Minutes advisory board meeting elderly 23-6-2015

Present: Henk, Hildegard, Leontine, Att from the advisory board

Stephanie en Sanne from RRD


Stephanie welcomes everyone who is present today and explained the purpose of this meeting; to share ideas and experience for/of the program this far and for the future. Important to note is that the elderly who are present today are seen as the co-developers of the used technology

Everybody introduced themselves; Henk and Hildegard were also at the first meeting. Leontine and Att were present for the first time.

Because we are writing down everything and making minutes for the whole project group, we asked the elderly how to write down their names. We agreed to use their first name. Also the minutes will be sent around the everybody. Sanne will make sure the minutes will be send, also from the first meeting.

3 months evaluation questionnaire

What is the experience with the 3 months questionnaire? The elderly present answered that is did not take a long time to fill it in. They also noted that they would like to fill in the questionnaire online. Sanne will send the questionnaire per e-mail. For the coming 3 months moment a fully online version will be used. Stephanie mentioned that there are some extra questions will be added to the questionnaire about cognition, because we as researcher would like to have more information about that part and to see if those questions are sufficient enough to get insight in the cognitive domain.

Experience with online module

Next point which was discussed was the experience with the online physical module.

Most important points were the difficulty of the exercises; they were too easy for them. Further, more variation is also something they would like; some had done an exercise with support and the next one was the same exercise without support.

Good suggestion: created two groups. One less active and one active elderly (or beginner and advanced). The elderly who were present were already pretty active. That is why they told the exercises were too easy/light for them. But exercise were very useful. (I know can turn my head more easier)


-Back button; sometimes per mistake you click on next. There is no option yet, to go back.

-More exercises per time.

-Two groups; beginner / advanced

-It would be nice to have som stretch exercises.

How to keep the program fun to use?

The program can stay fun to add more speed and more challenge to the exercises.

Stephanie and Sanne made a remark to the elderly that they can continu to use the program if they want. But the exercises will not change anymore and the level of difficulty will stay the same

Neuropersonal trainer

Stephanie gave an explanation of the development of the cognitive module. From the first of July it will be possible to train cognition, beside the physical domain. This cognitive module is developed in Barcelona, Spain. They have a lot of experience in neurological rehabilitation.

The neuropersonal trainer will be provided in a game module. First a test must be executed to set the level of difficulty. This module can only be performed on a computer; it is not working on a tablet. The program need to be installed on harddrive.

Next, all the elderly present got the opportunity to try a game. All four would like to try out the cognitive module, because it is good to train your memory, to challenge yourself, to refresh your memory, and they were also curious about the program. They aspect to train once per week. We explained that the purpose is to try to train 3x per week for 30 minutes.

Two of the elderly said they think they will improve their cognitive domain if they are going to use the module; one said no; one didn’t know.

The elderly will get an online explanation of this module on how to install it. Also others who are now using the physical module will be asked if they are interested in the cognitive module as well. If there is a lot of interest, a training will be given at RRD. If an online explanation is not sufficient enough, we will contact the elderly to make an appointment to explain everything face to face.

Because it is a new module, we would like to hear about the fist experiences. So we asked if they can come back in about 6 weeks to share their experiences, and all agreed.

At last:

Everybody thank you for coming.