1.PRESENT: Mr.Brown (Chairman), Dr.Cantwell, Mr.McNab, Mrs.Wilkes, Mr.Brett.Also Cty.Cllr. K.Crofton.. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Mr.Brown concerning Holbrooks Barn conversion. Apologies from Mr.Eccles & Mrs.Campbell.
2. MINUTES: Of10-7-17 were signed as correct.
3.1. NEW PLAY EQUIPMENT: The Clerk was to apply for an EHDC grant during Sept. He would email BE to ask if he had been successful with a grant from ‘Awards for All’.
3.2 INSURANCE: Zurich had quoted £61-76 to double the cover on the street lights. This was accepted. On the advice of KC the clerk would contact Benington concerning off loading all the lights to HCC. The APC lamp at Garden Field/Aston End Road had a damaged inspection plate. AC would advise the clerk if this were still the case.
3.3 REMEMBRANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: The minutes were agreed and SW would lay the Council wreath.
4. ASTON CONSERVATION AREA: It was thought the EHDC Meeting went well and was well attended. The APC views would be put together at the next meeting. SB would allocate which of the 49 points each member should consider.
5. CLERK’S REPORT: Was accepted. AC would accompany the clerk to the EH Town/Parish Conference. KC said there was a danger of evidence being contaminated if APC cleared fly tips. They should be dealt with by EHDC. The clerk was to contact the EHDC senior officer to see what could be done by APC.
P7/17 ROSE & CROWN – This was on the October EHDC Planning Committee agenda. Mr. Wright had recently discussed the application with SB.
P8/17 THE BARN, OAKS CROSS FARM – new gates – no comment.
P9/17 8 YEOMANS DRIVE – swimming pool – no comment.
P10/17 BOTELER SUITE, ASTON BURY -internal changes – no comment P11/17 HOLBROOKS FARM -Barn conversion – no comment
6.1 EAST HERTS PLANNING INQUIRY: It was agreed to attend and apply to participate to be questioned on the APC submission and question others if possible. SB would keep all informed.
7. IT ACCOUNT SUBSCRIPTION: It was agreed to fund the Say no to GP website for another year.
8. ACCOUNTS: The following cheques were presented for approval and agreed:-
Herbs Garden ServicesJuly & August Grasscutting£416-00
Walker Maintenance LtdWork on Hall Toilets1950-00
W.ProwleBookkeeping 30-00
Aston Cricket ClubUse of Pavilion 75-00
R.FalderClerks Salary 598-95
V.GraingerAston End lengthman’s salary 123-75
J.WarrenLengthman’s salary 389-90
L.Cooper3rd lengthman’s salary 192-00
EHDCPlay Equipment check 51-05
HMRCIncome Tax 205-40
Herts & Middx. Wildlife Trust Annual subscription 40-00
BDOAudit Fee 120-00
R.FalderMarch-Sept. Expenses 569-41
S.SypulaDomain Renewal 35-99
ZurichAdditional Insurance premium 61-76
9.PLAY EQUIPMENT REPORT: There was nothing which was above low or very low risk. The contents were noted.
10.ALLOTMENT LEASE: A new 3 year least between B.Biggs and APC had been drawn up by CB 7 JC. This was approved. There was now a need for a sublease between APC and the Allotment Association. CB would bring this to the November Meeting for approval.
11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: 11.1 CB handed the documents for the Village Field conveyance to the clerk which would be stored in the APC fire safe.
11.2 SB would invite Woodhall Estate to attend the November Meeting concerning their development proposals.
11.3 AC asked that the website be on the next agenda.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.00pm