3 MARCH 2008

The Meeting commenced at 16:30pm and concluded at 17:45pm.


Councillor Jeff Allen – Elected Member (In the Chair)

Colvin Aldous – Governor Representative / Vice-Chairman

Elizabeth Jones – Ashdown Technology College

Dale Gregory – Student Representative

Anthony Rogers – Leisure Services

Iain Stokes – SLM

Jon Bland – Ashdown Technology College

Councillor Mrs Sandra Moore – Elected Member

Maureen Champness – Children and Young People’s Strategy, Quality & Improvement Service

Lisa Gardner – Legal and Democratic Services


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Peter Adams, Jennie Sykes, Bill Craig, Tom Darlington, Dave Greenwood and Keith Newman.


RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 January 2008, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Athletics Track

Anthony Rogers advised that Leisure Services was funding repairs to the Athletics Track to restore it to competition standard and an official order had been placed for the works, which would be progressed when the weather improved.


That an update with regard to the repairs to the Athletics Track be provided at the next meeting.

Perimeter Fencing

Anthony Rogers confirmed that the official view with regard to completion of the Perimeter Fencing was that Leisure Services, the School and SLM, would need to provide an equal contribution towards completion of the work, on the basis that each party would benefit equally. Whilst finance had been allocated for the maintenance of all three Leisure Centres (the Dolphin Centre, Ashdown and Rossmore Leisure Centres), the Perimeter Fencing was not a priority area in this respect.

Maureen Champness undertook to contact Debbie Priest (PE & Arts Adviser, CYPS Strategy, Quality and Improvement Service) with regard to whether any alternative sources of funding could be explored for the Perimeter Fencing -


That Maureen Champness contacts Debbie Priest to explore potential/alternative sources of funding that could be accessed for completion of the Perimeter Fencing and reports back to the next meeting.

Leisure Centre Improvement Works

Members were advised that Leisure Services and Property Services had prepared a snagging list of a small number of simple jobs that could be completed (eg, some of the lights were misaligned) but no structural repairs were required at the present time. The Council was retaining payment to the Contractor until all of the works identified had been completed.


That an update be provided to the next meeting.

Refurbishment within the School area

Iain Stokes informed Members of the following progress with regard to the refurbishment within the School area:

(a)Some of the areas around the Leisure Centre (including the back corridor) had been painted bright orange;

(b)Locks had been replaced in the toilets;

(c)The Contractor had been contacted in respect of cleaning and/or replacing sections of carpet;

(d)The tatty notice-boards and ceiling tiles would be dealt with in April;

(e)Any remaining cables would be secured shortly;

(f)The `railway sleepers’ had been moved recently;

(g) Consideration would be given to installing brighter lighting and potential refurbishment of the PE Office.

Elizabeth Jones expressed thanks to SLM & Leisure Services for the progress made to date and commented that the School was very pleased with the newly painted walls which brightened up the area considerably.


That an update with regard to Refurbishment within the School area be provided to the next meeting.

Outdoor Facilities – Astro Turf

Anthony Rogers advised that consideration was being given to what type of surface could replace the Astro-Turf and the type of surface selected would dictate future usage. There was a large differential between the three levels of surface (basic, mid-range and premium) and consideration would be given to funding the work through a loan. One potential option was to introduce a single surface that could be divided up temporarily as required.

The Committee noted that colleagues from Bournemouth Southampton City Councils would be contacted shortly as both had introduced new surfaces recently. Leisure Services & SLM were also meeting with third parties that specialised in surface types and might be willing to invest in the new surface. If a third party invested in the surface, curriculum use would be secured and community use might increase, but the investor might also restrict the number and type of sports that could be played.

Members were informed that Leisure Services & SLM would consult closely with the School with regard to its requirements for curriculum delivery, options for future usage (etc) and representatives from the School would be invited to view the different surface types -


(i)That an update with regard to the Astro-Turf/replacement surface be provided to the next meeting; and

(ii)That SLM & Leisure Services consult closely with the School with regard to the replacement surface.

Kids Active Zone

The Committee discussed the ‘Kids Active’ Scheme and made the following comments:

  • Some parents had indicated that £2:50 per Kids-Active session was quite restrictive, although pupils eligible for Access-to-Leisure could attend at a reduced rate of £1:30 per session.
  • Leisure Services and SLM were seeking to close the gap between those who were eligible for Access to Leisure but were yet to subscribe and those who were already members;
  • The Fitness Suite had state-of-the-art facilities but the quality of service provided at the Kids-Active sessions could be adversely affected if large numbers of pupils attended individual sessions;
  • Extended Schools Funding could be explored with regard to enabling further pupils to access the leisure facilities;
  • SLM & Leisure Services were promoting the direct debit scheme to: (i) gain further information with regard to income; and (ii) enable families to get the most value for money;
  • Information with regard to the Access-to-Leisure Scheme could be distributed to all pupils and a stall set up at forthcoming Parents Evenings to provide information with regard to Access to Leisure / the Kids Active Scheme / other programmes available (e.g., Spinning Classes were likely to be of interest to pupils)


That Anthony Rogers & Elizabeth Jones discuss arrangements for providing information at forthcoming Parents’ Evenings on Access to Leisure / programmes available, etc.


School Use of the Fitness Suite

Dale Gregory enquired whether consideration could be given to providing dedicated use of the Fitness Suite to the School from 3-4pm from Monday-Friday each week.

Iain Stokes advised that this would require additional staffing, although a further Kids-Active session could be considered for 3-4pm, if there was sufficient demand.

School Holiday Activities

Members were informed that SLM and Leisure Services were working closely with Children & Young People’s Integrated Services to explore options for providing sporting activities during the summer holidays.

The CUMC noted that Virginia Bailey (Recreation Development Office, Leisure Services) had organised a very successful event that had taken place during the February half term -


That an update be provided at the next meeting.

Heating System

Elizabeth Jones advised that the heating system for the campus had been repaired and was functioning well at the present time.


Iain Stokes (SLM) provided a verbal Leisure Centre Manager’s Report to the Committee and highlighted the following:

  • Gym membership had increased by 150 since January 2008, giving a current total of 450 members;
  • Consideration would be given to methods of tracking members who had joined at the Dolphin Centre or at Rossmore Leisure Centre but attended the Ashdown facilities (e.g., a swipe card system had been considered, but the cost was prohibitive);
  • SLM was working through the list of works detailed in Minute 3 above regarding the ‘Refurbishment within the School Area’;
  • SLM was considering the installation of a mirror in the female changing rooms following requests from pupils.


That the report be noted.


MUGA/Athletics Track

Anthony Rogers advised that quotations had been sought for various types of surface for the Multi-Use-Games-Area and it would cost approximately £300,000 to replace the current surface with a like-for-like version and to tarmac the Tennis Court area.

The Committee noted that a wide range of options were being explored with regard to the outdoor facilities, including whether to establish a football pitch on the inside of the Athletics Track, taking into account the views of the Athletics Clubs. Potential initiatives for development would also be considered as part of the ‘Building Schools for the Future’ programme.

Jon Bland confirmed that the Tennis Court area was greatly needed as the School had a very limited amount of playground space and Members were advised that Leisure Services & SLM would be linking closely with the School with regard to the replacement surface (eg, curriculum requirements, options for future usage, etc).


That an update with regard to the `Outdoor Facilities’ be provided at the next meeting.

Swimming Pool at Lodge Hill

The Chairman proposed that consideration be given to enabling further community use of the Swimming Pool at Lodge Hill, Darby’s Corner (for example, for use by the School/Ashdown members etc).


That Leisure Services explores potential/further community use of the swimming pool at Lodge Hill (for example, by the School / Ashdown Members etc).

Potential Parking / Development Area

Members were advised that a piece of scrubland at the side of Ashdown Close could be considered as a potential area for parking and/or alternative development of the site -


That Leisure Services explores options for the potential development of the area of scrubland at the side of Ashdown Close.


Monday 28 April at 4:30pm at Ashdown Technology College.