PRESENTCllr Christina Edwardes (Mayor)

“ E.J Breeze

“ Mrs J. Crisp

“ P. Davies

“ Lady Hooson

“ Mrs A.M. Jones

“ Mrs S. Mills

“ Mrs A. Morgan

“ G. Morgan

“ P. Rees

“ G. Rowlands

“ Mrs P. Smith

“ J. Whittal-Williams

Temporary Clerk

Two members of the Public

One member of the Press

At 6.30 pm, the Trustees of the Community Centre, Mrs Mary Browning and Mr David Utting gave a brief presentation outlining the progress that has been made in the last 3 years and the future plans for the Centre. Presentation notes from both Trustees are attached to these minutes.

364/01APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Cllr Margot Jones, Town Clerk

364/02DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes.

Cllr Lynne Evans declared an interest in Agenda item 5(x) as she is a member of the Committee for the Millennium Garden.

Cllr Sian Mills declared an interest in Agenda item 5(ii) as an employee of Milwyn Jenkins & Jenkins.

Cllr Angela Morgan declared an interest in Agenda item 5(x) as a Chairman of the Llanidloes Garden Committee and Agenda item 13 as a Treasurer and Member of the Llanidloes branch of The Royal British Legion Women's Section.

Cllr Gareth Morgan declared an interest in Agenda item 5(iii) as a Patron of Montgomeryshire Music Festival, Agenda item 5(ix) as one of the Governors of Llanidloes Primary School, Agenda item 5(x) as his wife is a Chairman of the Llanidloes Garden Committee, Agenda item 13 as his wife is a Member and Treasurer of the Llanidloes branch of The Royal British Legion Women's Section and a personal interest as a member of Powys County Council.

Cllr Peter Rees declared an interest in Agenda item 4(ii) - Toilets at rear of Town Hall, as a member of the Toileteers and Agenda item 14 as his daughter is a gymnast.

Cllr Pam Smith declared an interest in Agenda item 16 - Closure of Llanidloes Visitor Information Centre - as a Director of L.L.A.N.I. Ltd.

364/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-

Minutes of Council meeting held on 23.07.12.

Page 1 Item 363/04 (iv) - Cllr Gareth Morgan suggested that the Town Clerk writes to the organisers of future events so that they are fully aware that Llanidloes Town Council accepts no responsibility in case of any accident.

True record.

Planning Panel meeting held on 28.08.12. True record

Planning Panel meeting held on 03.09.12.

Cllr John Whittal-Williams commented that there was no adequate time allowed to ask questions. Cllr Lady Hooson stated that the meeting was too hurried with no time for discussion. Cllr Christina Edwardes suggested that this should be put on the agenda for a future meeting.


Item 4(i) Benches - Cllr J Whittal-Williams stated that there are organisations in the town who could present a bench if they are made aware that benches are required. This is to be discussed at the next Finance Panel meeting. All agreed.

Item 4(ii) Toilets at rear of Town Hall - Cllr Christina Edwardes asked Cllr Rees if he should be speaking because he had declared an interest. A great deal of work has been undertaken in the last 6 weeks on this subject. This matter will be discussed at the next Environment Panel, providing there is not a great deal of work on the agenda, or a special meeting to discuss this matter.

Cllr Peter Rees stated that the update was factually wrong, as he did not ask for the money to be given to him and had no communication with the Town Clerk regarding this. He saw this as a personal attack, questioning his integrity and found it appalling. He requested that this is removed from the update, waving a cheque stating that this cheque was made out to the toileteers.

Cllr Christina Edwardes pointed out that this was the Clerks update, so that all Councillors know what has happened in the last six weeks and she assured them that there was no offence intended.

Reference the Electricity Survey - Cllr Rees stated that this was done without his knowledge and that he would have liked to have been there to verify the figures. He said that he was the tenant and is entitled to 7 days notice. Cllr Edwardes questioned if he was the tenant and Cllr Rees replied, "Yes".

Item 4(iii) Victoria Park - Cllr Christina Edwardes told Councillors that she would find out on Tuesday if the repairs to the fence have been done.

Item 4(iv) Bronglais Hospital - Cllr Christina Edwardes said that she hoped all Councillors were able to attend the meeting on September 28th, at 6.30pm.

Item 4(viii) Allt Goch Traffic Lights - Cllr Phyl Davies pointed out that the road was a nightmare with 8 buses a day using it and therefore the removal of trees should be done during the half term. Cllr J Whittal-Williams suggested that the Town Council ask Powys County Council if they would provide the traffic lights free of charge.

Item 4(ix) Town Hall - Cllr Pam Smith stated that the window downstairs, next to the Museum door has never been painted. Clerk to chase Mr Sneade to sort out the works.


i)Notification from Debra Jarvis on Wind Turbine planning consultations.


ii) Thank you e-mail from Chamber of Trade for receipt of £330 donation towards Hanging Basket appeal. Received.

iii) Thank you letter from Montgomeryshire Music Festival for receipt of donation of £100 towards County Festival. Received.

iv)Notification of “The worlds biggest Coffee Morning” from Macmillan Cancer Support. Received.

v) Advice of Debit from HSBC bank for monies paid to PWLB on 17th August, 2012. Received.

vi) Notification from OVW of training courses in the coming weeks. Received.

vii) Copy of “The Voice” from OVW. Received.

viii) Letter from PCC re members elected to Standards Committee. Received.

ix) Letter from Sue Gray at Llanidloes Primary School thanking the Town Council for a gift of £1000 to the school.

Cllr Mrs. A Morgan and Cllr G Morgan declared an interest and left the room. Cllr J Whittal-Williams stated that he was not aware of this donation and queried as to what the money was given for. Cllr Pam Smith said that this should be investigated. Cllr Sian Mills suggested to go back to the previous Finance Panel meeting to see what the money was given for. Cllr Christina Edwardes advised that she would need to get the file to find out the information.

x) Notification of receipt of Green Flag Award for the Millennium Garden.

Cllr Christina Edwardes congratulated Cllr Angela Morgan, Cllr Gareth Morgan and the Millennium Garden Committee on their achievement which is in recognition of all the hard work put in by all. Cllr J Whittal-Williams said that Llani had the biggest cheer at the awards presentation which took place on the first day of the Royal Welsh Show.

xi) Copy of the Good Councillors Guide 2012. Cllr Christina Edwardes advised that several copies of the Guide were available for Councillors to read through, paying particular attention to page 21.


It was agreed for this to be moved to the next Finance Panel meeting.

364/07TO RECEIVE ASSET REGISTER AS COMPLETED BY HENLLAN PROPERTY SERVICES. Cllr Christina Edwardes pointed out that this was a very important document and it should be looked through by all Councillors, one at a time.

364/08TO receive Consultation document “Your Health Your Future” from Hywel Dda Health Board and to receive a copy letter from Russell George to Chief Exec of Hywel Dda Health Board. Cllr Christina Edwardes advised that a public meeting had to be moved forward and that it will take place on the 19th of October at 6.30pm at the Community Centre.

364/09TO receive an invitation from Business 2 Nature for an event to be held on 9th and 10th October. Received.

364/10TO receive Agenda and Minutes from Montgomeryshire Local Council Forum. Received.

364/11TO receive from OVW, Motions for debate in the AGM on 13thOctober, 2012. Received. Cllr G Morgan enquired as to the venue for the AGM.

364/12TO receive a letter from a resident regarding rubbish left outside a workshop in Foundry Terrace. Cllr Christina Edwardes presented a photograph showing this. Cllr G Morgan wanted to know what activities were taking place at the workshop and suggested that the Town Council ask Mr W Davies to tidy it up. Cllr P Davies also suggested to have a word with Hafren Furniture. All agreed.

364/13TO receive a request from Royal British Legion. Cllr Mrs A Morgan and Cllr G Morgan declared an interest and left the room. The Council agreed to support it. All were in favour.

364/14TO receive a request from Llanidloes Gymnastics Club. It was agreed for this to be moved to the next Finance Panel meeting.

364/15TO receive a request from Bobath Childrens Therapy Centre Wales. It was agreed for this to be moved to the next Finance Panel meeting.

364/16TO receive notification of closure of Llanidloes Visitor Information Centre. Cllr Lady Hooson was of the opinion that the e-mails were not informative. Cllr Christina Edwardes explained that the e-mails were for information only. She also stated that the Visitor Information Centre was a great asset to the town and that it was a great pity it had closed. She hoped that visitors to the town will be able to get the required information. Cllr Lynne Evans advised that Llani Leisure on Long Bridge Street will increase its provision of tourism materials and are displaying a big poster in the window to that effect.

364/17TO DISCUSS request from Mr John Townsend, further to site meeting with Councillors, to purchase a small strip of ground adjoining 1 Idloes Terrace. Cllr G Morgan stated that the strip of land in question is of no use to anybody, that nobody uses the right of way and its value is minimal. He recommended that it was sold to Mr & Mrs Townsend for £1, but it would cost a lot more to effect the legal transfer. Cllr Morgan explained that Mr John Townsend's brother said he would carry out the legal work and it would be at no cost to the Council. However, the Town Council may wish to ask Milwyn Jenkins & Jenkins to look at the work at no fee. All were in favour.

364/18To discuss Post Box on Van Road. Cllr Whittal-Williams advised that he was approached by a member of the public who wanted to know when the post box will be replaced. Cllr G Morgan stated that he could supply an address where a letter should be sent to get the necessary information.

364/19 TO DISCUSS Road Markings on Westgate Street. CllrWhittal-Williams stated that about a year ago, after the road was resurfaced, he brought it to the attention of the Council that the lines were incorrectly painted. Cllr Christina Edwardes said that she would check with the Clerk if this has been attended to and advise Cllr Whittal-Williams of any progress.


It was agreed that an unrepresented cheque for £30 to be crossed off and removed from the accounts and March 2012 cheque to be left for now. Proposed by Cllr G Morgan and seconded by Cllr E Breeze. All were in favour.


JULY 2012

Chq No

104603Wages (05.07.12) 722.66

104604Wynnstay Group 31.07

104605Noahs Ark Appeal500.00

104606P.C-Q 18.37

104607Chamber of Trade (Hanging Baskets)330.00

104608Both Coed (forest school)100.00

104609Farm Forestry120.00

104610Wages & P. Cash (12.07.12)814.94

104611Ede & Ravenscroft (jabot) 86.00

104612JDH Business Services450.00

104613Chemically Solved 44.96

104614Wages & P. Cash (19.07.12)821.14

104615Inland Revenue 1058.25

104616Wages (26.07.12)718.30

Total £ 5,815.69


Chq No

104617Sonia Pritchard (travel exp) 22.50

104618Wages & P. Cash (02.08.12)802.41

104619Agri Power Services 23.71

104620Powys County Council (eurobin)301.60

104621Zurich Municipal 6,465.33

104622JCR Plumbing 52.00

104623Viking (office chair & stationery)394.96

104624PC Q 18.37



104627Inland Revenue833.57

104628Newtown Town Council (training) 72.00

104629Wages & P. Cash (16.08.12)823.77

104630Wages (23.08.12)731.18

104631Wages (30.08.12)722.46

Total£ 12,125.03

Cllr J Whittal-Williams enquired if the cheque for £450 in favour of JDH Business Services was for anything specific. Cllr P Davies queried the cheque for £120 in favour of Farm Forestry. Cllr E Breeze offered to find out the information. Cllr G Morgan proposed to approve all payments subject to clarification from Cllr E Breeze. All agreed.

364/21To discuss any planning applications and to receive the following planning decisions from PCC:

Llani Fish and Kebab Bar – Full Planning Permission is granted for Replacement of first and second floor rear windows and a replacement roof to rear lean-to extension at 53 Longbridge Street Llanidloes

Mount Severn Activity Centre – Full Planning Permission is granted for section 73 application to vary condition 1 (change of use of C1 Hotel to C3 Dwelling) to extend the time period for a further 5 years.

364/22Dates for October 2012 meetings:-

Environment/Planning & Town Hall/Finance Monday 08.10.12

Full Council Meeting 22.10.12

Meeting closed at 8.05 pm