Minutes for Meeting held on 16 May 2017

Meeting opened: 7.01pm

Attendance: Valerie Linton, Lisa Pearson, Allyson Pazos, Rhonda Morton, Teresa Hope, Markus Meier-Lindner, Trine Scott, Darren Frost, Danielle Spokes, Nikki Werfel and Liz Turnbull

Apologies: Jennifer Dancer, Fernando Collazo

Welcome to the Meeting: The President welcomed everyone and opened the P&C Meeting

Review of AGM minutes: Minutes of AGM 21 March reviewed.

Moved: Teresa Hope

Seconded: Lisa Pearson

They were accepted as a true record.

Review of P & C Meeting minutes: Minutes from 21 March were reviewed.

Moved: Teresa Hope

Seconded: Lisa Pearson

They were accepted as a true record.

Incoming Correspondence: Letter from IMB Community Foundation advising that application for Junior Play Equipment project was unsuccessful (note the IMB received 252 applications).

Outgoing Correspondence: nil

1.  Business arising from last Meeting

·  Secretary of position vacant at AGM filled by Liz Turnbull

·  Valerie has taken over the P & C email account

2.  Reports

Principal's Report: Rhonda Morton

·  The report is available on the Bulli Public School website as tabled

·  The Principal thanked Committee for support and the fundraising activities for Mothers Day and upcoming Trivia night.

Treasurer's Report: Allyson Pazos

Tabled March and April reports

·  March Income $1 65.00

·  March Expenditure: $1,880.47

·  March Closing Balance: $28,193.33

·  April Income: $ 2193.95.

·  April Expenditure: $ 0

·  February Closing Balance: $ 30,387.28

·  The reports are enclosed for further information


·  In discussion, it was reported that the P&C probably spend $7000/annum on ‘operating’ activities. Consequently, this is how much money needs to be reserved. Funds above this amount can be considered for distribution to other initiatives.

Fundraising Report: Teresa

·  Mothers Day stall raised $1,385. $1,311 was spent on gifts and stock remains for future events.

·  Teresa has developed an instruction sheet for conduct of Mother’s Day event as a capacity building tool to assist new volunteers and a succession planning strategy. Danielle has stored resources for Bulli on the Green in the ‘cloud’ and this was recognised as good practice.

·  Valerie suggested the Committee aim to develop similar resources for other regular fundraising events to assist, and recruit new volunteers.

·  Teresa progressing planning for Bulli on the Green and Fete event and has booked rides.

·  Danielle reported planning for the Trivia Night at the Bulli Heritage Hotel is progressing well. A turn out of up to 120 people is expected including participants from wider Bulli community.

Grant Report:

·  Darren and Rhonda are in process of final discussions for release of FACS grant money for playground equipment and hoping to move to a satisfactory conclusion in the near future. Markus proposes a motion that when grant money is paid from FACS that Treasurer will pay school up to $5,000 towards purchase of playground equipment

Moved: Markus

Seconded: Teresa


·  Darren to communicate with Ryan Park’s office regarding an official opening for the playground.

·  Danielle has identified that community grants are available through the Uniting Abilitylinks. Darren and Danielle to work on applying for a grant for the K-2 playground equipment. Rhonda to request additional quote from Moduplay.

Canteen Report:

·  Lisa is coordinating next two meal deal days on 26 May 2017 and 9 June 2017. Lisa has volunteers for these events however more volunteers are required. Lisa noted that recruitment of new coordinators of meals deal days is necessary to ensure the sustainability of these events. Lisa has prepared a comprehensive instruction manual to assist potential new coordinators.

Uniform Shop Report:

·  Teresa is sharing the role of Friday morning uniform shop with Jennifer Dancer (alternative Fridays). Teresa noted a 3rd volunteer to share this role would be beneficial. Teresa noted that second hand uniforms stock is low and Rhonda will organise request for new stock.

General Business:

·  ‘School Shades presentation’ by David Whetton on purchase of sunglasses for school children for sun protection. ‘School shades’ provided samples of sunglasses. P & C Members were receptive to idea. Inquiries will be made of schools that have purchased sunglasses and the samples will be provided to students to trial with a decision on implementation to be made at future meeting.

·  Interrelate evening– Wednesday 14 June 2017 – Agreed for P & C to continue to subsidise cost down to $5 per child, $10 per family and up to a maximum of $1000 in total.

·  P & C have agreed to pay $50 each for participation of Cooper Cropp and Kaeden Hamden in District rugby and $150 for Amelia Cotter in Regional basketball).

·  Teaching awards – nomination form available and to be reviewed by P & C.

·  Rhonda noted that under Gonski model the school would be $133,874 better off than under current Federal budget model.

·  Risk management plan pro forma for future BBQ events. Teresa to laminate and attach to BBQ equipment. Pro forma tabled with minutes.

·  Danielle will organise to sort through the books collected for Bulli on the Green book store to send to the Lismore collection.

·  Signatories for the Association are currently Allyson Pazos, Fernando Collazo & Lisa Pearson. Valerie Linton to be added as a signatory for the Commonwealth bank.

Meeting closed: 8:40 pm

Next meeting: 20 June 2017, Bulli Public School, Staff Room

Bulli Public School P&C Meeting Minutes 16 May 2017 / Page 2