Special City Council Public Hearing Minutes

February 27, 2008
February 28, 2008

S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T. Caterina, E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici, L.Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Also In Attendance:
J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law)
J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk


A.1. Call to Order

Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m.

Councillors R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, A. Sohi and D. Thiele.

A.2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved J. Batty – B. Anderson:

That the February 27, 2008, Special City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, D. Iveson, K. Krushell,
L. Sloan.

Absent: R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, A. Sohi and D. Thiele.

Councillor R. Hayter entered the meeting.


A.5. Explanation of Public Hearing Process

Mayor S.Mandel explained the public hearing process.

A.6. Call for Persons to Speak

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:


E.1. Adoption of an Amendment to the South East Area Plan


F.1. Bylaw 14816 - Closure of north/south lane, located south of 96 Avenue NW and west of 87 Street NW, Strathearn

F.2. Bylaw 14808 - Rezoning from CNC, DC2 and RA7 to AP and DC2, located north of 95 Avenue NW between 87 and 90 Streets NW, Strathearn

Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to item E.1. and Bylaws 14816 and 14808 being dealt with together. No one objected.

Councillor K. Leibovici entered the meeting.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk, answered Council's questions.

In favour: J. A. Bryan, Bryan & Company; J. Sturgess, Sturgess Architecture; D. Carlyle, Carlyle Associates; R. Davis, Bunt & Associates; K. Hlewka, Sturgess Architecture; D. Kent, Nearctic Group; J. Stein; Rockwell Developments; A. Preiksaitis, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd.; S. Vineberg, Rockwell Investments; and L. Beale, Sturgess Arthitecture (to answer questions); C. Nutter, Greater Edmonton Alliance; E. Poirier, Strathearn Heights Apartments Tenants Organizing Committee; S. Krikke (and on behalf of B. Hagensen), both of Strathearn Heights Apartments Tenants Organizing Committee;
R. Boisvert; L. Filice; A. Wasnea; J. Ruhl; K. Driver; A. Nikolai;
A. Scott; and P. Bugeaud.

Opposed: H. MacDonald; D. Charlton; W. Brown; R. Takhar;
R. Stelmaczonek; C. Mills; E. Nelson; P. Moreton; D. Luciw, R. Mann, J. Bohaychuk, B. Krest, S. Tchida, D. Shacker, C. Garnier,
C. Unguran, J. Crowell, J. Towle, M. Carlstad, G. Plouffe, K. Furneaux, A. Tchida and W. Unguran, Strathearn Community League; and
B. Eadie, Mature Neighbourhood Action Group.

P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department; and A. Jones, Transportation Department, made presentations.

J. A. Bryan, Bryan & Company, made a presentation.

Councillor A. Sohi entered the meeting.

J. A. Bryan, Bryan & Company, answered Council's questions.
J. Sturgess, Sturgess Architecture; and D. Carlyle, Carlyle Associates, made presentations and answered Council's questions.

Councillor D. Thiele entered the meeting.

R. Davis, Bunt & Associates; K. Hlewka, Sturgess Architecture;
D. Kent, Nearctic Group; and J. Stein, Rockwell Developments, made presentations and answered Council's questions. A. Preiksaitis, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd., made a presentation. Copies of presentations provided by J. Stein and A. Preiksaitis were distributed to Members of Council and copies were filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Council recessed at 3:29 p.m.

Council reconvened at 3:52 p.m.

Councillors K. Leibovici and R. Hayter were absent.

A. Preiksaitis, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd., answered Council's questions.

Councillors K. Leibovici and R. Hayter entered the meeting.

A. Preiksaitis, Armin A. Preiksaitis & Associates Ltd.; and L. Beale, Sturgess Architecture, answered Council’s questions. C. Nutter, Greater Edmonton Alliance, made a presentation and answered Council’s questions.

E. Poirier and S. Krikke (and for B. Hagensen), Strathearn Heights Apartments Tenants Organizing Committee, made presentations and answered Council’s questions. R. Boisvert made a presentation.
L. Filice made a presentation and answered Council’s questions.
A. Wasnea; A. Brown; and J. Ruhl made presentations. K. Driver made a presentation and answered Council’s questions. A. Nikolai, Habitat for Humanity, made a presentation and answered Council’s questions. M. Oseen (and on behalf of J. Ritchie) made a presentation and answered Council’s questions. T. Hardowa made a presentation.
C. Kuchma made a presentation and answered Council’s questions. C. Croteau made a presentation.

Moved B. Anderson – R. Hayter:

That Orders of the Day be extended to hear the remaining four speakers registered in favour.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

A. Scott made a presentation and answered Council’s questions.
P. Bugeaud; I. Kermack; and C. Lucas made presentations.

Copies of a document provided by the Strathearn Community League, entitled “SCL Objection to Proposed Bylaws 14808, 14816 and SEAP Amendment,” were distributed to Members of Council and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

Council recessed at 5:35 p.m.

Council reconvened at 7:14 p.m.

H. MacDonald made a presentation and answered Council’s questions. An informal petition opposing Bylaw 14816, Bylaw 14808 and an Amendment to the South East Area Plan, provided by H. MacDonald, was circulated to Members of Council, and a copy was filed with the Office of the City Clerk.

D. Charlton made a presentation. D. Jones; W. Brown; and
R. Stelmaczonek made presentations and answered Council’s questions. C. Mills and L. Gorzalka made presentations. E. Nelson and P. Moreton made presentations and answered Council’s questions. M. Scott; and D. Luciw and R. Mann, Strathearn Community League, made presentations. C. Garnier, J. McGinnis,
B. Krest and M. Carlstad, Strathearn Community League, made presentations and answered Council’s questions. J. Towle and
F. Laurin, Strathearn Community League, made presentations.

Council adjourned at 9:31 p.m.

Council reconvened on Thursday, February 28, 2008, at 1:33 p.m.

Councillors E. Gibbons, R. Hayter, K. Krushell, L. Sloan and D. Thiele were absent.

J. Bohaychuk, Strathearn Community League, made a presentation.

Councillors E. Gibbons, R. Hayter and D. Thiele entered the meeting.

C. Unguran, Strathearn Community League, made a presentation.

Councillor K. Krushell entered the meeting.

C. Unguran, Strathearn Community League, answered Council's questions. S. Tchida, D. Shacker and J. Crowell, Strathearn Community League, made presentations and answered Council's questions. A. Winter, Strathearn Community League, answered Council's questions. G. Plouffe and K. Furneaux, Strathearn Community League, made presentations. A. Tchida, Strathearn Community League, made a presentation and answered Council's questions. S. O’Byrne, Strathearn Community League, made a presentation. B. Eadie, Mature Neighbourhood Action Group, made a presentation.

Copies of the following documents were distributed to Members of Council and copies were filed with the Office of the City Clerk, as provided by: S. Tchida – “Strathearn Community League Town Hall Meeting of October 3rd, 2006;” D. Shacker – “Engagement Plan 2007-01-14” and “February 10th 2007 Strathearn Heights Apartments Tenant Survey;” and A. Tchida – “Strathearn Community League Urban Planning Report,” “Design Character Objectives (other neighbourhood growth potential),” “Workbook Question 7.3,” and two digital images of proposed developments.

Councillor L. Sloan entered the meeting.

C. Farris made a presentation and read a letter on behalf of B. Larson.

J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law); P. Ohm and
S. Fekner, Planning and Development Department; and J. Hancock, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.

Council recessed at 3:31 p.m.

Council reconvened at 3:52 p.m.

Councillors J. Batty, K. Leibovici and D. Thiele were absent.

P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.

Councillors K. Leibovici and J. Batty entered the meeting.

J. Hancock, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.

Councillor D. Thiele entered the meeting.

P. Ohm and S. Fekner, Planning and Development Department;
J. Hancock, Transportation Department; and P. Alexander, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered Council's questions.

Moved K. Krushell – L. Sloan:

That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

P. Alexander, Asset Management and Public Works Department;
P. Ohm and S. Fekner, Planning and Development Department; and
J. Hancock, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.

Moved D. Thiele – K. Krushell:

That any Member of Council who may wish to do so be allowed to speak for an additional five minutes.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, D.Thiele.

Absent: A. Sohi.

J. Hancock, Transportation Department; P. Ohm and S. Fekner, Planning and Development Department; and P. Alexander, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered Council's questions.

Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any new information anyone in attendance wished to address.

J. Bohaychuk, A. Tchida and S. O’Byrne, Strathearn Community League; and B. Eadie, Mature Neighbourhoods Action Group, made further presentations. G. Wood made a presentation.

Moved J. Batty – R. Hayter:

That Bylaw 14808, Schedule B, Commercial and Commercial – Related Uses, be amended as follows:
a.  Paragraph n. be replaced with: “n. Minor Amusement Establishments, as an accessory use to a restaurant.”
b.  Paragraph o. be replaced with “o. Major and Minor Secondhand Stores, limited solely to the sale of antique goods.”
c.  Paragraph m. be replaced with “m. Minor Alcohol Sales, to a maximum of one wine store.” / Planning & Dev.
Bylaw 14808 – Amendment cont.

J. Wright, Office of the City Clerk; and J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council's questions.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

Moved J. Batty – E. Gibbons:

That the public hearing on Bylaws 14816 and 14808 be closed.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaws 14816 and 14808 be read a first time.

Moved J. Batty – T. Caterina:

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete items E.1., F.1. and F.2.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

Motion on First Reading of Bylaws 14816 and 14808, put:


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.

Opposed: B. Henderson.

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaws 14816 and 14808 be read a second time.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.

Opposed: B. Henderson.

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaws 14816 and 14808 be considered for third reading.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

Moved D. Thiele – E. Gibbons:

That Bylaws 14816 and 14808 be read a third time. / Distribution List


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.

Opposed: B. Henderson.


E.1. Adoption of an Amendment to the South East Area Plan

Moved J. Batty – D. Thiele:

That the South East Area Plan be amended as illustrated in Attachment 1 of the December 15, 2007, Planning and Development Department report 2008PDP336. / Planning & Dev.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

Criteria to Assess Community Impacts of Planning and Development Proposals

Moved L. Sloan – D. Thiele:

That Administration provide a report to Executive Committee, outlining the criteria and measurables utilized in the Zoning Bylaw to investigate and analyze the potential impact on communities from planning and development proposals. / Planning & Dev.
Exec. Committee
Due: Apr. 23/08


For the Motion: B.Anderson, T. Caterina, E.Gibbons, R.Hayter,
B. Henderson, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi, D.Thiele.

Opposed: S. Mandel; J. Batty, K. Leibovici.

Strathearn Heights Redevelopment – Affordable Housing

Moved K. Leibovici – L. Sloan:

1.  That Administration work with the Strathearn Heights Redevelopment Project proponents to provide 200 to 300 affordable rental units, in accordance with Cornerstones Affordable Housing objectives.
2.  That these discussions take place and that a report summarizing the results return to Executive Committee prior to issuance of a development permit for the Strathearn Heights Redevelopment Project Stage 2. / AMPW
Exec. Committee
Due: Apr. 23/08

J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council's questions.


For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, D. Iveson,
K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi,

Strathearn Heights Apartment Development – Transit Study

Moved B. Henderson – D. Thiele:

That Administration work with the Strathearn Heights Apartment Development on a transit study and plan that can proactively encourage transit as the primary choice of the new residents of the development, and explore ways that the City of Edmonton and the Strathearn Heights Apartment Development can share the cost of providing the necessary improvements, and that a report on this initiative return to Transportation and Public Works Committee.

J. Hancock, Transportation Department; and J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered Council's questions.

Amendment moved J. Batty – S. Mandel:

That “on their property or immediately adjacent to their property” be added following “the development.”
