Minutes of a Meeting of Buckingham Park Parish Council
held at 8pm on7th July, 2015 in the Buckingham Park Community Centre,
Jubilee Square, Buckingham Park
Present: Cllrs Christensen (Chairman), Looker, Poth, Agoro
Mr K Gray (Clerk to the Council)
3 ResidentsCllr Mrs N Glover BCC (Apologies)
- Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairmanor Clerk
All Councillors present
- Declarations of Interest
To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest
To receive and agree any Dispensations
- No declarations made
- Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2/6/15
RESOLVED:To accept and sign the minutes of 2/6/15 as a true record.
- Clerk’s Report
To receive a report from the Clerk on matters dealt with and taking forward
on behalf of the parish council.
Nothing specific to report and no questions from councillors
RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reportsfrom councillors.
- Questions from the Public & Reports. To receive any reports from Parish, County and District Councillors.
- Resident asked questions about the ownership of the roads in BP and when these will be finished with a layer of tarmac. Details of the adoption process were explained.
- Cllr Poth reported that the flag pole was damaged and the top needed replacing. Also
He also reported difficulty of vehicles using Col Grantham Rd due to parked cars. He congratulated Mrs Jan Turner, and all those who assisted, in the arrangements for the BP Fair. It was a successful community event.
- Cllr Looker reported on flower beds/pathway route needing to be changed near the doctor’s surgery and Taylor Wimpey were aware of this. She also raised concerns about the parking of vehicles across BP.
- Cllr Christensen attended the AVDC Planning training event and recommended other councillors attend if they get the opportunity to do so. He reported that the BP Care Home has been nominated for a design award. Drug dealing has been reported to the police as well as an abandoned car near the pond.
RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders
- Co-opted Councillors
Council to agree any co-option applications received
To consider application from Mr M Brett, Mr L Whitlock, Mrs L Jones and Mr T Berry
RESOLVED: That Mr M Brett, Mr L Whitlock, Mrs L Jones and Mr T Berry be co-opted as Parish Councillors. Those present signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office.
- Developer Updates
To receive any updates from the Developers regarding adoption or maintenance
Another meeting is to be arranged with AVDC Officers, Chairman and Clerk of the Parish Council and Mr P Beattie (Taylor Wimpey). The Parks work is progressing and there will be an official opening arranged in due course.
- Park News
To review the arrangements for the publication of Park News and discuss the advertising rates. Discussion took place on the arrangements for the editing and management of the newsletter. Cllrs were asked to send in articles.
RESOLVED: Cllr L Jones to assist Cllr Looker with the management and editing of the newsletter.
RESOLVED: The advertisement fees are to remain the same and a review will take place in October 2015 of all advertisement fees.
RESOLVED: The distribution list to be reviewed and changed to incorporate all councillors
- Finances and Orders for Payment
RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders forpayment:
- Fresh Design & PrintPrinting£915.19
- AoNInsurance£3,221.04
RESOLVED: To receive and agree the Councils Financial statements, income / expenditure report presented by the Finance Officer and Clerk to the Council. All members updated on all matters relating to the councils finances.
- Bus Service
Council to consider the difficulties faced by the bus service and consider what, if anything, the parish council can do to assist the bus company.
The parish Council received complaints/concerns from the bus company about parked vehicles on BP causing access problems for the bus service. The contractors working on the estate are also being blamed for parking vehicles and causing obstruction to the bus service.
Cllr Christensen is to report and discuss the matter with the Works Site Manager.
- Planning Applications
To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning
Applications. To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.
All applications are sent to councillors electronically and cllrs should look at the AVDC website for details of all applications prior to decision at parish council meeting.
- 15/01810/APP4 Mallard Crescent, BP
Rear Conservatory
RESOLVED: No Objection
- PIZZA SHOP Planning Application and correspondence from Mr Denham (AVDC Planning Officer). RESOLVED: Cllr Christensen to discuss the matter further with Mr Denham and state the council’s concerns as previously mentioned in their comments issued to AVDC.
- To also raise concerns about excess parking in Jubilee Square if another take-away business is to be established. The owners to provide, manage and empty new litter bins in the square and the opening times to be set, as proposed, by AVDC.
There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05pm
Signed: ______Date: ______