Minutes from the USLNJ GeneralMembership Meeting

Date:Wednesday September 6, 2017

Location:Crow’s Nest Restaurant, Hackensack NJ

Executive Board& Committee Attendees:

Dieter Lachmann, Dean Trivisani, Paul Revak, David Hoshia, Randy Ballin, Evan Showell, Avi Lazarovitz, David Jones, Emilio Crespo, Harry Carson.

Board Meeting:

  • Hackensack Arsenal – resigned from the USLNJ league. Dieter working on backfilling the vacant team spot. Details to follow.
  • Macedonia team used an underage player on the field in at least one and probably more games. The goalie is under 40 and approved as a goalie only, not a field player, until he turns 40.
  • Conduct meeting is to be held on September 20th in Oakland (Dean’s office) to review above as well as any open conduct items.
  • Evan Showell is to complete the rules update and provide to the “board” by end of September.
  • No venue yet for the January USLNJ Awards Dinner/Dance. Emilio expects this to be resolved by Noivember.
  • Randy Ballin to send an email to all team managers to check their team info for accuracy and/or to make any necessary changes to info, i.e.field, start time, uniform color, etc.. A 2nd item for this email is to remind all managers to confirm game and start time with the ref and opposing manager by Thursday before the game.

General MembershipMeeting:

  • President’s address – Tony Bertuna was absent from meeting so Dean Trivisani filled in for him. Dean mentioned to everyone that he anticipates this year to be his last as the VP of the league.

Referee’s have requested a $5 increase (center ref only in the O40 divisions) and single ref in the Senior division) starting in 2018. Majority vote of “YES” was taken.

Board suggested USLNJ badges be provided for refs uniforms. Membership voted “NO” by majority.

Decision was made to withhold ref bonus if he is delinquent in his responsibilities, i.e. timely reporting of game results, score update, etc..

Hackensack Arsenal designed from the USLNJ (Premier division), which only leaves 7 teams. The schedule has been updated to reflect a bye and a 0-0 draw (1 point) will be awarded to the opposing team for that week. Dieter asked for any team with an overabundance of players to consider forming two teams with one going to the Premier division to backfill the opening. Incentives, elimination of registration fee & possibly others, are being offered to the managers to consider forming a 2nd team.

Return of passes and collection of team dues to commence at the end of the meeting.

  • INSURANCE Update – David Jones

No serious injuries this spring 2017

Approximately 10 claims submitted this far.

  • RULES Update–Evan Showell

Rules will be updated by end of September

  • REFEREE Update – Roberto Zuban was absent so no update.
  • GAMES Update – Nick Daweswas absent so no update
  • TREASURER Update – David Hoshia

Anyone wanting a league balance sheet should email David Hoshia at

  • CONDUCT Update – Avi Lazarovitz

Conduct and infractions are on par with 2016 season.

Serious Foul Play (SFP) and Violent Conduct issues are on the rise.

Macedonia was caught cheating and, pending final Board decision on Sept 20th, will be penalized as per league rules.

  • REGISTRAR Update – Dieter Lachmann

Reviewed the new player pass registration process to insure everyone provides the necessary info and monies, based on response time requirements, i.e. rush or non-rush.

Because of a couple of complaints about the cost for player passes, Dieter restated the cost associated with player pass registration and the additional cost for “rush” requests.

  • USLNJ WebsiteUpdate – Randy Ballin

Asked each manager to check and confirm his team info specific to home field address, start time, uniform color, etc.

Also mentioned opportunity to set up advertising on website. Mixed response from audience.

  • Social Committee Update– Emilio Crespo

Venue for Awards Dinner/Dance still needs to be finalized for January 2018. Should be completed by November.

Approximately 400 attendees

Provide venue suggestions to Emilio, for next year, if a new location is desired.

Questions from the Membership:

  1. What happens if the goalie receives a yellow card? Answer: he has to sit for 10 minutes and a fill-in goalie is allowed in net. Roberto must send a note or reminder to all referee’s since it appears not all of them know this.
  2. What if a player is on the field with no shin guards? Answer:Referee sends him off (substitute is allowed) and he can only return when he has a pair of shin guards on. No yellow card is issued to player.
  3. O60 Divison? Answer: possibly in the future.