The meeting commenced at 7.00pm and concluded at 10.20pm.

Members of the Committee Present:-

Councillor White (Chairman)

Councillors Gregory, Knight, Leverett and Wretham.

Members of the public in attendance:- 60 approximately


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Bulteel and Collyer.


There were no declarations of interest.


Councillor Wretham requested that an amendment be made to the first bullet point of Minute No.2 to state that he was Trustee of the Poole and Dorset Adventure Centre and not of the Hamworthy Outdoor Education Centre.

Matters arising from the Minutes were then discussed, the most significant of which follow:

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o  Councillor Wretham clarified that with regard to the second bullet point - the issue of vagrants occupying the forecourt at Sainsburys, Poole High Street, his investigations had found that whilst the area of land belonged to the Council, responsibility for this land had been delegated to the Poole Town Management Board

o  With regard to the last bullet point, Councillor Wretham explained that he had only recently been able to make the Portfolio Holder aware of the difficulty Mr Howard had faced in reporting an issue concerning the Pitwines development to Environmental and Consumer Protection with and that the Portfolio Holder would comment on this matter in due course.

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o  Councillor Leverett provided an explanation, as prompted by Mr K Chick, for his statement at the July 2004 Area Committee to clarify why he had used the words “tread a fine line”.

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o  Councillor Wretham and Councillor Gregory provided an update to the penultimate paragraph concerning the Council’s Pension Scheme. It was noted that the Resources Directorate from Dorset County Council had clarified that it was mandatory for the Borough of Poole to belong to a final salary pension scheme and that it was not legally possible for the Borough to unilaterally opt out from providing the scheme for the employees. However, it was also noted that all Local Authorities were in constant discussion on this matter and that the benefits accruing under this scheme were being reviewed with a view to removing certain benefits. Reassurance was given that Council Tax payers in Poole would not have to pay an additional amount to compensate for the deficit in the pension scheme, as the Council had secured an agreement whereby it pay back the deficit over an extended period of 20 years.

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o  Councillor Leverett offered to pursue the matter of trade waste at Cinnamon Lane and Paradise Street with Mrs Marsden following the meeting.

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o  Regarding paragraph (g) - cleaning of Hamworthy Beaches, clarification was given that Poole Harbour Commissioners were responsible for cleaning the beaches under the high tide mark and that Leisure Services were currently exploring costs to see how it could resource the cleaning of the beach. The Open Spaces Manager was requested to provide an update on this matter at a future meeting.

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o  Regarding paragraph (k) - Development in Poole, due to the uncertainty as to whether or not this issue had been discussed at the 23rd September Planning Committee, the Area Committee suggested that Councillor Bulteel contact Mr Howard on this matter.

o  Regarding paragraph (h) – Recycling of Waste Material, resaleable items, Mr and Mrs Chick requested that an error be corrected in this minute to more accurately reflect what Councillor Gregory had stated at the September meeting on this matter. This was noted and agreed that the matter should be considered at item 10 when the Committee would be asked to confirm the minutes of the September meeting.

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o  Regarding paragraph (l) Cleaning of Toilets, the Team Manager, Environmental & Consumer Protection Services, updated the meeting that monitoring of the cleanliness of toilets in Hamworthy and Poole had recently been carried out, and that a meeting had been held with the cleaning contractor. Following this meeting, the standard of cleanliness had improved and Officers would continue to monitor the situation.

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o  Regarding paragraph (q) - Recycling, Councillor Bulteel had secured a response from the Head of Environmental and Consumer Protection Services on this matter, a written copy of which was made available to those present at the meeting.

o  Regarding paragraph (p) - Car Parking at the front of the Betting Shop, Blandford Road, Hamworthy, Councillor Wretham explained his findings from investigating this matter.

o  Regarding paragraph (o) (Confirmation of Minutes), Councillor Gregory explained that the review of how Area Committee meetings and their agendas were managed was still ongoing, but that the review findings would be reported back to the Area Committee in due course. A number of residents present requested that the review take into consideration the use of audio tapes to recording future meetings of the Council.

o  Regarding paragraph (o), it was requested that the fourth paragraph of this Minute be corrected to read:

Mr Howard from Parkstone Bay Association referred to a problem which had arisen at a local meeting where the inaccuracy of the Minutes had resulted in the ultimate authorisation of a development against residents’ wishes.

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o  Regarding paragraph (r) - Hamworthy Park Ditch, the Open Spaces Manager explained that he had been looking into this matter and would further pursue this, in order to clarify whether or not the ditch had been attended to.


The Open Spaces Manager presented the report and explained what consultation had been carried out. He updated that, in addition to the two letters which had been received as detailed in paragraph 4.1, further feedback had been received since the publishing of the Agenda from the Poole Angling Association, representatives of which had commented against the proposal.

During the ensuing discussion, suggestions were made that signage be put up to clarify for members of the public their right of way to the car park.

Mr Chandler referred to comments from Simon Barber of Poole Flounder League, who was concerned why this organisation had not been consulted on this matter, and also questioned why signs at Rockley Park had not been put up publicising the consultation exercise. Mr Chandler referred to all the issues which needed to be taken into account in this matter and stressed the impact the locking of the entrance gate would have on local fishing and angling associations. Mr Chandler requested that further consultation be carried out to ascertain a more broad view from users and the general public before a decision was made.

The Committee considered the advantages and disadvantages of extending the consultation period and widening it to a broader audience. Mindful of the arguments made at the meeting, both for and against the proposal, a poll was taken to ascertain the views of those present. As a consequence, 1 vote was counted for and 26 against the proposal. The Committee agreed to take the result of the poll and all comments expressed into account when formally making its recommendations on this matter at item 9.


Councillor Leverett, as Leader of the Council, presented the Budget Proposals for 2005/2006 and a copy of the presentation made is attached to the Minutes.

In referring to the estimated increase in budget requirement for 2005/2006, Councillor Leverett provided an explanation of the figures listed and stressed that the 8% Council Tax figure in the next financial year was a first estimate and that Councillors would be taking into account all factors to try to reduce this figure.

During the ensuing discussion, a question was raised about the point made by Councillor Leverett that schools in Poole received less Government funding than schools in Bournemouth. In response, Councillor Leverett explained that he had pursued this matter with David Milliband MP, and had consequently discovered that Bournemouth was in a ‘transitional period of relief’. However, Bournemouth was expected to receive the same amount of funding as Poole, once the ‘transitional period’ had ended. Whilst mindful of this clarification, general dissatisfaction was expressed that, overall, Poole received less than the national average from the Government for schooling.

Another question was raised about the need to ensure that Council Tax only rose by inflation. Councillor Leverett explained that the Council would do all it could to keep the Council Tax as low as possible, but that it was important not to cut essential services.

In conclusion, residents were invited to write to the Leader on the budget.


The Team Manager, Environmental & Consumer Protection Services, presented the report referring Members to their previous consideration of a proposal to designate other areas in Poole and Hamworthy as alcohol free zones. Reasons for the recommendation to include Cemetery Park as an alcohol free zone were then explained.

During the ensuing discussion, it was clarified that future requests for areas of the Borough to be included as alcohol free zones could be considered, but that such requests would need to go through the necessary route, including consultation with the Police.

Councillor Knight raised a concern that, as he understood it, the Council had, at its October 2004 meeting, decided not to include the Bus Station as an alcohol free zone. Councillor Knight stressed that a strong recommendation needed to come from the Area Committee that the Bus Station be included and that the zone be implemented before the Christmas period begun.

Noting this assertion and the general support for the proposal regarding Cemetery Park, the Committee agreed to take into account all views when formally making its recommendations at item No.9.


The Transportation Services Policy Manager gave a presentation on the new 5 year Local Transport Plan for Poole, Bournemouth and Dorset, stressing the need for these authorities to work together on local transport matters. Chris explained that a vital part of formulating this Plan was to ascertain the views of local residents. As a result he referred members of the public to displays that had been put up at the back of the hall and asked them to complete a questionnaire with their views on the new five year Plan.


(a) Residents Only Parking for Ivor Road, Hamworthy

The Principal Democratic Support Officer presented the question that had been submitted by Mrs Waring, who had made a plea for residents only parking and a waive of residents only parking fees on Ivor Road due to the hazards caused by speeding and the use of the road by non residents for parking. It was explained that Steve Dean, Principal Engineer, Transportation Services had written to Mrs Waring on this matter and that further letters had been sent to Mrs Waring from her Ward Members. Further reassurance was given at the meeting that the Ward Members would continue to pursue this matter on behalf of Mrs Waring and other residents, in the hope that traffic and parking arrangements on both this road and Shapwick Road could be achieved.

(b) Developer Financial Contributions to Public Open Space

Mr Winwood, whilst grateful for the information that had been sent to him on the questions that he had raised on this issue, proceeded to explain to those present his understanding of the response that had been issued. A copy of Mr Winwood’s evaluation of this response is attached to the Minutes. It was noted that Mr Winwood still queried the following three matters:

(i)When did the requirements to make “commuted payments to open space” become “planning obligations recreational facilities”?

(ii)Who takes the decision on whether it should be financial or area of land contribution?

(iii)Why doesn’t the Council use the money to purchase the education land and sports fields it is selling to developers to help redress the shortfall in open space?

Noting the complexities of these questions, the Chairman stated that a full response to Mr Winwood’s questions would be provided.

(c) Issues raised by Mr Bendon

(i)Proposed Development on former Power Station site, Rigler Road, Poole

It was noted that a written update on this matter had been sent to Mr Bendon, whose main concerns were expressed as whether or not the bridge would be able to cope with the volume of new traffic generated from the scale of proposed developments in the town. Mr Bendon also questioned whether better use of the tennis courts in Hamworthy could be made in the form of i.e. an entertainment centre, as opposed to more residential units.

In response, the Transportation Services Policy Manager explained that, in his professional opinion, from the surveys he had undertaken, the new bridge would be able to accommodate traffic generated from the regeneration of Poole and Hamworthy. It was also noted that a Public Inquiry was likely to be held on the development proposal for the former Power Station site, when members of the public would be able to further express their views.