27 APRIL 2009
The Meeting commenced at 7pm and finished at 8:20 pm
Members Present:
Councillor Wilkins –(Chairman)
Councillors Allen, Bulteel and Miss Wilson.
Councillor Clements was present from 7.08 pm
Officers Present:
Graham Chaplin, Emergency Planning Officer, Housing and Community Services
Simon Young, Emergency Planning Officer, Housing and Community Services
Paul Smith, Business Continuity Project Administrator, Financial Services
Kate Gibbings, Democratic Support Officer, Legal and Democratic Services
Members of the Public Present: 0
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Adams and Gillard, and apologies for late attendance were received from Councillor Clements.
Councillor Allen declared a personal interest in various agenda items a member of the Dorset Fire Authority.
Councillor Bulteel declared a personal interest in various agenda items a member of the Dorset Fire Authority.
Councillor Miss Wilson declared a personal interest in various agenda items as a member of the Dorset Police Authority.
RESOLVED the Minutes of the Meeting of the Emergency Committee held on 27 November 2008, having been previously circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
ME15.08 - Changes to the Local Resilience Forum
The Chairman enquired as to whether or not hard copies of the Emergency Process and contact numbers had been made available to all Councillors and relevant Resilience Forum Teams as recommended?
The Emergency Planning Officers advised the Committee that updates had been made to the Contacts and Numbers, which were available electronically. It was also noted that the Officers had no administration support, however this was expected to be resolved when they moved to the Chief Executive’s new Strategic Group.
Councillors again recommended that, hard copies of the Emergency Process, Contacts and Numbers be made available to all Councillors and were concerned that the Emergency Planning Officers had no administrative support.
RESOLVED that the Emergency Planning Officers forward hard copies of the Emergency Process, Contacts and Numbers via Legal and Democratic Services for distribution to all Councillors.
RECOMMENDED that, the Emergency Planning Officers be provided with administrative support.
Note: Councillor Clements joined the Meeting at 7.08 pm
ME17.08 – Summary of Recent Incidents
· Designated Rest Centres:
The Emergency Planning Officers advised the Committee that the out of hours contact numbers provided by Sports and Leisure Management Ltd. for Rossmore and Ashdown Leisure Centres were correct.
In response to the Chairman’s question regarding what if any checks had been made to test the out of hours access to the Designated Rest Centres, the Emergency Planning Officers advised the Committee that no such checks had been undertaken since the Incident on 31 October 2008.
A Councillor raised concern over the constant use of community centres as opposed to the Designated Rest Centres, especially as Members considered the use of some community centres were inappropriate.
RECOMMENDED that, the Emergency Planning Officers make contact on various dates and times to test the ‘Out of Hours’ Access, to the Designated Rest Centres.
· Minor Emergency Transport Provision:
The Emergency Planning Officers advised the Committee that the concerns raised, regarding the use of Taxis for minor emergencies, were referred to Transportation Services, for the consideration of seeking alternative provision.
Transportation Services response to the Emergency Planning Officers was that no driver resource was available. A taxi service was to be used unless an incident was deemed major, when Wilts and Dorset Bus Company could provide transportation services, provided that it had drivers available, this however, could not be guaranteed.
Members were concerned that the current taxi contract with Poole Radio Cabs was not being fulfilled. They sought reassurances from Transportation Services that whether an incident was deemed minor or major, transport could be provided 24 hours every day, including Bank Holidays, if required.
In response to a Councillor’s question, as whether or not a dedicated officer had the powers to commandeer vehicles, the Emergency Planning Officers advised the Committee that the Chief Executive did not have powers to commandeer vehicles. The Transportation Services Manager did however have the power to contact the Wilts and Dorset Bus Company when incidents were declared major.
The Chairman recommended that a meeting with the Head of Transportation Services, the Public Transport Manager, Emergency Planning Officers and the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Emergency Committee be held as soon as possible and the outcome be reported back to the Committee.
i. a meeting with Transportation Services be held to consider the
options for providing transport, 24 hours every day, including Bank Holidays, should it be required when incidents occur.
ii. The Head of Transportation Services and the Transport Services
Manager, attend the next Emergency Committee Meeting and provide the options and costs for providing transportation services for incidents.
The Business Continuity Project Administrator updated the Committee on the progress to date, of the Business Continuity Planning Project. Implementation remained on schedule.
The main areas of work to be actioned were as follows:
· 21 April 2009 Desktop test exercise for the Management Team. This was to be theoretical, in a workshop environment.
· 24 April 2009 mop up training sessions to be undertaken by staff that had been unable to attend the training courses in February 2009.
· May - July 2009 consultants to be utilized to provide a gap analysis report, to reflect the outcomes from the 21 April Test.
· June - July 2009 a close off meeting of the Project with the Management Team, to consider:
i. Future periodic testing
ii. Ownership and procedure for ensuring plans remained fit for purpose.
iii. Audit trail of present and future recovery strategy reviews.
Councillors raised concerns, as follows:
· The Generator
· The Alternative Sites suggested for the Command Centre, should the Civic Centre be unavailable.
· The suggested Recovery Sites, should the Civic Centre be unavailable.
In response to the Councillors’ concerns regarding the Generator, the Business Continuity Project Administrator advised the Committee that it had been delivered and was currently held within the Civic Centre’s Basement. He was however unable to reassure the Councillors of their concerns that the Generator would be able to function if the Basement was flooded. It was hoped that Property Services had taken such considerations into account. The Generator was to ensure ICT was maintained and the implementation of zoned areas within the Civic Centre, such as the Customer Services Centre, Reception, Benefits and Financial Services were being considered.
In response to the Councillors’ concerns regarding the suggested Alternative Locations for the Command Centre and Recovery Sites, should the Civic Centre be unavailable, the Business Continuity Project Administrator advised the Committee that these were being reviewed by Property Services.
A Councillor advised the Committee that severe flooding could affect a number of Council Buildings, including those listed as Alternative Locations for the Command Centre and Recovery Sites.
The Committee expressed its thanks to Paul Smith, Business Continuity Project Administrator, as it was noted that his employment would end on completion of the Project.
i. The Business Continuity Project progress report be noted and a
concluding report be presented to the Emergency Committee following the Project’s completion.
ii. Paul Smith be thanked for his support in the Business Continuity
The Emergency Planning Officer advised the Committee that since its last Meeting there had not been any major incidents. There had however been some relatively short lived incidents which were as follows:
· 24 January 2009 a fire at the Browmill Company, on the Sterte Industrial Estate, Poole. No residential premises had been involved. The site had been cordon off and those people on the Site were advised to go inside buildings and keep windows shut. The incident was rapidly made safe and the Council was not required to take further action.
· 1 March 2009 a chemical incident occurred at the Browmill Company, on the Sterte Industrial Estate, Poole. No residential premises had been involved. The site had been cordon off and those people on the Site were advised to go inside buildings and keep windows shut. The Incident was rapidly made safe and the Council was not required to take further action.
· 20 March 2009 an unexploded device at 29 Uppleby Road, Upper Parkstone, Poole. The Police had initially attempted to cordon off 200m for a suspected World War Two Mortar Bomb Shell. The Council’s Duty Officer contacted the Police Incident Commander to enquire if Council assistance was required? During the conversation the Device was confirmed as a solid shot shell, which posed no threat. Everybody was stood down and no further action was required.
· 30 March 2009 explosive device was dredged up at Yard Quay, Poole. The Bomb Disposal Unit was called and an area cordoned off, there was no disruption to roads or maritime traffic. Communications were maintained with the Council but no further action was required and the incident was made safe.
Sterte Road Environmental and Consumer Protection Services were advised of the incidents at the Browmill Company and the Dorset Fire and Rescue Service reported such incidents for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to follow up. It was also noted that it was the Site Operator’s responsibility to inform the Health and Safety Executive of the Incidents.
Councillors Allen and Bulteel advised the Committee of a minor incident involving a heathland fire, which was prevented from reaching a local school. It was noted that getting equipment onto heathland had been an issue and as such, the Dorset Fire Authority had recently purchased specialist off road vehicles in order to effectively attend heathland fires.
RESOLVED that, the Emergency Planning Officer’s Incident Notifications Report be noted.
The Emergency Planning Officer advised the Committee that precautionary tests had been conducted in a small number of properties at the Harbour Reach development on 30th January 2009, which identified the possible risk of exposure to fumes from their boilers. The Health and Safety Executive was on site and actively involved in the investigation. As a precaution Raglan Housing Association, Swaythling Housing Society and Bryant Homes all turned off the gas supplies to the Properties.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) advised residents that they could remain in their homes as they still had cooking facilities, heating and hot water. The Residents were also offered hotel accommodation, but declined.
During the few days that followed conflicting messages were given by the various Housing Associations and the Site. To prevent further internal confusion Strategic Director, Peter Pawlowski took the lead for all issues relating to the above. The HSE was contacted and provided full and frank information relating to the ongoing problems on the Site and its investigations. Emergency Planning briefed all interested departments and a communication strategy was developed and no further action was taken or required by the Council.
The Managing Director of Taylor Wimpey had a team on site to deal with the remediation and a safety consultant was available 24/7 throughout the remediation works. HSE confirmed that there would be potential prosecutions for various organisations following the conclusion of its investigations.
A Councillor advised the Committee that he had not been advised of the Incident at Uppleby Road and recommended that all Emergency Committee Members and Ward members be advised of incidents, in order that they could advise residents and elevate some of their concerns.
i. The Emergency Planning Officer’s Report on the Gas Supply Issue, which affected Harbour Reach in Shapwick Road, Poole be noted.
ii. The Duty Emergency Planning Officer contacts the Emergency Committee Members of incidents, in order that the Members can cascade this information to the appropriate Ward Members.
The Emergency Planning Officer updated the Committee of the work being undertaken by Poole Emergency Planning, in leading the Local Resilience Partners through the Community Risk Register and Risk Assessment Process.
The Community Risk Register was developed by Poole and Bournemouth in 2005 and could be found on the BPRG website. The latest version revised the Process and had brought it up to date. The new Process was to drive the Business Planning of the Local Resilience Forum and help organisations develop their own business plans and allocation of resources, based upon risk assessment.
The Civil Contingencies Secretariat produced a Local Risk Assessment Guidance and Lead Government Department supporting material. This along with guidance from the Government of South West (GOSW) was incorporated into the Process. The Government Guidance had been simplified by the grouping of various hazard groups:
1. Environmental Pollution
2. Transport Accidents
3. Severe Weather
4. Human Health
5. Animal Health
6. Industrial Technical Failure
It was noted that Officer time on the Process had been considerable, however, many responding organisations across the Local Resilience Forum had committed personnel and resource to other contingency planning work, which would benefit all.
The revised Community Risk register was currently in Microsoft Word format, however in the future it may need to be accessible via the Government Secure Website and may be better suited if it was in an ‘SQL’ database format.
Once the Community Risk Register and Risk Assessment Process is completed the Community Risk Register and the public version would be presented to the Senior Management Team and the Emergency Committee.
i. The Emergency Planning Officer’s Community Risk Register and
Risk Assessment Process Report be noted.
ii. Once completed the Community Risk Register and Risk
Assessment Process be presented to the Emergency Committee.
The Emergency Planning Officer advised the Committee of a joint emergency training event, which was held for Poole and Bournemouth Senior Management Teams on 2 March 2009.