City Council Public Hearing Minutes
December 12, 2007
Present:S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T. Caterina, D. Iveson, E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K.Krushell, K.Leibovici, L.Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Also In Attendance:
K. Fung, Corporate Services Department (Law)
A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk
A.1.Call to Order
Mayor S. Mandel called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m.
Councillors R. Hayter and D. Iveson were absent.
A.2.Adoption of Agenda
Moved J. Batty – D. Thiele:
That the December 12, 2007, City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted with the following changes:
- Orders of the Day:
Adjournment revised from 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. - Replacement Pages:
F.27. Bylaw 14772 – Rezoning from AG to DC1, located east of 170 Street and south of Windermere Boulevard, Ambleside
Pages 5 to 16 of Schedule C
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
A.4.Protocol Items
St. John Bosco School (S. Mandel)
On behalf of City Council, Mayor S. Mandel welcomed Grade 4 students from St. John Bosco School in Ward 3, and their teacher Ms. Tome. The students are attending City Hall School to learn about municipal services.
A.5.Explanation of Public Hearing Process
Mayor S.Mandel explained the public hearing process.
A.6.Call for Persons to Speak
A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
F.1.Bylaw 14790 - Rezoning from AG to RA7, RSL, PU and AGU, located south of 143 Avenue NW and east of 140 Street NW, Pembina
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14790:
In favour: A. Stewart, Scheffer Andrew, (to answer questions).
F.2.Bylaw 14793 - Closure of a portion of 50 Street, located south of 160 Avenue NW and west of the realigned 50 Street NW, Hollick-Kenyon
F.3.Bylaw 14794 - Rezoning from AG to AGU and RSL, located south of 162 Avenue NW and west of the realigned 50 Street NW, Hollick-Kenyon
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14793 and 14794 being read together. No one objected.
There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaws14793 and 14794.
F.4.Bylaw 14795 - Rezoning from AG to RSL, located east of Winterburn Road (215 Street NW) and north of Webber Greens Drive, Webber Greens
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14795:
In favour: J. Davis, Melcor, (to answer questions).
F.5.Bylaw 14798 - Rezoning from AG to RSL, located west of 199 Street and north of Webber Greens Drive, Webber Greens
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14798:
In favour: J. Davis, Melcor, (to answer questions).
F.6.Bylaw 14799 - Rezoning from DC2 to DC2, GLG, RF5g, RA7g, AP and PU; located north of 137 Avenue NW between 97 Street NW and Castle Downs Road NW, Griesbach.
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14799:
In favour: T. Druett, Canada Lands, (to answer questions).
F.7.Bylaw 14801 - Rezoning from AG to RF4 and RA7; located north of 167 Avenue NW and east of 50 Street NW, McConachie
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14801:
In favour: C. Dulaba, Stantec Consulting Ltd., (to answer questions).
F.8.Bylaw 14791 - Rezoning from AGU and RF1 to RSL, located at 12440 – 46 Street NW and 12436 – 46 Street NW, Bergman
The following persons were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14791:
In favour: T. Hagio and D. Towle, Scheffer Andrew, (to answer questions).
F.9.Bylaw 14792 - Rezoning from RF1 to RF4, located at 13447 - 61 Street NW, Belvedere
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14792:
In favour: H. Toor (to speak to the request for postponement).
F.1.Bylaw 14790 - Rezoning from AG to RA7, RSL, PU and AGU, located south of 143 Avenue NW and east of 140 Street NW, Pembina
F.2.Bylaw 14793 - Closure of a portion of 50 Street, located south of 160 Avenue NW and west of the realigned 50 Street NW, Hollick-Kenyon
F.3.Bylaw 14794 - Rezoning from AG to AGU and RSL, located south of 162 Avenue NW and west of the realigned 50 Street NW, Hollick-Kenyon
F.4.Bylaw 14795 - Rezoning from AG to RSL, located east of Winterburn Road (215 Street NW) and north of Webber Greens Drive, Webber Greens
F.5.Bylaw 14798 - Rezoning from AG to RSL, located west of 199 Street and north of Webber Greens Drive, Webber Greens
F.6.Bylaw 14799 - Rezoning from DC2 to DC2, GLG, RF5g, RA7g, AP and PU; located north of 137 Avenue NW between 97 Street NW and Castle Downs Road NW, Griesbach.
F.7.Bylaw 14801 - Rezoning from AG to RF4 and RA7; located north of 167 Avenue NW and east of 50 Street NW, McConachie
F.8.Bylaw 14791 - Rezoning from AGU and RF1 to RSL, located at 12440 – 46 Street NW and 12436 – 46 Street NW, Bergman
Moved B. Anderson – D. Thiele:
That the public hearing on Bylaws14790, 14793, 14794, 14795, 14798, 14799, 14801 and 14791 be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14790, 14793, 14794, 14795, 14798, 14799, 14801 and 14791 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14790, 14793, 14794, 14795, 14798, 14799, 14801 and 14791 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14790, 14793, 14794, 14795, 14798, 14799, 14801 and 14791 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – D. Thiele:
That Bylaws 14790, 14793, 14794, 14795, 14798, 14799, 14801 and 14791be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
F.9.Bylaw 14792 - Rezoning from RF1 to RF4, located at 13447 - 61 Street NW, Belvedere
Moved B. Anderson – E. Gibbons:
That Bylaw 14792 be postponed to the January 14, 2008, City Council Public Hearing, at 2 p.m. / Planning & Dev.Due: Jan. 14/08
2 p.m.
H. Toor made a presentation.
K. Fung, Corporate Services Department (Law); and C. Raftis, Planning and Development Department. answered Council's questions.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:R. Hayter, D. Iveson.
Council recessed at 9:45 a.m.
Council reconvened at 10:03 a.m.
Councillor D. Iveson was absent.
A.5.Explanation of Public Hearing Process
Mayor S.Mandel explained the public hearing process.
A.6.Call for Persons to Speak
A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
F.10.Bylaw 14733 - Amendment to The Grange Area Structure Plan
F.11.Bylaw 14642 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 14380 – Arterial Roads for Development, regarding The Grange ASP
F.12.Bylaw 14734 - Amendment to the Hamptons Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.13.Bylaw 14735 - Rezoning from AG and RSL to RSL, RF1, RF4, RF5, AP and PU; located south of 45 Avenue NW and east and west of 199 Street NW, The Hamptons.
F.14.Bylaw 14743 - Closure of portion of Government road allowance (45 Avenue); located at 45 Avenue NW and east of 204 Street NW, The Hamptons
F.15.Bylaw 14786 - Closure of portion of 45 Avenue, previously closed by Bylaw 13740; located at 45 Avenue NW and west of 199 Street NW, The Hamptons
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14733, 14642, 14734, 14735, 14743 and 14786 being read together. No one objected.
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14786:
In favour: J. Wacko, Beaverbrook Hamptons, (to answer questions).
F.10.Bylaw 14733 - Amendment to The Grange Area Structure Plan
F.11.Bylaw 14642 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw 14380 – Arterial Roads for Development, regarding The Grange ASP
F.12.Bylaw 14734 - Amendment to the Hamptons Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.13.Bylaw 14735 - Rezoning from AG and RSL to RSL, RF1, RF4, RF5, AP and PU; located south of 45 Avenue NW and east and west of 199 Street NW, The Hamptons.
F.14.Bylaw 14743 - Closure of portion of Government road allowance (45 Avenue); located at 45 Avenue NW and east of 204 Street NW, The Hamptons
F.15.Bylaw 14786 - Closure of portion of 45 Avenue, previously closed by Bylaw 13740; located at 45 Avenue NW and west of 199 Street NW, The Hamptons
Moved K. Leibovici – L. Sloan:
That Bylaw 14734 be amended to add the following after section 2.5.2:2.5.3 Construction Access
To minimize disruption to existing residents, construction access to development areas located in the southeastern portion of the Hamptons Neighourhood Structure Plan, including areas added to the plan under Bylaw 14734, be focused to the greatest extent possible on 199 Street and the planned extension of the 204 Street collector. / Planning & Dev.
Mayor S.Mandel asked if there was any new information anyone in attendance wished to address. No one responded.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – K. Leibovici:
That the public hearing on Bylaws 14733, 14642, 14734, 14735, 14743 and 14786 be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – K. Leibovici:
That Bylaws 14733, 14642, 14734, 14735, 14743 and 14786 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – L. Sloan:
That Bylaws 14733, 14642, 14734, 14735, 14743 and 14786 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – L. Sloan:
That Bylaws 14733, 14642, 14734, 14735, 14743 and 14786 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Moved B. Anderson – K. Leibovici:
That Bylaws 14733, 14642, 14734, 14735, 14743 and 14786be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Bylaw 14734 – Transit Service
K. Fung, Corporate Services Department (Law); and B. Latte, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.
Moved L. Sloan – K. Leibovici:
That, as a condition of subdivision with respect to Bylaw 14734 – Amendment to the Hamptons Neighbourhood Structure Plan, two years of developer-funded transit service be provided. / TransportationPlanning & Dev.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici,
L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Opposed:E. Gibbons.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Alternate Construction Access – 215 Street
Moved K. Leibovici – L. Sloan:
That Administration prepare a report for the January 22, 2008, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting, on the possibility of providing alternate construction access from 215 Street north of Hope Road. / TransportationTPW Committee
Due: Jan. 22/08
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Krushell,
K. Leibovici, L. Sloan, A. Sohi, D.Thiele.
Absent:D. Iveson.
Council recessed at 10:14 a.m.
Council reconvened at 1:33 p.m.
Councillors E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, K. Leibovici and
D. Thiele were absent.
A.5.Explanation of Public Hearing Process
Mayor S.Mandel explained the public hearing process.
A.6.Call for Persons to Speak
A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
F.16.Bylaw 14800 - Rezoning from US to RA7a; located north of Ellerslie Road SW and west of Allan Drive SW, Ambleside
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14800.
In favour: J. LaFollette (to answer questions).
F.17.Bylaw 14804 - Rezoning from IM to PU, located at 7204 – 8 Street NW, Maple Ridge Industrial
There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14804.
F.18.Bylaw 14805 - Rezoning from AG to RSL, RA7 and PU, located south of 17B Avenue and east of 34 Street NW, Meadows Area
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14805:
In favour: R. Jones, Qualico, (to answer questions).
F.19.Bylaw 14807 - Closure of a portion of the north/south lane, located south of 100 Avenue, between 115 Street and 116 Street; Oliver
The following persons were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14807:
In favour: C. Twinn.
Opposed: N. Schindler, Barr Picard; A. Lambert; D. Howatt; and
D. Nord, Oliver Community League.
F.20.Bylaw 14810 - Rezoning from RA8 to CB1, located at 10972 – 124 Street NW, Westmount
There were no persons present to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14810.
F.21.Bylaw 14558 - Rezoning from AG and US to RSL and DC1, located north of 25 Avenue SW and west of 88 Street SW, Summerside
F.22.Bylaw 14811 - Amendment to the Summerside Neighbourhood Structure Plan
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14558 and 14811 being read together. No one objected.
The following persons were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaws14558 and 14811:
In favour: L. Gibson, Carma Developers, (to answer questions).
F.16.Bylaw 14800 - Rezoning from US to RA7a; located north of Ellerslie Road SW and west of Allan Drive SW, Ambleside
F.17.Bylaw 14804 - Rezoning from IM to PU, located at 7204 – 8 Street NW, Maple Ridge Industrial
F.20.Bylaw 14810 - Rezoning from RA8 to CB1, located at 10972 – 124 Street NW, Westmount
F.21.Bylaw 14558 - Rezoning from AG and US to RSL and DC1, located north of 25 Avenue SW and west of 88 Street SW, Summerside
F.22.Bylaw 14811 - Amendment to the Summerside Neighbourhood Structure Plan
Moved B. Anderson – B. Henderson:
That the public hearing on Bylaws 14800, 14804, 14810, 14558 and 14811 be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved B. Anderson – B. Henderson:
That Bylaws 14800, 14804, 14810, 14558 and 14811 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved B. Anderson – B. Henderson:
That Bylaws 14800, 14804, 14810, 14558 and 14811 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved B. Anderson – B. Henderson:
That Bylaws 14800, 14804, 14810, 14558 and 14811 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved B. Anderson – B. Henderson:
That Bylaws 14800, 14804, 14810, 14558 and 14811 be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
F.18.Bylaw 14805 - Rezoning from AG to RSL, RA7 and PU, located south of 17B Avenue and east of 34 Street NW, Meadows Area
B. Latte, Transportation Department, answered Council's questions.
Moved A. Sohi – R. Hayter:
That the public hearing on Bylaw 14805 be closed.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved A. Sohi – R. Hayter:
That Bylaw 14805 be read a first time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved A. Sohi – R. Hayter:
That Bylaw 14805 be read a second time.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved A. Sohi – R. Hayter:
That Bylaw 14805 be considered for third reading.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Moved A. Sohi – R. Hayter:
That Bylaw 14805 be read a third time. / Distribution ListCarried
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici, L. Sloan,
A. Sohi.
Absent:E. Gibbons, D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
F.19.Bylaw 14807 - Closure of a portion of the north/south lane, located south of 100 Avenue, between 115 Street and 116 Street; Oliver
Moved J. Batty – B. Henderson:
That Bylaw 14807 be postponed to the March 10, 2008, City Council Public Hearing at 2 p.m.
C. Twinn made a presentation and answered Council's questions.
Councillor E. Gibbons entered the meeting.
N. Schindler, Barr Picard; D. Nord, Oliver Community League; and
D. Howatt made presentations and answered Council's questions.
A. Lambert made a presentation.
P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.
Amendment moved K. Leibovici – B. Anderson:
That the date of March 10, 2008, be changed to February 11, 2008.
P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, answered Council's questions.
Mayor S.Mandel asked if there was any new information anyone in attendance wished to address. No one responded.
C. Twinn made a presentation.
For the
Amendment: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici,
L. Sloan, A. Sohi.
Absent:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
Motion, as amended, put:
That Bylaw 14807 be postponed to the February 11, 2008, City Council Public Hearing, at 2 p.m. / Planning & Dev.Due: Feb. 11/08
2 p.m.
For the Motion: S.Mandel; B.Anderson, J.Batty, T.Caterina,
E.Gibbons, R.Hayter, B. Henderson, K. Leibovici,
L. Sloan, A. Sohi.
Absent:D. Iveson, K. Krushell, D. Thiele.
A.5.Explanation of Public Hearing Process
Mayor S.Mandel explained the public hearing process.
A.6.Call for Persons to Speak
A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, asked whether there were any persons present to speak to the following bylaws:
F.23.Bylaw 14726 - Rezoning from AG to US; located north of Ellerslie Road SW and east of 34 Street SW, Rural South East
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14726:
In favour: D. Towle, Scheffer Andrew, (to answer questions).
F.24.Bylaw 14680 - Amendment to the Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan
F.25.Bylaw 14681 - Rezoning from RF4 to DC1, located south of Saskatchewan Drive NW and west of 104 Street NW, Strathcona
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14680 and 14681 being read together. No one objected.
The following person was in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaws 14680 and 14681:
In favour: G. Porozini (to answer questions).
F.26.Bylaw 14771 - Amendment to the Ambleside Neighbourhood Structure Plan
F.27.Bylaw 14772 - Rezoning from AG to DC1, located East of 170 Street and south of Windermere Boulevard, Ambleside
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to Bylaws 14771 and 14772 being read together. No one objected.
The following persons were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaws14771 and 14772:
In favour: J. Brown and L. Miles, Sherrick; and S. Kharaj, Stantec Consulting Ltd., (to answer questions).
F.28.Bylaw 14750 - Amendments to the Text of the Zoning Bylaw to Increase the Opportunity for Secondary and Garage Suites
The following persons were in attendance to speak to the passing of Bylaw 14750:
In favour: S. Vollansky, University of Alberta Students’ Union; and
K. Harding, Edmonton Coalition on Housing and Homelessness.
Opposed: A. Slemko, Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues; and S. Guilbert, Central Area Council of Community Leagues.
E.1.Amendment to the Heritage Valley Servicing Concept Design Brief
F.29.Bylaw 14779 - To adopt the Chappelle Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan
Mayor S. Mandel asked if there was any objection to item E.1. and Bylaw 14779 being dealt with together. No one objected.