Minutes for College of Humanities

Academic Council

Monday, November 9, 2015


In attendance:


Xochitl Alvizo, Scott Andrews, Christina Ayala-Alcantar, Tim Black, Ahmed Bouguarche, Brian Burkhart, Douglas Carranza, Brian Castronovo, Ranita Chatterjee, Gabriel Gutiérrez, Evelyn McClave, Sheena Malhotra, David Medeiros, Jody Myers, Kimberly Robertson, Elizabeth A. Say, Eunai Shrake, Jackie Stallcup, Rick Talbott, Jennifer Thompson, Beth Wightman


Edith Dimo, MCLL faculty

Kenneth V. Luna, MCLL faculty

1. Call to Order and Introductions

2:03 p.m.

2. Approval of minutes

Minutes approved.

3. Curriculum Reviews

o  Course Modification: SPAN 395, “Spanish Phonetics”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 496 A-Z, “Experimental Topics Courses in Spanish Literatures”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 497, “Comparative Structure of Spanish and English”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 505, “The Art of Translation”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 506, “Advanced Written Expression”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 520, “Latin American Cinema and Literatures”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 530, “Spanish Dialectology”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 550, “The Latin American Novel”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 560, “Latin American Women Writers”


o  Course Modification: SPAN 595 A-Z, “Experimental Topics Courses in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures”


o  New Course: SPAN 405, “Literature of the 19th Century: Latin America”

Approved per the committees suggested revisions:

o  List skills for the SLO’s

o  EPC wants to see the title, name of the course and units at the start of all modified Course Descriptions.

o  Update all consultations and ensure that the library has been consulted.

o  New Course: SPAN 406, “Literature of the 20th Century: Latin America”

Approved per the committees suggested revisions:

o  List skills for the SLO’s

o  EPC wants to see the title, name of the course and units at the start of all modified Course Descriptions.

o  Update all consultations and ensure that the library has been consulted.

o  New Course: SPAN 495 A-Z, “Selected Topics in Hispanic Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics”

Approved per the committees suggested revisions:

o  List skills for the SLO’s and specific objectives for each letter.

o  EPC wants to see the title, name of the course and units at the start of all modified Course Descriptions.

o  Update all consultations and ensure that the library has been consulted.

o  New Course: SPAN 594 A-Z

Approved per the committees suggested revisions:

o  List skills for the SLO’s and specific objectives for each letter.

o  New Experimental Topics Course: SPAN 496M, “Spanish for the Health Professions”


o  Program Modification: B.A. and Minor in Spanish

Approved per the committees suggested revisions:

o  Be more explicit with the brief summary on what you changing in the program.

o  Program Modification for Spanish: Keep the strike outs with revisions and then attach the advised clean copy

o  New Program: Civic and Community Engagement Minor


o  New Course: CCE 200, “Civic and Community Engagement Minor”


o  New Course: CCE 490, “Civic and Community Engagement Capstone Course”


5. Announcements

Today, November 9, 2015, Gender and Women’s Studies is hosting the Phenomenal Women discussion at 4:00 pm in the Oviatt Library Fermin Presentation Room.

Friday, November 13, 2015 is the last day for students to submit the 5-12 week Late Add Drop forms, please be available to sign or have a non-staff representative on hand to sign for you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015, Chicana/o Studies department presents: A conversation with Mario Carranza on Cuban history, Revolution, and Guatemalan Solidarity. The photo exhibit is from 3-3:45pm in JR153 and the conversation in from 4-6pm in the Noski Auditorium.

The 32nd Annual POW WOW is on Friday, November 28, 2015 on the Plummer lawn from 10:00 am-9:00 pm.

Monday, November 16, 2015 in the Whitsett Room, an informational meeting on the CSUN student trip organized by the Jewish Studies Program and the History Department; CSUN Summer 2016 Poland – Vienna, Austria Trip, May 26-June 8, 2016,

Congratulations to Douglas on the arrival of his new baby daughter!

6. Adjournment

2:55 pm