MINUTES OF A MEETING OF CLYST ST GEORGE PARISH COUNCILon12thOctober 2016 at 8pm Held in the Village Hall, Clyst St George
PRESENT: Cllr. M. Ackland-Smith (MAS)Cllr. J.Manser (JM), Cllr. P. Bragg (PB),Cllr R. Horner (RH), Cllr K.Dearsley (AD),Cllr. D. Baker, Mrs. C. Newbery (CN).6 Members of the Public.
- Apologies for absence–Cllr A. Meechan Cllr P. Bowden, Cllr M. Howe
- Minutes to Meeting 13 July – unanimous approval and duly signed.
- Declarations of interest- none
- Open Forum
1.Member of public 1 - had a planning issue with the Blue Ball Application to be discussed later under Planning. The owners had taken the opportunity to increase their income on rugby match days, and have abeer garden to the side of the car park.There was loud music played before and after a match. There were no extra toilet facilities provided, meaning that the public had to use the facilities inside the Blue Ball. This has gone ahead without consultation with the local residents and was causing a great deal of disruption and distress. There were also problems with the gravel exit which could cause problems with the Sandygate junction.
- Correspondence – Clerk Report
(a)Emails from member of public regarding the Construction Management Plan, referring to the problem with heavy lorries driving in the village – how many lorries were allowed – she thought it was one, but had been informed by Burrington Estates that they were allowed ten. The matter is ongoing – Planning at EDDC had been consulted and we were awaiting their response.
(b)Email from member of public saying that the phone lines and broadband not working efficiently. This matter has been dealt with.
(c)Email from member of the public referring to the speeding on the A376 and subsequent noise at Ebford. This matter is in hand, and Highways were aware of the situation and we were awaiting their response.
(d)Letter received reference Blue Ball planning application. This will be included under Planning.
(e)Letter from PCSO regarding speeding – this will be reported on by Cllr Ackland-Smith in Cllrs. Comments.
(f)We have now received the Boundary review.
(g) An invitation to the Exe Estuary Public consultation – 5thOct
(h) Diversion route notification from Devon Highways. This has been posted to our website.
(i)A letter was sent to Burrington Estates re lighting.
- County Councillor’s Report– none available
- District Councillor’s Report
Cllr Ackland Smith reported that Cllr Howe had nothing to report this month.
- Police Report
No crimes have been reported for the past month.
- Finance: Clerk to Report
I hope you have all had the opportunity to read the accounts. You will see that the second instalment of the precept was paid by EDDC on the lst September of £3072.50, which has made our bank balance healthier. I have put in a request to Lloyds Bank at Topsham for permission to open a secondary account for the Neighbourhood Plan money. They will be forwarding forms for signature for this account. We can then transfer the NP money into their own account which will give more clarity. The Clerk confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan funds of £1500 was included in the main balance on the accounts. Vote on Accounts – Unanimous.
- Telephone Box Conversion
This is ongoing – we received correspondence from EDDC Planning indicating that BT were intending to remove several telephone boxes from villages, including Clyst St George but giving details of how to apply direct to adopt a box. This was a time sensitive offer, which has been replied to. We are now awaiting their response, but do not expect to hear until end consultation period has expired on the 28th November 2016. Cllr Horner stated that he did not agree with Parish Council funds to be used for this proposal. He suggested that an organisation– the Nancy Potter Trust (of which he is a Trustee) –could be willing to fund this as a fitting memorial as there was, at present, no memorial in Clyst St George. Cllr Ackland Smith agreed that this would be a fitting memorial, and should be considered, although the proposals were still in their early stages.
- Parking on Clyst Road on Rugby Match Days –
Cllr Ackland-Smith enquired of Member of Public 1 whether there were any officers booking cars on the last match day. He replied that he saw some tickets on cars, but did not see any officers. None of the cars parked on the verges were ticketed. MAS thought it would be most helpful if the Parish Council could define which pieces of land were owned by themif any, because there were grey areas where Police do not know who owns the land. MAS suggested that this matter be given some consideration and we then go back tothe enforcement officers. DB suggested that we approach the Land Registry for confirmation of ownership. MAS also reported that the speeding and dangerous driving along Clyst Road had also been reported to the PCSO, and he is going to investigate. There had been requests for speed bumps but Cllr Bowden, when approached, indicated specific facts and figures needed to be produced.
- Councillors Reports
Cllr Bragg reported that Burrington Estates were proceeding well, and trying to keep everyone happy. They were sweeping up regularly. MAS confirmed the school had reported that they were happy with the situation.
Cllr Horner reported that there was overhang on the verges including the Pound, and the hedges had been trimmed. JM confirmed he had spoken to Plandscape regarding this, as Devon County Council were not now responsible. Cllr Horner also reported that a new rubbish bin had been placed in the village. MAS advised that the bin had beeninstalled to replace the bin outside the school. It was confirmed a further bin should be placed in the lay by.
Cllr Manser reported that the post had now been replaced for the Ebford sign. He wished to get the sign sandblasted to clean it up, and then would repaint it himself. MAS confirmed that this had already been sanctioned in a previous meetingand there was money in hand. Voted Unanimous to get quotation. To be discussed further.
Cllr Manser also reported the Neighbourhood Plan meeting was held on the 22nd September 2016. He is in correspondence with Paul Weston, and will be in discussionregarding the outcome.
Cllr Dearsley confirmed she had nothing to report. She considered that we now needed to employ a Consultant to move the Neighbourhood Plan along without delay.
Cllr Baker enquired whether the Blue Ball would require a Licence for the music entertainment, but it was confirmed they do not.
1.16/2077/FUL Blue Ball Inn, Sandygate, Exeter EX2 7JL – Retention of timber outbuilding for use as a bar.
DB reported that this application was for the retention of a timber outbuilding. Four objections had been received. Cllr Howe had also objected due to the noise and proximity to the road. MAS confirmed that Cllr Howe had also been approached by four residents. Cllr Bragg said he understood a hedge was to be put in. Cllr Horner considered the building was too close to the road, and would be an eyesore. Cllr Dearsley confirmed she was opposed to the application and supports the local residents, they had not been consulted and they had shown no duty of care to the residents. Cllr Manser thought it too close to the road, was an eyesore and should be more enclosed to keep the noise in. Cllr Ackland Smith reported that she had been approached by two families living close by. The building was structurally totally open, there were no facilities for customers. The application indicates it is not visible from the road, but it obviously is. She objects for the same reasons.
Vote: All agreed to object to the application.
2.16/2144/FUL Suncroft, Old Ebford Lane, Ebford EX3 0QP – Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 16/0476/FUL (construction of ground floor and first floor extensions and internal alterations) for the installation of new 1st floor window to bedroom three on the west elevation.
DB reported that this was a variation to put a first floor window to bedroom. It would be very well screened, there were no issues with original application. MAS confirmed that she had spoken to the owners, who felt the room was dark and needed more light. The owners hadspoken to the neighbours who appeared happy with the proposal. DB confirmed he had no issues with the application.
Vote: All agreed to support application.
3. 16/2116 Western Fields – Installation of 2 Air Pumps
JM stated that he thought there may be objection because this was reverse refrigeration. The noise generated would be no louder than a dishwasher, approximately 65decibels per unit. MAS considered it was far enough away not to bother anyone. The Planning Inspector had attended.
Vote: All agreed to support application.
Chairman – any questions:
Member of Public 1 – enquired whether there were any applications in hand for building on the A376 at Higher Lane. Cllr Manser reported that this was protected in the local plan.
The meeting closed at 9pm
The next Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 9th November 2016 at 8pm.