Meeting Minutes May 18, 2015

Members Present: Shanna Garcia, Mario Garcia, Misty Tomchuk, Jerry Volk and Donna Donley

Meeting Called to Order at 7.30 pm.

Minutes Approved: Misty made the motion and Shanna second. Motion Carried.

Old Business:

Happy Days: Jerry and Donna attended the meeting, similar events are being discussed for this year. The next meeting will be May 27, 6:30.

Summer Projects: Happy Days, Mowing and Park Maintenance.

Porta Potties: they have been delivered to all 3 parks and baseball field. Shanna, Donna and Jerry have keys and will take care of locking and unlocking. Moen will service 2x a month, we will adjust if necessary. Potties are open during park hours.

Maintenance: Mario bought new basketball nets and will be putting up soon. Jerry removed the branch from Prairie View Park and fixed the volley ball net. Garbage cans and picnic tables will be secured, approved the purchase of concrete mix, chain and locks. Jerry made the motion, Donna second. Motion Carried. Baseball field still needs to be raked, due to wet conditions.

Baseball: Mapleton is in the Rural Cass League and all info is live on The calendar is up for all 3 teams. Baseball will run from May 19-July 1, weather permitting. $880 was collected for baseball, $240 sent to Davenport with the Pee Wee players, $40 in reimbursements,, $526 to Sportland for the t shirts and hats, $120 Co-op Transfer and Red Hawks event $132. Jerry mad the motion to approve these expenses, Mario second. Motion Carries. The park board will be selling concessions at the 6 home games, as well as the family fun night. Misty will be handling the tickets for the Red Hawks event, scheduled for July 8. All baseball positions are volunteer, looking for parent helpers for the coaches. Misty will fill in where needed, and help with the concessions in Buffalo.

New[DD1] Business:

Misty Tomchuk handed in her resignation, she will finish her baseball obligations thru July 8th. Donna made the motion to accept, Shanna second. Motion carried.

Happy Days: Next Meeting May 27 at 6:30.

Next Meeting: June 1 at 6:30.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15. Misty made the motion, Jerry second. Motion Carried.
