MINUTES of a meeting of the COMMUNITY STRATEGY REVIEW PANEL, held on Wednesday 8 December in the Stort Room
Members of the Panel
K Emsall (Chairman), J Taunton, B Hammond, J Metcalf, C White
Executive Member in attendance M Janes
J Pryor, K Shephard, F Breaker-Rolfe and D Hughes
- Terms of Reference
Added to 2.3 of the Terms of Reference – ‘LSPs are to take an overview of LPSA 2 development.’
- District Community Strategies
The Panel noted that the development of district level community strategies and LSPs reflected different responses to local circumstances. The strategies themselves were much more complex than Appendix A (which set out the relationship of their themes to the Herts Together themes) suggested. There were also differences in HCC Member representation on district LSPs and the panel asked for details of which Members attended and also which other organisations or groups were represented. The list could also show whether CSO support was part or full time.
The Panel agreed that it was important that they contribute to and support this process rather than to sit in judgement of District Strategies.
There was a feeling that in some LSPs, it was a case of the County Council versus the rest of the Partnership, with the question of resourcing Action Plans being high on the agenda. In other areas, members reported a much more consensual approach.
The Panel noted that the involvement of HCC service managers varied across the ten LSPs and that a lack of engagement can lead to missed opportunities. Members requested further information on the different levels of engagement and noted that the Director of Environment is to meet with CSO’s and Lead Officers to seek ways to resolve this issue.
It was asked if there was any benefit in the Panel having a report on the strengths and weaknesses of LSPs. The Panel agreed that the information could be obtained from CSOs and Lead Officers.
- Herts Together Action Plan
Fiona Breaker-Rolfe gave the Panel an overview of the Herts Together Draft Action Plan. There was concern amongst some Panel Members that the ‘actions’ appear to be objectives, that the plans lacked consistency and that the terms used needed defining Health is also an area where the Partnership needs strengthening and the ACS Board has identified a way in which this can be strengthened. Effective parenting needs to be built into the Investing in Young People Plan. The current consultation period ends on 25 January 2005, and changes will be made by the theme leads will be reported to the Board in March 2005.
There was concern that there is not sufficient Member understanding of the HT Action Plan. It was felt that a brief guide to Herts Together would be useful for Members, as would a seminar on community partnerships linked to LPSA(2). There are plans to hold such an event after the elections.
One Member pointed out that there was no information in the resources section of “Building a Prosperous and Inclusive Society”. This was noted and will come from other organisations programmes such as Business Link and the Learning and Skills Council.
The Panel asked if there was any Member involvement in the Herts Prosperity Board. There is not, but John Wood has been invited onto the Board. It was agreed that John Wood should raise the issue of Member involvement with Caroline Tapster and with Tim Wilson Chair of Herts Prosperity. Some Members of the Panel felt that the perception that the county council is not pushing for economic development should be addressed.
The leads for each theme are:
Children and Young People – Andrew Wellington (Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnership)
Community Safety – Philip Winter (Crime and Reduction Disorder Partnership)
Environment – David Thorogood (Herts Environmental Forum)
Health – Tim Theaker (Strategic Health Authority)
Prosperity – Adam Wood (Herts Prosperity and John Pryor ECDU)
Health is also an area where the Partnership needs strengthening and the ACS Board has identified a way in which this can be addressed.
- ODPM Consultation on Ten Year Vision for Local Government
Members noted the current discussion on the future of local government, and agreed that as there were no specific proposals on which to comment at this time, the Panel should at this stage keep a watching brief on the national scene in the context of its community strategy remit.
It was noted that the LGA County Councils’ Network Executive would be considering this issue in January.
- LPSA (2) – Second Generation
Keith Shephard has been seconded to ECDU to project lead on this item.
The Panel supported the thrust of the proposal being put to the Herts Together Board on 14 December, and noted that part of Keith Shephard’s role in leading this project is to secure the interests of the county council, consistent with the desire to achieve a partnership approach.
An event for Members will form part of the LPSA development, and reporting lines will include this Panel (to be reflected in the terms of reference) as well as other internal bodies, including Cabinet.
The Executive Member thanked the Panel for their contribution and support.
Fiona Breaker-Rolfe will be standing down as Project Manager of Herts Together on 17 December 2004. David Hughes will be picking up on this work. Fiona was thanked for her involvement in the project.
- Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 1 March, 9.30am, Committee Room C.
Lead Officer:John Wood x25200
Administrator:Anna Morton x25302