Minutes:BLTC committee meeting held on 19th June 2017.

Present:Nigel Pitt, Jane Read, James Nash, Eve Gunn, Elizabeth Williams, Matt McCombe

In attendance: Helen Ingram (Bookkeeper)

Apologies:Richard Fenton

1. / It was noted that Paul Barnes has resigned from the BLTC committee. The committee thanked Paul for his contribution to the committee.
Nigel and Eve confirmed that they would be standing down from the committee at the AGM. This will leave only 5 members of the committee (6 if Helen joins as Treasurer). It was agreed that this situation is serious as the committee needs a quorum of 6 to function at all, the committee should consist of 12 members. Much discussion took place regarding ways to encourage members to join the committee and it was agreed that a message should go out via My Courts asking for members to consider standing for the committee in November, / Eve/Elizabeth
2. / Minutes of BLTC committee meeting held on 10th May were approved.
3. / Secretary’s Report
The committee agreed the appointment of Jalpa Lai as Welfare Officer as soon as her DBS certificate comes through. Eve to inform the LTA.
Head Coach. Elizabeth outlined the proposal to have a Head Coach at the club. The Head Coach would be paid a retainer and would be given the responsibility of running all the tennis related activities at the club. Tim Sagar from the LTA has been consulted and agreed that this would be the best way forward for the club.
Club Secretary. It was also proposed that the club employ a secretary to take over the day to day running of the club. This is envisaged as a part time position, possibly 15 hours per week. The benefits being that there would be someone at the club more often and that the continuity of having someone permanent to do these duties would be far better than a volunteer taking them on for a few years and then moving on.
Eve and Elizabeth to finalise the job descriptions for these two posts and then advertise them on My Courts initially.
Helen pointed out that the committee should understand the impact on future subs of employing a Club Secretary.
Defibrillator – Eve to ask the Nuffield if we could put a notice up saying that they have a defibrillator if anyone needs to ask at Reception / Eve
4. / Tennis and Social Report
American Tournament – 4th July – signup sheets on the board.(since cancelled due to lack of interest)
James and mix ins. Ben has now left – he used to do Family Drills on a Sunday, which clashes with the usual Mix in which starts at 1.30. The drills start at 2pm. James could look after both but it was felt he should concentrate on the Family Drills. There will therefore be no coach for the Sunday mix ins due to staff shortage.
Matt reported that he feels we need to employ another coach.
5. / Junior Report
Matt had circulated his report in advance and is attached to these minutes.
Matt obtained a quote of £75 for a banner for St. John’s school. Matt to obtain for September. / Matt
6. / House and Grounds Report
Courts 6 and 7. Work is starting on the refurbishment of these courts on the 3rd July.
The Hub. A quote for conceptual drawings is awaited from the architects.
LTA Funding. No further information available.
Car Park. A quotation for £800 has been received to install an electric barrier system using swipe cards. Swipe cards could also be used for entry, the lights and a debit card. Two further quotes are awaited.
Token machine has now been serviced and will now accept the new £5 and £10 notes.
Car Parking stickers – Richard is dealing with this.
Fire Alarm. James to ask Richard to install a key safe on the wall by the Fire Alarm where the keys can be kept for the fire alarm cupboard.
Elizabeth to obtain more spare keys and replacement glass for the broken alarm.
Balls. It was agreed that a supply of balls be kept in the box in the downstairs kitchen for use whenever the mix-ins should require them. James to obtain a new combination lock for this box.
Lighting. It was noted that the lights in the club house are frequently left on overnight. It was agreed that James should obtain a quotation from an electrician to change all the corridor lights to work on a sensor, so they only come on when someone is in the corridor and turn off once there is no more activity.
Planning Permission. Nigel reported that if there was a possibility of pursuing the planning permission regarding covering courts 6 and 7, the person who was on the Woking planning committee last time we tried to get planning permission, is no longer there and therefore the outcome might be different if we applied again. / Richard
7. / Bookkeeper’s Report
Legal Status. Helen proposed that we engage experienced solicitors on changing the club’s legal status to a company limited by guarantee. She has done some research into the corporation tax status and it would remain the same. Lucy Grivell is going to forward the details of solicitors who have performed similar transactions for local clubs. (Need to check stamp duty implications). The advantage is that the status would offer protection to members of the committee.
It is proposed that instead of holding an SGM for members to agree this action, an electronic ballot will go out to all members asking them to vote online. Lucy to confirm that this is an acceptable method of gaining the members vote on this issue.
Cameron – Elizabeth to ask Lucy for help in drawing up a contract for his employment. James to ascertain if Cameron has public liability insurance.
Notes to the Financial Statements:
  • The full year forecast of a surplus of £2k is down from last year’s figure of £24k due to lower subs (3k) and bank interest income (£4k) and higher expenditure on outdoor items (£7k) (shed, mower, sandfill) and legal and accountancy fees (4k).
  • Year to date income from subscriptions is £74k down slightly from £77k at this time last year.
  • Depreciation of (£45k) is the full year’s charge.
Balance Sheet
  • Creditors includes Sports Facility Planning for courts 1-3 of £2.3k and Chiltern Sports £1.2k. These amounts were outstanding as at 30th September 2016. I propose to the committee that these amounts are written back as we are unlikely to receive invoices now.
/ Helen
8. / Membership Secretary’s Report
Jane reported current membership figures are: Adults: 377, Juniors 165, Non Playing 65.
Mini Tennis. 15 mini juniors have been signed up as members. However this is not all the children who attend Mini Tennis. The rest need to be signed up by the 1st July or the Mini Tennis will not be able to go ahead and their priority on the indoor courts will be rescinded. Eve to write to JM confirming this.
Discussion took place regarding members who are using our premises but who have not paid their subs, and members who are bringing visitors to the club without filling in the visitors book.
It is requested that a note goes out on My Courts reminding all members to fill in the visitors book and also to report back to Jane or a committee member if they are aware of any members who have not renewed their subs, or indeed are non members who are playing on court. Acurrent list, includingJuniors, is displayed on the main noticeboard. / Eve
9. / AOB
Complaints Spreadsheet – Nigel to update.
10. / Next Meeting 25th July 2017 at 7pm

Byfleet Lawn Tennis Club - Pyrford Road, Pyrford, GU22 8UQ