Minutes for the Executive Senate Meeting on January 24, 2014

1. Members present: Johann Kuipers, Jean Ippolito, Tracy Wiegner, Jan Ray, Mazen Hamad, Yucheng Quin, Yoshiko Fukushima, L. A. Gotshalk, Becky Ostertag and Faith Mishina.

A calendar was proposed:

·  02/07 – All Senate Meeting in Wentworth 1 at 2:00 pm.

·  02/21 – Executive Senate Meeting at 2:00 in UCB 307

·  03/07 – All Senate Meeting in Wentworth 1 at 2:00 pm

·  03/21 – Executive Senate Meeting at 2:00 in UCB 307

·  04/04 – All Senate Meeting in Wentworth 1 at 2:00 pm

·  04/25 – Executive Senate Meeting at 2:00 pm in UCB 307

2. Previous minutes were approved after the following correction was made: There was a meeting to vote on the Sabbatical Leave Reporting immediately following the last All Senate meeting in December. Approval was granted to pass this proposal to the Faculty Congress.

3. TPRC document to be sent out to all faculty for discussion at the next All-Senate meeting on February 7, 2014. Feedback is expected.

4. The Nursing request for inclusion on the Dean’s List and Honor Rolls was a motion approved by Congress.

5. The Motion for online labs update has been sent to the APC for discussion. Jene Michaud and Kathryn Besio have expressed that their time on the APC is up. Yoshiko Fukushima remains. However, APC elections/appointments are needed to work on the online labs update. The EC recognized the serious implications of this motion, in particular, the lack of understanding of safety issues for those who had only online experience.

6. Elections for the APC, the CRC and the Executive Senate will be discussed in the All Senate meeting on 02/07. Randy Hirokawa will deliver thank you letters for those who have served their term to be included in their dossiers.

Two positions are needed for the APC: Yoshiko Fukushima started Fall of 2013. Kathryn Besio and Jene Michaud’s terms are up. The next APC should have 4 members with one member from the School of Nursing or Education.

Charmaine Higa, Steve Colbert, Faith Mishina and Christopher Lauer are on the CRC. Two or three positions are needed for the CRC, yet to be decided at a meeting immediately following this Executive Senate Meeting where the Executive Senate’s suggestions for continuity will be discussed.

The information for thank you letters and a table will be compiled and reported to the Dean and Jean Ippolito by Faith Mishina. For the election, Jan Ray will ask for a site license for academic elections on Survey Monkey.

7. There was a discussion on a possible revision of the Senate Charter for a Senate quorum. It was decided that a majority of those present at an all-Senate meeting could request that the Executive Senate vote on an issue. There are approximately 150 faculty in CAS. A Senate referendum requires 51% approval. The Executive Senate vote requires a 2/3’s majority of the Executive Senate members.

8. New Business proposed: A motion for lab credit to be examined. Some 3 hour labs receive only one credit hour for professors. It was decided that Natural Sciences should propose a motion to which other schools could add if pertinent. The issue of lab hours is not always well recognized by those in other schools.

8. The Agenda for the All Senate Meeting on 02/07:

·  The TPR document

·  New Business: Directed Studies as a means of service and recognition. This motion was passed in this Executive Senate meeting to be included in the All Senate discussion.

·  Luolo Hong will be invited to present at the All-Senate meeting if she can limit her presentation on strategic enrollment management to 15 minutes.