Minutes from the November 3, 2000, Student Technology Fee Committee meeting are as follows:
In Attendance: Committee members - Mike Asoodeh, Brad O’Hara, Bea Baldwin, Donna Methvien, Cleve Bankston, Will Wayne, Dave Petit, Ademir Karsik and Michael Seals (for Jessica Ridgel). Also in attendance were Clarissa Schiro, Archie Carriere, and Rosalyn Chauvin.
- Change in Committee membership - Brad O’Hara, Vice President for Student Affairs has taken Jill Landesberg’s place on the committee during her leave.
- The October meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by TiJean Rodriguez and seconded by Brad O’Hara to approve the minutes. The vote was 6-0 in favor of approving this motion.
- Proposed form for requesting surplus computers - Dr. Asoodeh reported that the form for requesting surplus computers has been distributed to the Deans and a submission date of November 17th was set. The subcommittee to review these proposals was established consisting of Brad O’Hara, Bea Baldwin, Cleve Bankston, Will Wayne and Dave Petit. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh’s office will forward five copies of each proposal to Brad O’Hara’s office on November 17th for the subcommittee to begin reviewing and ranking.
Will Wayne arrived at this time.
Scheduling program – Clarissa Schiro reported that she, Will Wayne and another student viewed the scheduling program, EMS Lite, used by the Student Union office. Will recommended that we continue to use Access for the scheduling of checkout items instead of this program.
- Additional Check-Out Equipment – Donna Methvien reported that the additional checkout equipment and storage cabinet have been ordered and will be added to the inventory when received. Dr. Asoodeh reported that he hasn’t been able to meet yet with Mary Ann Callais but will schedule an appointment soon to let them know that we have expanded the amount of equipment available and will make the equipment available to organizations. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh is to schedule a meeting of the subcommittee concerning the checkout equipment and notify Clarissa when the changes to the equipment procedure have been finalized.
- Student Technology Liaisons – Dr. Asoodeh reported that Student Technology Liaisons have been chosen for Arts and Sciences and the Library. A motion was made by Brad O’Hara and seconded by Dave Petit to hire these two students as liaisons. The vote was 7-0 in favor of this motion.
- LEQSF grant matches – Dr. Asoodeh reported that he met with Dean Miller and Dr. Fontenot about the approval for the Student Tech Fee match to the LEQSF grants.
- Technology Interns – Dr. Asoodeh asked the committee for their feelings about continuing the Internship program that was started under Project LEO. Everyone indicated support for continuing the program and changing the name to Technology Interns.
- Campus Network Upgrade – Southeastern’s Administration is looking at various ways to fund an initiative to complete the network upgrade on campus. Dr. Asoodeh asked the committee to give some thought to providing financial support to a portion of the $250,000 cost in areas that would directly benefit the students. It will be discussed further at the next meeting. Action Item: Dr. Asoodeh will provide a breakdown of the phases that are planned for this project. He will also provide information about what STF funds are available and how this would impact the STF budget.
- Printing – Dr. Asoodeh informed the committee about the campus wide printing assessment that is being done by Xerox. The issue of student printing is also being looked at as well as the possibility of providing a specific number of free prints to each student per semester hour for which they are scheduled. Anything over that would be charged a per print charge. He explained that the STF committee would be involved in determining how printing for students is handled in the future since the STF pays for a good portion of the printing that students do now in all of the STF labs. Action Item: Donna Methvien will provide the committee information about our current printing costs to assist the committee in its future discussions.
- A motion to adjourn was made by TiJean and seconded by Dave. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
- Next meeting - The next meeting will be held the week after finals. Rosalyn will notify everyone of the date and time of the next meeting.