to Coldharbour Parish Council.
· Cllr Steven Lambert (Bucks County Council)
The Bill received Royal Assent on 23rd February. Not once ever, not even in committee stages, has our MP voted against this scheme. In the Bucks Herald he said - “This result is clearly disappointing but not altogether unsurprising. The scale of the majority in the Lords was bigger than in the House of Commons. It's not a day most people locally will want to cheer and look back on fondly but we can't say it was unexpected.”
I am utterly dismayed that our MP didn’t vote against the scheme, as I have campaigned against and voted against it at every opportunity I have had. I have though achieved a lot supporting the Parish Council and our community in developing mitigation plans and understanding the impacts on our village.
My sessions in front of the House of Lords and House of Commons committees for the Parish Council, myself and others, has also ensured that the community voice of Fairford Leys has been heard and understood. No doubt the Parish Council will consider what action it wishes to take in communicating its dismay to our MP.
I attended a County Councillor briefing two weeks ago, to be briefed on how the County will be responding the to work package requests (such as road diversions or closures, planning consent matters, environmental mitigation works etc.) from HS2. What is clear is that the role of the County Council has now changed to one of implied consent with a legal requirement to assist in the delivery of the scheme. This means that while they have to agree to the works being carried out, they still have a great deal of influence
HS2 are now modelling the extra traffic into and through Fairford Leys as well as on the A418 Oxford Road. We are anticipating preparation and investigation works to start later this year.
I am as ever, more than happy for residents to contact me by email for updates and to raise issues or concerns when preparation works start and of course during the construction phase.
Bucks CC Council Tax:
The full council on 17thFeb wasthe budget debate. The proposal was for a1.99% basic increase plus the 3% Adult Social Care precept, taking the increase on the Bucks CC part of the Council Tax to 4.99%.The budget also includes £100k for an AylesburyWellbeing project, which I have long campaigned for.
The scheme will greatly enhance the support tor families in the Aylesbury area and will operate the same way as the Chesham Wellbeing project and is recognising the demographic pressures of the town. This will be subject to a rigorous business case
Names for the new gritters
After a long and hardworking career Buckinghamshire's gritters Salty, Daisy and Snowdrop have retired. In their place, we welcome three new gritters, all named by local Buckinghamshire residents.
Armed Forces Day Saturday 17 June at Aylesbury Rugby Club.
It's a great opportunity to get involved and support our Armed Forces community. There's lots of different roles and if you'd like to find out more about volunteering, please get in touch with the Civic and Ceremonial Services Team by emailing
Board Member Vacancy Chilterns Conservation Board:
The Chilterns Conservation Board is seeking a passionate and committed individual to be appointed as a Secretary of State Member. Secretary of State Members play an important role overseeing the management of the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
They provide leadership and strategic input, at a non-executive level, to the Board which works to ensure the delivery of benefits to the nation and local communities.
For further information about becoming a Secretary of State Board Member and to view the candidate pack and apply, go to: https://publicappointments.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/appointment/board-member-national-park-authorities-and-area-of-outstanding-natural-beauty-aonb-conservation-boards/
Closing date for applications is 22 March 2017 at 12 noon. For more information contact Kate Fouracre, Public Appointments Team on 0208 0266757 or
Network Rail
East West Rail Western Section, Phase 2 letter/briefing note was copied to all parish councillors regarding information on the full land referencing exercise due to start later this month.
· Cllr Andrew Cole (Aylesbury Vale District Council)
Domiciliary Care Home:
Following an incident at Wrens Path on the 8th Feb where the police were called to attend, I called an emergency meeting with the home manager to review the issue. I am happy that the home and police have dealt with the incident and are putting in measures to prevent this from happening again.
I have also liaised with the resident and will continue to keep the council informed. I would like to stress that this is the first time the police have been called to this home for a disturbance in over a year.
I have had a number of trees reported to me that need trimming back, some of these will come under the rolling adoption of the riverine corridor and the details have been sent on to the developers. Some come under the green buffer zone which have been reported to AVDC and the others are the responsibility of Bucks CC again these have been reported.
I have been advised that the pathway on Monks Path needs attention as it floods in front of a resident’s house. After investigation, this path seems to be the responsibility of Bucks CC and not part of the riverine corridor. Again, Bucks CC have been made aware of this issue and I will continue to monitor it.
RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders.
6. Co-option of Councillor
To consider applications for the position of co-opted councillor.
Application was received from Mrs S James, resident of Fairford Leys.
RESOLVED: That Mrs S James be appointed as a co-opted member of Coldharbour Parish Council until term of office ends in 2019.
7. Decisions by the Resources & Personnel Committee, Leisure Committee & Youth Services Committees
Council is asked to receive and approve the minutes & decisions of the above Standing Committees. Minutes of the committees have been copied to all councillors.
RESOLVED: To receive and accept all decision as agreed in minutes from Committees.
8. Finances and Orders for Payment
To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders for payment:
· Jones & Cocks Maintenance £98.46
· Cllr Sally Pattinson CN Expenses £20.00
· Erica Miller Christmas in Square Event 2016 £40.00 Sax Quartet
· Haddenham G Centre Trees for Dalwood Mews Garden £84.93
RESOLVED: To receive, accept and agree the monthly financial report and Bank Reconciliation Statement & Cashbook dated 31/1/17 from the Finance Officer
9. Riverine Corridor Transfer
To receive any updates on the land transfer of the Riverine Corridor – First Tranche.
To make necessary decisions in relation to the transfer.
The clerk reported the following information to council and concerns were expressed on the delay this has caused to the land transfer. Expressions of concern have been made to AVDC officers by Cllr Cole.
· 17th Feb – TDS advised documentation awaited from their Contractor before agreed works can be scheduled (dates to be advised)
· 17th Feb – HB Law submitted the revised Transfer Plan to the Land Registry and chased TW Legal for outstanding responses to queries from October 2016
· w/c 20th Feb – TW Solicitor on leave
· 24th Feb – HB Law advise the Land Registry results still show the Transfer Plan includes land which is within AVDC’s Title plus some unregistered land so the Plan remains unacceptable at present. The Land Registry do not show the extent of this land unless more detailed results are requested (cost £1200). Dean sent a further email to Molara yesterday to try and resolve. HB Law chased TW Legal again for a response to the other outstanding queries.
10. MVAS
To receive a report form Cllr Wilde.
The latest speed check showed 1 x high speed of 80mph at 12pm on 22.2.17 on Coldharbour Way, leading to the Oxford Road roundabout. Most speeds recorded are within the speed legal limit of 40mph.
11. Planning Working Group
Proposal from the Clerk that a Planning Working Group be established to gain a better understanding of the planning process and can advise Council on the specifics of Development Control as well as the ECT Covenant Permission / Development Guidelines for Fairford Leys.
The proposal does not remove the statutory decision making/comments to AVDC of the Full Council in planning matters or the ECT Covenant Permission decision making.
· Membership to be at least 3 Councillors
· Rules regarding declaration of interests would still apply to any Planning Working Group member which would disqualify them from the decision-making process but also, as a way of good practice and transparency, remove them from any discussions in the working group on any application they have declared an interest in.
· To look, in depth, at all planning applications received by the Council.
· To make comment to Full Council on each application in line with the Ernest Cook Trust Guidelines as well as AVDC Development Control.
· Full Council to continue to make the decision on whether to have No Objection, Object or Support a planning application or ECT Covenant Permission application
· All Councillors would still be expected to make themselves aware of the applications and not rely solely on the advice, and comments, from the Planning Working Group before final decision.
· The Working Group Members/Councillors to be Planning Application and ECT Covenant Permission delegated decision makers during any absences of Full Council Meetings to support the Clerk in meeting AVDC timescales and assisting residents on urgent matters for decision and also to make decisions on planning and covenant applications, especially during the Council’s January & August recess.
RESOLVED: That a Planning Working Group be established and that Terms of Reference be proposed by the Clerk.
RESOLVED: Members of the working group to be agreed at the council’s meeting in April, 2017.
12. Planning Applications
· To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning
· To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.
· To consider Ernest Cook Trust Permission on all planning applications
· To note and formally agree decisions/comments made under delegated authority
17/00478/APP 9 Chalford Way, FL
Two storey rear extension
The parish council requests that planning officers investigate the concerns around parking facilities, there are facilities for parking for this property, as every property on Fairford Leys has parking facilities. The negative impact on neighbouring properties in relation to light blockage (see design statement which shows it does not meet the 45-degree angle requirement) and the overall negative impact on the street scene.
The Parish Council has REFUSED Ernest Cook Trust Covenant Permission for this proposed build/change to the property.
17/00037/APP 4 Dalwood Mews, FL
Single storey rear extension and conversion