GENERAL SECRETARY (Army Mountaineering Association)
10th Signal Regiment, MOD Corsham
Westwells Rd, CORSHAM, SN13 9NR DTN: 94396 7278| Civilian: 01225 847278 |Mob: 07786747273
Email: 10SR-RHQ-CO/ /
See Distribution / Reference: / AMA/GS/GCM2012
Date: / 04 Jul 12


Present / LtCol CMM Davies MBE
LtCol P Edwards
LtCol EA Dallyn MBE
LtCol J Shirras
Maj M Hing
Maj W Hartwell
Capt T Odling
Capt I Thompson
Capt R Mackenzie
Maj K Edwards
Sgt R Simpson / Chairman
Vice Chairman
Gen Sec (Des)
General Secretary
Exped Secretary
Sports Climbing Bouldering
Meets and PR
Cadets Officer
Equipment (Des)
Apologies / Col J Whitby
Maj Pete Skinsley
Maj Phil Carrotte
Maj Steve Marsh
Capt Henry Crosby
Sgt Will Brant
(a) / Discussion and Decisions
(LtCol Davies) / The Chair introduced the GCM and introduced the representatives from JSMTC.
Minutes of 2011 AGM
(LtColDavies) / The key outstanding actions from the last minutes had been closed and the rest was not deemed relevant to discuss in detail at this stage.
General Secretary’s Report
(Maj Hing) /
  1. Membership currently stands at: 2312; up 6 from last AGM.
  2. Gift Aid is up by 56 so heading in the right direction.
  3. Mrs Rebecca Bennett due to leave imminently as her husband is posted. Whilst the Membership Secretary felt that now the BSAE work was reducing, that the work load would be manageable. The committee discussed the risk of going down to just one person and decided on balance that would be better to recruit a replacement for Rebecca to provide cover during periods of leave, sickness and longer term continuity.
Action: Gen Sec to proceed with recruiting activity.
  1. The AMA will no longer be able to pay the staff through the ASCB.
Action: Gen Sec was to look at alternative methods of paying the staff through a professional pay roll system.
  1. The AMA Memorial Board has now been updated, however there is potentially still a member outstanding from Op TELIC however been unable to track down.
  2. The development of the Membership database is currently with Col Whitby in his capacity as Hd AIS. May require an interim solution, for example, an update of Fields if we wish to look at the option of doing unit membership.
  3. New office printer has been purchased.
The Chair thanked Helen Smith for her support for BSAE; the financial details had worked well, largely due to her efforts.
Capt Thompson stated that Cotswolds are willing to sponsor a new AMA card with their discount code on the back.
Action to be handed over and taken forward by Sgt Will Brant.
External Updates
(LtCol Shirras) / CO JSMTC provided the following update:
1. ATG(A):
  • AT going well and will be a key element in CLF’s view of I-FORM
  • Need to develop unit level AT (not just about courses)
  • Need to ensure have an informed customer who knows what they want.
  • Challenges include: Germany drawdown, however still trying to retain 2 x COs to cover Instructor and Ldr trg and Type 2 AT.
  • Plan is to retain the Alpine Trg Centre and bring under JSMTC.
  • Looking at a project to develop Joint AT (Army leading however other 2 services not as keen) and increase Type 2 capacity within the UK, including more activity in Scotland
  • Comd ATG current part of AG’s area, however may move into ARTD in the future in line with all other trg activity
  • Increasing throughput by hiring Instructional Staff as this is the current limiting factor
  • Excessive of demand at the lower level for courses, however lack of demand at the higher level
  • Priority is to develop instructors and leaders who will then organise Unit level AT.
  • Encourage units and the AMA to liaise directly with the Trg WO if trying to get instructors qualified who will then contribute to AT as the on-line booking system makes it difficult to prioritise course loading
  • Where possible will offer the flexibility to schedule courses around unit availability
  • Running a trial scheme: Intro to Rock Climbing based on a 1:6 ratio reduce Instructor overhead. May be possible to give AMA priority for loading.
  • New RMAS policy is for all Officer Cadets to attend an AT course and develop Instructor qualifications.
  • Ultimate aim is to ensure getting the right people qualified
  • Keen to develop links between JSMTC and AMA and sp innovative solutions, inc use of ‘Incremental Instructors’, whereby JSMTC help get individuals qualified on the basis of being given a return of investment e.g. by instructing on JSMTC courses
  • Content to support unit use of JSMTC facilities and help facilitate unit AT
  • Keen to push AT through the Op CoC

JS Mountaineering Committee
(LtCol Davies) / The JS Mountaineering Committee has not met for the last couple of years, due to RN deployments however a meeting is scheduled in Jul aboard HMS Ocean (RN lead this year). The aim is to decide the next JS exped objective.
Sport Climbing
(Capt Odling) /
  1. Will not be asking for an eqpt grant this year.
  2. Still waiting to close accounts from the Army Festival of Climbing;this event was a huge success. Inc Trad, Sport and Bouldering. Attended by 90+ personnel. New to consider how going to thank the sponsors (invite to the AMA Dinner night). The intent is to run this event every 3 yrs (was previously every 5 yrs).
The Chair thanked Maj Skinsley for such a well organised and attended event.
Future Events:
  1. Inter-Services: RAF lead. Last week in Sep. Liverpool or Manchester.
  2. Bouldering League: Will consist of 6 events every second Wed of month. DIN due publication soon.
  3. Trg Weekends (Sep/Oct/Nov with more in 2013): Open to all AMA members. Instructing available from world class climbers.
CS Sport Climbing has a Facebook page.
Need to ensure linkages between the various related sites
Action: Capt Odling to liaise with John Petch and Capt Mackenzie to ensure we have a coherent and mutually supporting approach to Social Media
Unit AT Grants
(Maj Hartwell) / 2011
  1. Supported 21 expeds for 148 members
  2. Largest exped was for 22 AMA Members
  3. Out of the £10k grant:
  • £5860 spent
  • £4140 remaining (inc £1150 returned due to cancelled events)
  1. 14 expeds with 175 attendees
  2. Largest for 23 personnel however only 17 eligible for a grant
  3. Largest single grant was for £850
  4. Committed £6650 to date with £3350 left, however not many more applications coming through
Max individual grant remains at £50 per head, unless otherwise agreed by grants sub-committee. An updated form is to go to units and on the website. Articles to be provided in return for grants.
Financial Statement
(Lt ColEdwards) / Treasurer currently posted to Gibraltar therefore represented by the Vice Chairman.
  1. Needed to extract BSAE, Memorial and Core AMA fund to ensure clarity. Estimated to have £58k left in the core fund therefore have a large working surplus, with a net gain of £40k from last year.
  2. Proposed a budget for 2013; on discussion slight amendments were made to be proposed to the AGM.
  3. Agreed bonus payments to Helen and Rebecca of £500 each.
  4. Actions: Membership Secretary to:
  • Authorise Lt Col Dallyn, Maj Hing and Maj Skinsley to use the AMA credit card
  • Remove Lt Col Davies as outgoing Chair as a cheque signatory and add: Lt Col Edwards, Lt Col Dallyn, Maj Hing, Maj Marsh and Maj Skinsley
  1. An AFN 1514 were shown to the meeting and are attached to the AGM Minutes.
  2. It was decided that there was no need to change the current subscription rate from £15.

(Capt Thompson) / 1.Editor of the journal was absent so unable to get an update on the next edition, however everyone was keen to ensure that the Journal remained a high quality product.
2.Discussion included development of relationships, mutual support, ideas with organisations such as the BMC, Alpine Club, RGS. This included taking advantage of the Expeditionary Advisory Cell in RGC (free including to non-members) and we should send them our PXRs.
Action: Lt Col Edwards as part of wider engagement responsibilities and based on relationships from BSAE.
3.Need to develop the membership benefits portfolio
(Capt Mackenzie) /
  1. Website currently getting circa 1000k hits a month and 67 on the website forum.
  2. Facebook currently has 305 ‘likes’
  3. 83 on Twitter
  4. Looking at development of AMA Apps, developing Website user guide for committee members, sub-domains and ability to join on-line.
  5. Discussed AMA merchandise; the intent is to minimise AMA’s own merchandise but use the website to provide links and add to income generation.
A lot of improvements being made and all need to push the corporate identity and lead members and potential members to
(Maj Hing) /
  1. BSAE complete. All objectives achieved. More presentations still to be done.
  2. Ex INDIAN TIGER is a Combined UK-Indian Army Mountaineering Expedition planned for 18 Aug to 28 Sep 12. The intent is to climb an unclimbed objective (Peak 6565); however also other potential peaks in the area. If successful potential model for next year as working with the Indian Army minimises cost and admin overheads. We need to look at offering reciprocal opportunities, e.g. through JSAM.
  3. DENALI: Most ambitious trip to Alaska. High end objectives; fall back plan is to climb DENALI therefore intent is to leave options open.
4.JORDAN Mar 2013: Capt Thompson briefed that Brig Robson, posted to Palestine this year, is keen to run an exploratory climbing exped in the East Bank of Jordan as part of the AMA programme as he will not be part of a formed unit at the time. Details to follow.
5.PERU 13: There is an aspiration to run an exped to Peru to provide development opportunities as a step tomoving into the Himalayas. Looking for a volunteer to lead.
6.AMA2014: Intent is to run a large exped to Nepal or India with 2 aims:
  1. Provide mountaineering opportunities for a development team.
  2. An experienced team to climb a 7000m+ peak to ensure AMA personnel to be competitive for the next JS Expedition which will be an 8,000m+ peak.
7. Intent is to put Gurkhas on Everest in 2015 to recognise that they have been part of the British Army for 200yrs. POC is Dick Gale (based in Nepal)
Capt Thompson also briefed his intent for Meets – programme covered in more detail as part of the AGM minutes. The key is to emphasise the need for leaders. Intent is to run a New Year Meet using the Norwegian Lodge.
(Maj Edwards) /
  1. Significant amount of work ongoing to train and develop Cadet Instructors (who are a volunteer workforce); culminating in an expedition to India in 2013.
  2. Keen to develop links with AMA to provide the opportunity to develop experience and qualifications.

(Sgt Simpson) /
  1. Having just assumed the post, will catalogue what is available and then develop a plan and supporting processes for loan/hire of the equipment.

Review of Committee Structure and Constitution
(Lt Col Edwards) /
  1. Intent is to have a smaller executive committee but more flexible general committee. This includes a Recruiting Officer. The new proposed structure is at Annex A and detailed responsibilities are at Annex B.
  2. The issue of the membership being able to register their vote for future AGMs was discussed. The general view of the Committee was that this would potentially cause too much of an admin overhead.
Comment: At the AGM the President agreed to task the committee to look at this for future events given the operational reality makes it difficult for members being able to attend the AGM in person.
  1. Need to develop common themes and messaging across various communications mediums to the membership and target recruiting through promotion of membership benefits and target specific areas, e.g. RMAS, Unit RATOs, linkage with JSMTC.

AMA Dinner Night
(Maj Hing) /
  1. RMAS Indian Memorial Room is a potential option for a dinner night at a cost of £30 pp for a 3 cse meal and drinks. The Adjt of HQ DRLC was available to organise; just needs the necessary direction to move forward.
  2. Date of 02 Nov was suggested as is available however neither the current or outgoing Chairman would be available.
  3. The intent of the dinner is to thank sponsors, target influential senior officer and dine out the outgoing Chairman. Numbers allowing it would be good to open up to the wider membership.
Action: Still outstanding as requires additional direction with the President to decide invitees and dates, as this is also due to dine out the outgoing Chair.
DONM / TBC, however there will definitely be on held in advance of the next AGM on 26 Sep 13 at JSMTC.

<signed on original>


Lt Col

General Secretary


  1. Revised Committee Structure.
  2. Detailed Committee Responsibilities.

All Executive Committee Members*
All General Committee Members* / Info:
AMA Website*


Annex B to


Dated 04 Jul 12


Post / Holder / Prime Role / Responsibilities / Tasks /

Regular / Key Liaison

LtCol Edwards RLC (Paul) / To direct the work of the AMA Committee / Oversee day to day running of the AMA.
Ensure terms of Constitution are met.
Co-ordinate key Committee responsibilities.
Maintain oversight of AMA finances.
Authorise out of committee expenditure.
Conduct Long term AMA Planning.
Attend JSMC meetings & chair on rotation.
Represent President when needed.
Administer the AMA Memorial Fund.
Maintain relationship with sponsors / Agree Committee meeting agendas.
Chair AMA Committee meetings.
Produce notes for Journal.
Produce information for website. / President.
Vice Chairman (Mountaineering).
Vice Chairman (Sport).
General Secretary.
Vice Chairman (Mountaineering)
Maj Hing RLC (Matt) / To plan and co-ordinate AMA Mountaineering activities / Stand in for Chairman when needed.
Co-ordinate the work of the AMA Grants Secretary, Meets co-ordinator, and Eqpt member.
Plan AMA major expeds programme.
Prepare AMA participation in JS expeds.
Chair Grants Sub-committee.
Help Administer Memorial Fund. / Produce 10 year mountaineering plan.
Produce articles for Journal
Produce information for website and social media site. / Chairman
General Secretary
Meets Co-ordinator
Capt Thompson R Signals (Tomo) / To co-ordinate AMA UK Meets / Co-ordinate AMA UK meets.
Plan and coordinate The AMA AGM. / Produce and publicise meets programme. / Vice Chairman (M).
Journal Editor.
Social Media Coord
Expedition Grants Secretary
Maj Hartwell RAPTC (Warren) / To manage the AMA grant process and advise on mountaineering activities / Secretary to grants sub-committee.
Advise committee and members on Expedition matters.
Advise committee and members on official Army AT & qualifications policy. / Manage Grant process within agreed bounds.
Produce notes for Newsletter, summarising grants and expedition news. / Vice Chairman (M)
Journal Editor.
Cadet Force Representative
Maj Edwards RAPTC(Kevin) / To advise on Cadet Force matters / Advise AMA committee on all matters regarding the Cadet Force. / Produce notes for Newsletter, summarising Cadet Force mountaineering activity. / Vice Chairman (M).
Equipment Manager
Sgt Simpson R Signals (Rich) / To manage AMA equipment. / Hold, maintain and issue AMA equipment.
Provide advice on equipment. / Publicise availability of AMA equipment to members.
Develop issue process and cost structure. / Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (Sport)
Maj Skinsley RLC (Pete) / To plan and co-ordinate AMA Sporting activities and manage the Army Sport Climbing team / Stand in for Chairman when needed.
Co-ordinate the work of the Sport Climbing Secretary, Army Team Manager,Organize attendance at competitive events.
Organize training events. / Produce articles for Journal.
Produce information for website.
Contribute to the AMA 10 year plan. / Chairman.
General Secretary.
Journal Editor
Social Media Manager.
Sport Climbing Secretary
Capt Crosby RE (Henry) / To promote Sport Climbing in the Army / Act as the AMA Sport Climbing focus.
Secretary to Sport climbing sub-committee.
Liaise with RNRMMC and RAFMA for JS SC Championships.
Lead AMA policy on:
-Climbing walls & their training value.
-Sport Climbing.
Maintain info on Service climbing walls.
Co-ordinate the planning of International competitions, Sport Climbing competitions and bouldering championships. / Produce articles for Journal.
Publicise the JS SC Champs.
Publicise International SC events. / Vice Chairman (S)
Journal Editor
AMA Webmaster
Meets Co-ordinator
Army Championships Organizer
ASM Shaw REME (Rob) /

To organize the Annual Army sport climbing championships

/ Arrange Annual ArmySC Championships. / Publicise Championships on AMA Web.
Publish DIN for Army championships. / Vice Chairman (S)
Sport Climbing Secretary.
Bouldering League Organizer
Maj Odling REME (Tom) / To organize the Army Bouldering League / Arrange Bouldering League and Championships.
Liaise with RNRMMC and RAFMA over Services Bouldering league. / Publicise League. / Vice Chairman (S)
Sport Climbing Secretary.
General Secretary
LtCol Dallyn R Signals (Liz) / To co-ordinate the AMA Committee / Organise AMA Committee meetings.
Maintain The following: AMA Committee contact details, list of Honorary Members, AMA Organizational chart, AMA Roles and Responsibilities table.
Co-ordinate the work of the ‘secretariat’ area of the AMA.
Manage AMA employed staff and the AMA Office. / Produce Agenda and Joining instruction for committee meetings.
Produce minutes.
Review AMA staff salaries and bonus annually.
Ensure all new committee members receive a "joining pack". / Chairman
Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (S)
Journal Editor
Social Media Manager
Maj Marsh AGC(SPS)(Steve) / To manage AMA funds / Ensure financial viability of the AMA.
Produce annual financial plan (budget).
Promote Gift Aid.
Oversee all financial aspects of AMA Office
Arrange & publicise annual audit. / Inform Committee of:
-Financial situation (at each committee meeting).
-Major commitments.
Funds available. / Chairman.
General Secretary.
Vice Chairman (M).
Vice Chairman (S).
Recruiting Officer
Maj Carrotte REME (Phil) / To maximise recruitment into the AMA. / Responsible for maximising the recruitment of new AMA members.
Develop recruitment policy.
Undertake necessary recruitment activity.
Conduct Marketing AMA marketing activity. / Attend Sandhurst Sports fair.
Liaise with RAPTC. / Chairman
General Secretary
Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (S)
Membership Benefits Manager
Sgt Brant RAPTC (Brains) / To develop AMA membership benefits. / Arrange advantageous deals with equipment suppliers, sponsors and other agencies for the benefit of AMA members. / Produce articles as needed.
Publicise deals for AMA members. / General Secretary
Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (S)
Social Media Manager
Capt Mackenzie RLC (Ross) / To maintain the AMA website. / Design and maintain the AMA Website.
Ensure that bill is paid for web site and domain names. / Ensure that website is routinely updated and maintained / General Secretary
Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (S)
Journal Editor
ColWhitby Late R Signals (John) / To edit and produce the AMA Journal / Edit Journal.
Liaise with publishers (as single POC).
Receive material to produce Winter & Summer Journals.
Design posters & application forms.
Pass spare Journals to Membership Sec. / Produce Journal (6-monthly) / General Secretary
Membership Secretary
Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (S)
Social Media Manager
OCdt Petch GSC (John) / To exploit the opportunities of Social Media. / Maintain the AMA presence on Facebook.
Advise on other social media opportunities. / Maximise the use of Facebook for timely communication with the AMA membership / General Secretary
Meets Coordinator
Honorary Membership Secretary
MrsSmith (Helen) / To maintain AMA membership information. / Act as permanent POC for AMA enquiries
Maintain membership database
Process members’ details & direct debits
Undertake “enquiries ” of AMA database.
Respond to members queries by holding copies of:
-AMA Constitution & Policy Note(s).
-Committee & Area Contacts lists
-Journals, Newsletters
-Membership application forms.
FASTRAK list. / Inform Ctte of:
-number of members
-one-year old Mem No.
-Gift Aid take-up /


General Secretary.

Vice Chairman (M).
Vice Chairman (S).
Journal Editor.
Book Keeper
MrsSmith (Helen) /

To maintain the AMA accounts

And settle AMA bills. / Maintain the AMA account.
Pay AMA bills as directed.
Manage AMA Bank and credit card account.
Manage Gift Aid.
Manage payments for AMA Grants. / Prepare annual account at direction of Treasurer.
Prepare annual gift aid claim. /


General Secretary

Vice Chairman (M)
Vice Chairman (S)