Minutes ETC meeting, May 19th and 20th, 2010
Date:Tuesday and Wednesday,May 19th and 20th, 2010
Time:9:00 - 17:00 (18:00?) and 9:00 - 16:00
Participants:Christian Le, Statnett
Jan Owe, SvK
Kees Sparreboom, TenneT
Koen Reynvoet, UMIX
Lucy Sarkisian (Convenor), TenneT
Norbert Suter, swissgrid
Ove Nesvik, EdiSys
Attachment:, see item 5
, see item 14.2 under AOB
1Approval of agenda
The agenda was approved with the following additions/comments:
- Questions from Denmark: How to handle acknowledgements?, see 14.1 under AOB
- Preparations for next HG meeting, see 14.2 under AOB
2Minutes from previous meetings
The minutes from previous meeting was approved after correction of some spelling errors.
3Review of UMM2 version of the ebIX® model for CuS and EMD
Ove raised some questions, which occurred when updating the CuS Business Requirements View:
- How to handle (publish) mapping between BRV and BIV, e.g. the BRV Transaction ID will be mapped to the BIV MP_Event_Identification?
Conclusion:If needed; add a class diagram with mapping between BRV classes and BIV classes using dependencies directed from BRV to BIV. The class diagram should be put under the Business Entity View.
- CuS has specified in the request-documents, a Requesting party ID and a Requesting party Role. If the Requesting party Role is the Business process role (Ancillary role), how do we map the Requesting party ID?
Conclusion:The Requesting party ID is the Payload.BalanceSupplier.Identification and the Requesting party Role is the Business process role.
- CuS is using an End date and a Start date to inform the receiver of a notification if the MP party is the new or the old party. How should we specify this in the BIV, when we in the MT_Event class only have Occurrence?
Conclusion:The question will be forwarded to CuS, before further discussions in ETC.
Kees should, as homework from previous meeting,send a request to MagicDraw asking them about the possible bug that MagicDraw adds automatic the first line of an OCL statement, which is removed if the constraint is specified as English text (and not OCL) and is also removed from textboxes showing the constraint. The question is however still open and was postponed until next meeting.
Kees had distributed the document “UPCC MagicDraw module + some ebIX® questions” which was presented. Most of the questions have been answered satisfactory or will be discussed in coming TMG meetings. Those questions not yet decided in TMG will be followed up.
One discussion topic was the proposed use of string for the tagged values in UMM. It was however decided to keep the stringtype for the tagged values and if we need a check, we do it outside MagicDraw.
Conclusion:We keep the string type for the tagged values and if we need a check, we do it outside MagicDraw
There is one remaining question related to using different namespaces for code lists (and other files) and at the same time requires these to be included, which not is possible according to the XML rules.
Kees also presented a table showing ebIX® Unique Identifiers(UID). The UID has been changed to a 6 digit number. Kees will add a column saying what kind of object the UID belongs to, e.g. code list (split into original, subset and assembled), ABIE, BBIE, BDT etc.
- Kees will follow up the request to MagicDraw related to the possible bug that MagicDraw adds automatic the first line of an OCL statement, which is removed if the constraint is specified as English text (and not OCL) and is also removed from textboxes showing the constraint.
4MagicDraw profiles
Kees proposed that we should specify our profiles, in MagicDraw, as profiles and not packages. In addition we should always specify which profiles that are used in a project. We should however not specify a profile as a profile, when it is opened as a project (when maintaining it). This will solve a problem related to “invisibility” of stereotypes in the XMI-files.
The MagicDraw profiles were also discussed during the previous item 3.
5National code lists for inclusion in the ebIX® profiles.
The Swedish national codes, see attached Excel document, were reviewed. Parts of the codes are related to the upstream market and should therefore be an ENTSO-E responsibility.
The following codes will be updated as ebIX® codes in the UML-profile:
Phase / MKS / 3496 / E04 / Planning phaseAncillary role / SG2/NAD / 3035 / EZ / System operator
PQ / Issuer of Certificates
DER / Market information aggregator
LOCATION FUNCTION CODE QUALIFIER / SG5/LOC / 3227 / 175 / Station group Id
SE / Seller
Unit / SG5/MEA / 6411 / SEC / Seconds
Z15 / kWh/m3 (Kilo Watt hours per cubic meter)
And the following codes will be added as national Swedish codes:
Z15 / kWh/m3Meter reading quality / SG11/STS / 4405 / 113 / Missing underlying value / Underlying values are missing in an aggregation
Also the Norwegian national codes in Appendix C were reviewed with the following comments:
- The code Z25 Unspecified reason will be added as a Swedish and as a Norwegian code, and a question will be forwarded to CuS asking for a common ebIX® code.
- The codes for Metered data collection method will be forwarded to EMD.
- The proposal for Response Reason Description code will be forwarded to CuS.
We will make a DMR for addition of code Z15 kWh/m3 to UN recommendation 20.
- Kees will update the ebIX® profile with the codes above
- Ove will make a DMR for update of kWh/m3 to UN recommendation 20, and verify the content with Koon, Jan and Christian Odgaard.
6New modelling features
The “Harmonised Role Model discussion one step further” will be proposed as an item for the ENTSO-E, EFET and ebIX® Harmonisation Group (HG). A discussion within ETC was postponed until next meeting
Ove had tested Kees proposal for mapping from ebIX® UMM-2 modelsto EDIFACT, by making an example of an UNSM structure for the top level of UTILMD. A few comments made during the presentation:
- The Domain Identifier Type QDTin the proposal should not have any EDIFACT mapping in it.
- In the proposal the EDIFACT sequence number is used as association end names for the UNSM itself and for the segments. This should probably also apply for the composite elements.
- The mapping of segment group number is a problem, since these will vary between UNSMs (UTILMD and UTILTS) and also between versions of the UNSMs.Some alternatives was discussed, such as:
- Enhance the UNSM structure with the EDIFACT qualifier, e.g. adding NAD segments for each qualifier used in DE 3035.
- Use dependencies between the UMM BIV class diagrams instead of using tagged values for the mapping.
- Mapping the other way around, i.e. map from the UNSM structure to the UMM BIV class diagrams.
The discussion was not finalised and will be reopened later.
7Proposal for updated and simplified ebIX® Methodology
The item was postponed until next meeting.
8Proposal for updated of the ebIX® Domain model from CuS
The item was postponed until next meeting.
9Publish, distribute and make national customisations of the ebIX® models
The item was postponed until next meeting.
10StatusebIX® Transformation tool
Kees presented a requirements specification document for the ebIX® XML transformation tool.
Among others it was discussed if the code list file names should be prefixed with the relevant stereotype, i.e. Assembled, Subset, e-ENUM or Original, National etc. According to NDR all code lists will be prefixed with the UID, but only using the UID as prefix will make it less human readable.
- We prefix the code list file names with the relevant stereotype, i.e. Assembled, Subset, Original, National etc
- e-ENUM was renamed back to Original
- All associations will be shared, even if CCTS says that this only apply for associations that are reused.
Peter Vermeulen, the colleague of Kees who will develop the ebIX® XML transformation tool, participated the last two hours of the first day. He gave a presentation of the development project. The steps that will be followed when creating XML schemas are:
- Export model as EMF XMI in MagicDraw
- Read EMF XMI model in Eclipse
- Write model as a textual representation of CC 3.0
- Generate XML schemas
The first trial version is expected ready before next ETC.
11Proposal from EDNA for changes to the ebIX® web site
The item was postponed until next meeting.
12If time items (candidates for items, but only if proposals for discussion are available)
No proposals were available.
13Next meeting(s), including start and end time.
Tuesday July 6th and Wednesday July 7thin Amsterdam, including:
- Discussions of the document “Prepare Harmonized Role Model for next phase European Energy Market” (will be attached)
14.1Questions from Denmark: How to handle acknowledgements?
What are the current status/principles for acknowledgements within ebIX®?
- Do we use acknowledgement of receipt, i.e. CONTROL?
- Do we use model error report, i.e. APERAK?
- Do we use processability error report, or is this always a negative business document (rejection)?
- If a message with an unknown metering point ID is received. Should this be rejected with an APERAK (or similar xml-acknowledgement) or a negative business document (Document code ERR)?
From the related discussion:
- Start with the UML model!
- EMD has stated that Metered dataalways are is Notifications, i.e. there are no error response, such as a UTILTS/ERR
- If a metering point in a document with metered data is missing, a request for metered data should be sent.
- If an unknown metering point is received there is yet no conclusion from EMD.
- Within EMD you can send a request to the Metered data responsible, which MAY contain a proposal for metered data. The request shall have an answer, including “correct” data.
- In general, a notification pattern will never be answered by a business document, i.e. the ERR document type is not likely to be used anymore.
- UMM opens for, outside the concept of transaction patterns, an acknowledgement of receipt and an acknowledgement of acceptance.
- According to EMD, negative acknowledgements will not help if there are errors in metered data. I.e. you have to pick up the telephone anyway.
- For request/response patterns, such as change of supplier, CONTRL and APERAK, and similar XML acknowledgements, will still be valid.
Denmark also wanted to know what EDIFACT version to use, i.e. D.08A or D.09B and the conclusion was to use D.09B.
14.2Preparations for next HG meeting
The agenda for the next HG meeting was reviewed and an adjusted agenda proposal will be sent to the chairman of the HG. ETC members are asked to review the attached document (Issues Harmonized Role Model 20090915) and send possible comments to one of the HG members (Lucy, Vlatka, Kees and Ove) before June 29th.
Appendix AThe tasks of the General ETC and the ETC Modelling expert group
Task / Group / Priority / PlannedMaintain the ebIX® technical documents:
- ebIX® Modelling Methodology (Draft for v2.0A)
- ebIX® Modelling Methodology (Draft for v2.1A)
- Evaluate if a paragraph related to OO modelling is needed when the first complete ebIX® UMM compliant model is available.
- National customisation using the Business realisation View
- ebIX® common rules and recommendations (v1r1D)
- ebIX® Recommendations for acknowledgement and error handling (v1r0C)
- ebIX® Recommended identification schemes for the European energy industry (v1r1D)
To be done
When need
To be done
When need / Q1 2009
Q2 2009
Maintain ebIX® profile for MagicDraw, including:
- Core Components
- Code lists
- Templates, etc.
(after EMD and CuS RSM)
Participation/representation in the ETSO, EFET and ebIX® Harmonisation group
- Maintaining harmonised role model
- Core Components
- Information exchange between participation organisations
Participation in:
- TBG1
- IEC/TC57/WG16
Input of information for the ebIX® web site / General ETC / Urgent
Organise implementation support, such as:
- ebIX® course
- Implementation support for participating countries, such as inserting/updating codes.
Supporting ebIX® projects, i.e.:
- Develop and maintain the UMM Business Choreography View and Business Information View from the CuS and EMD working groups.
- Develop and maintain XML schemas based on the Business Information View from the CuS and EMD working groups
- Integration of the ebIX® model for acknowledgement and error handling into ebIX® models (UMM compliant)
- Maintain ebIX® Domain model
Maintaining EMD and CuS models when standards of relevance are updated, i.e.:
- CCL (and CCTS)
- Harmonised European role model
Follow up on request to UPCC project:
- Proposal for addition of the property Status to the CodelistEntry stereotype.
Appendix BParticipants in ETC
Name / Company / Telephone / Mobile / E-mailAlexander Pisters (vice convenor) / E WIE EINFACH Strom & Gas GmbH / +49 234 515-2442 / +49 162 257 5428 /
Christian Odgaard / Energinet.dk / +45 76 22 44 63 / +45 23 33 85 55 /
Christian Le / Statnett /
Jan Owe / SvK / +46705 396 930 /
Jon-Egil Nordvik / Statnett / +47 22 52 70 00 / +47 975 36 303 /
Kees Sparreboom / TenneT / +31 622 66 7911 /
Koen Reynvoet / UMIX /
Lucy Sarkisian (Convenor) / TenneT / +31613 643 092 /
Norbert Suter / swissgrid /
Ove Nesvik (Secretary) / EdiSys / +47 22 42 13 80 / +47 928 22 908 /
For information:
Adrian Fuchs / swissgrid /
Cynthia Bonne / Eandis/ UMIX /
Rudolf Baumann / swissgrid /
Daniele Bui / EDF Distribution /
Heli Anttila / Fingrid /
Juraj Horvat / VSE Kosice /
Lembit Sünt / Estonian Energy /
Radoslav Haluska / VSE Kosice /
Riina Heinimäki / Finish energy /
Svein Olsen / Navita /
Sylvie Mallet / EDF R&D /
Terje Nilsen / Nord Pool / +47 67 52 80 44 / +47 930 34 100 /
Thilo.Lombardo / EDNA / +49241/9671 194 / +49172/7181742 /
Tor Åge Halvorsen / Nord Pool /
Willem Strabbing / KEMA /
Appendix CNational Norwegian codes for the ebIX® code list
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