American Vaulting Association

Minutes of a Meeting of the Board of Directors

July 28, 2006

City of Industry, CA

President Nancy Stevens-Brown called the meeting to order at 7PM.

Roll Call:

Board Members attending: Jessica Ballenger, Carol Beutler, Charles Bittenbring, Carolyn Bland, Merry Cole, Priscilla G. Faulkner, Katie Flannagan, Sydney Frankel, Susan Frankel, Connie Geisler (also Region I Supervisor), Rick Hawthorne, Virginia Hawthorne, Devon Maitozo, Nancy MacIsaac, Yossi Martonovich, Marianne Rose, Emma Seeley, Sue Smith, Bob Weber.

Executive Board members attending: Nancy Stevens-Brown (President), Kelley Holly (Executive VP), Jennifer Williams (Secretary), Jan Garrod (Treasurer), Sheri Benjamin (VP Development), Amy McCune (VP Membership), Patty Littmann (VP Competitions) and Noel Martonovich (VP Education and Region IV Supervisor).

Regional Supervisors (not previously named) attending: Teresa Keville (Region II), Penny Maydak (Region III), Rosie Brown (Region IV), Jan Weber (Region IX), Karen Rach (Region X).

Approval of the Minutes:

Resolved (Beutler/Rose): Approve the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of March 4, 2006.


Ballot Committee:

The following Ballot Committee was presented for approval:

Jodi Rinard, Mile High Vaulters, Region IV; Alison Geischen, Vaulting Visions, Region IX; Bonnie Kuki, Mt. Rainier Vaulters, Region III; Shari Stapleton-Smith, Mt. Eden Vaulters, Region II; Ginny Ondaro, Tambourine Vaulters, Region II.

Resolved (Bittenbring/Weber): Approve the ballot committee.


2006 Budget Report

AVA Treasurer Jan Garrod reports the AVA in sound financial condition, with a total of $110,000 in accounts. This balance includes $51,000 invested in CDs.

For the year to date, the AVA is $38,684 ahead of budget, having not yet paid expenses for the National Championships or for some committees.

It should be noted that the AVA did not achieve the budgeted sums for Nationals and Membership.

Resolved (Rose/Holly): Approve the AVA Budget and Accounts Report as presented.

2007 Budget Report

Treasurer Jan Garrod presented the 2006-2007 budget. This budget runs approximately $3000 in deficit. It is predicated upon expectations of a profitable nationals in Denver and on reduced expectations for membership – although more membership is expected than was achieved in 2006.

Kelley Holly noted that the AVA may reasonably expect its insurance outlay to increase.

Resolved (Seely/Faulkner): Approve the 2006-2007 Budget (Seeley/Faulkner)

Doris Dyer Memorial Fund

The AVA has received a significant donation to establish the Doris Dyer Memorial Fund. The Fund is currently devoted to the benefit of the AVA Education Committee, especially horse training initiatives. These funds currently placed in a 4.5% investment fund with no withdrawal limitations. The Treasurer recommends placing these funds in a longer-term financial instrument in order to obtain a higher interest rate. The intent is to generate income for current use while preserving the principal.

Resolved (Flannagan/Cole): Honor the request of Del Dyer in authorizing the Treasurer to invest the funds in a high-interest-bearing, low risk account, subject to the approval of the Executive Board.

Executive VP

Technical Committee:

Technical Committee Chair Suzanne Detol reported that rule change proposals were received, including a proposal to clarify the post-competition paperwork requirements of Recognized Competitions. Another proposal concerned changes and clarification of the Event Membership rules. The technical committee recommends maintaining the Event Membership rules as written.

Jan Garrod observed that, as Competition Insurance is no longer available for Recognized Competitions, that insurance is no longer a factor in requiring memberships for competitions.

Resolved (Benjamin/Faulkner): Approve the recommendation of the technical committee to maintain enforcement of the membership rules as written. Approved with dissent.


USEF Report

Sara Ike, USEF Vaulting Director, reported that in 2006 the USEF budgeted $70,000 to Vaulting High-Performance. 90% of that was directed toward WEG competitors. Grants were made to the Team and Individuals. It was noted that the U.S.O.C. donated over $34,000 in airfare.

VP Membership

November 2006 Board Meeting

Resolved (Benjamin/Seely): In case a means cannot be found for an online Board meeting, the backup plan for the November board meeting shall be a multiple-session conference call.

March 2007 Annual Meeting

Rosie Brown presented information on 2007 Annual Meeting: March 1-4, 2007.

Rosie presented a proposal encompassing a larger agenda of training events and a charity benefit event. Board members emphasized the need to offer training opportunities for multiple levels of vaulters.

Resolved (Seely/Bittenbring): Approve the 2007 Annual Meeting venue as presented.

Discussion: perpetual awards

It was brought to the Board’s attention that the yearly shipping of the AVA’s perpetual awards imposes a financial burden on the recipients.

Resolved (Garrod/N. Martonovich): Awards committee to present a proposal at the next Board meeting to ameliorate the financial burden to award recipients of shipping the perpetual trophies.

Move of Kansas from Region X to Region IV

The Region IV Supervisor, Rosie Brown, recommends that affiliating Kansas with Region IV rather than Region X will better support the development of vaulting in Kansas. This move will not cause Region X to lose sufficient members to lose its right to elect its Regional Supervisor.

Resolved (Garrod/N. Martonovich) Pending the approval of the Region X Supervisor, move Kansas from Region X to Region IV.

VP Education

The education committee has sponsored several successful events this year, most notably the weeklong vaulting camp at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.

Discussion was raised about the importance of allowing practice time at competitions, especially National Championships. A subcommittee was proposed to examine the logistics of offering such practice time (e.g. staffing working the arenas, EMTs, time to prepare arenas for competition, etc). Those interested should participate in a subcommittee to examine logistics of offering practice time at competitions. This subcommittee was not established at this Board meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 9PM.

AVA Board of Directors July 28, 2006 Page 1 of 3