Minutes/ Action points

Coca-Cola Central Europe Division
Triester Strasse, 217, A-1230


Tuesday 24 Jan 2006 (10:00 am – 16:30pm)


- Dr Kadri Ozen: Public Affairs and Communications Manager, Coca- Cola, Eurasia and Middle East Division[1]

- Hansin Dogan:Private Sector Programme Manager, UNDP Istanbul, Turkey

- Ben Slay:Director, Bratislava Regional Centre

- Karolina Mzyk:Private Sector Engagement Analyst, Bratislava Regional Centre

- Juerg Staudenmann:Water Governance Advisor, Bratislava Regional Centre

- Lovita Ramguttee:Business Partnership Coordinator, UNDP, RBEC


A follow-up to the meeting which took place in Istanbul in October, 2005 (between UNDP RBEC - Kalman Mizsei and Jakob Simonsen - and Mr. Ahmet Bozer, President of Coca-Cola, Eurasia and Middle East Division (EMED),and his team (see minutes of meeting attached).

There is an ongoing partnership between UNDP Turkey and Coca-Cola on the Hayata + (Life +) project, signed in May 2005, and which is designed to support youth projects aiming to improve their quality of lives (see document attached for more details of the project)

It is understood that the ‘Life +’ project will be replicated, initially, in at least 3 other countries of the region (ıt may not be right to mention the names of the countries yet)

The objective of thisJanuary meting was to explore further areas of cooperation between Coca-Cola and UNDP, with a focus on a regional water initiative.


Presentation of team

Power point presentations by each organization, highlighting respective work in water-related issues in particular and sharing ideas for possible areas of partnership

Brainstorming on framework for partnership


(A)General overview of presentation from Coca-Cola

Why is water a priority area for Coca-Cola and why a partnership with UNDP? (Kadri Ozen)

Water a main ingredient in Coca-Cola products

Non-availability of water will not only collapse their industry but also, adversely impact communities, which is an important market for Coca-Cola

Focus resources on water, not only for the company’s image, but also contribute positively to the environment and to achieve “real changes”

Strong commitment on water, as demonstrated by Coca-Cola’s Global Water Initiative and the Water Risk Assessment Report prepared by Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola’s “water expertise” (sustainable water and natural resources management) could be leveraged, besides financial contributions

Awareness of the Coca Cola Company management about Global Compact and commitment towards Corporate Social Responsibility.

Decision to work under a more strategic approach (rather than a lot of “unstructured giveaways”), preferably with one organization - UNDP and its global presence and strengths is attractive to Coca Cola, hence the decision to work with UNDP to achieve sustainable solution to water-related issues

Coca-Cola priority with regard to water-related initiative matches UNDP agenda since it is related to governance issues, poverty, environment and the MDG 7 (Access to Safe Water)

Considering a regional partnership with UNDP but with respect to local priorities

Link the Human Development Report 2006 to the UNDP/Coca-Cola partnership – using the launch to kick off programme and partnership for water-related issues[2]

Expectation from UNDP:

  • UNDP to share with Coca-Cola information on specific water-related projects in each countries in the region
  • UNDP to provide advice to Coca-Cola on which partners to work with

Type of partnership envisaged and expected funding

Long term partnership and strategic set of activities for real impact and sustainable solution to water challenges and transparency to senior management

Regional partnership envisaged whilst respecting national/local priorities

Significant yearly funding (targeted in the range of $1 million, subject to HQ support and UNDP’s commitment levels) over next 5 yearspossible from Coca-Colaside to ensure impactful outcomes

Expects UNDP to also make a significant contribution, financial and non-financial

(B)General overview of presentation / remarks from UNDP

(see UNDP powerpoint presentation attached)

Highlighted water-related challenges in the region

  • Pressures on water resources and water quality:
  • Legacies of inadequate investment
  • Challenges in relation to trans-border water usage

UNDP’s global response to the challenges and water projects in the region

UNDP’s engagement with the private sector and ongoing and possible future partnerships with Coca-Cola

  • Joint project activities at the regional (for instance, regional replication of TEST[3] approach), national and local level;
  • Coca-Cola as “champion” in cleaner production programme
  • Awareness and education (like e.g. with ICPDR in the DanubeRiver)
  • Replication of Life+ project
  • Coca-Cola possible participation in the Global Compact[4]
  • Adopt GSB type partnership models[5]
  • Regional publications in the pipeline which could be jointly conceived (for instance, the HDR 2006 is focused on water)
  • Possibility of “blended funds” (grants and loans)

(C)Comments from Coca-Cola following UNDP’s presentation

Coca-Cola may refrain from being seen as part of political activities, for instance in cross-border water initiatives

On the other hand, Coca-Cola expressed interest in acting as a ‘Champion’ for the TEST project (within or beyond the Danube River Basin) to spearhead lobbying for other peer companies (may consider involving its Western Europe operations in the partnership)

With regard to the Danube Regional Project (see attachment) and its replication, Coca-Cola can allocate some funds from its ‘Water Fund’ for awareness building regarding lessons learnt from the Danube project[6]

Access to Water in rural areas another possible focus

Coca-Cola to consider partnership in selected countries where both organizations have overlapping geographical coverage[7]of existing strong presence and capacities,and undertake a needs assessment accordingly

Partnership to execute local community projects and other joint activitiesshould envisage at the same time (a) sustainable long term outcomes and (b) ‘quick impact’ (and visibility)

UNDP’s access to local government and NGO networks an asset for joint projects


Both organizations agreed to focus the partnership on water-related projects and interventions on 3 components:

(i)Partnership programme directly related to MDG7 –projects and interventions which increase “Access to Safe Drinking Water to Improve People’s Lives”. Here, the focus is on improving the quality of local water service delivery, particularly to households and in rural areas.

(ii)Good practices in industrial Water (and Natural Resources?) Management. Here, the focus is in improving respeonsible commercial water usage.

(iii)Advocacy and communication

(A)Partnership programmerelated to MDG7: “Access to Safe Drinking Water to Improve People’s Lives”

Steps to consider for identification of countries and projects

  • 5 focus countries have been identified by Coca-Cola and UNDP for the 1st year (pilot phase) namely Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Romania and Croatiabut subject to the following criterion:

-sufficient information

-reliable statistics

-available local capacities

-country office interest

-UNDP outreach / networking available

-Links to ongoing capacity development initiative

  • Needs assessment regionally and for the different countries regarding issues and challenges (access to water as well as other water-related challenges)
  • Based on findings of needs assessment and research phase, follow-up activities:

-prepare local action plans

-undertake local capacity development for project implementation through small grants and technical assistance

-project formulation which may include the following areas, among others: education; community engagement; innovative environmental solutions; industrial capacity, and local entrepreneurships

(B)GoodPractice inIndustrial Water and Natural Resources (?) Management

To focus on TEST upscaling and replication in other Danube Riparian countries (suggested countries include Czech Rep., Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine and Slovenia)

Coca-Cola Eurasia and Middle East Division flexible to work in other countries not falling under its division – as a ‘Champion’ for the Danube project to other peers (may consider involving its Western Europe counterparts in the partnership)

With regard to quick win projects, it was suggested that Coca-Cola may consider engaging in further up-scaling of activities in existing pilot-countries from the first TEST-project phase, e.g. Romania and Croatia

(C)Advocacy and Communication

Joint publications (RHDR on water, an issue of the regional Development and Transition newsletter devoted to water issues, technical publication and/or “How-to-guide” summarizing success of the finished TEST-project, others?)

Possible global/regional launch of the global “Water and Development” HDR in Istanbul– to consult with HDRO, COA.

Other Knowledge managementinitiatives (e.g., WaterWiki).


It was agreed that details regarding management and funding structure be discussed at a later stage, once the concept paper has been drafted and beneficiary countries / projects are identified

Coordination from UNDP side: Hansin Dogan from the private sector office in Istanbul has been identified to be the main coordinating person for the partnership, given the currently ongoing partnership project between UNDP Turkey office and Coca-Cola and the location of Coca-Cola Eurasia and Middle East Division in Istanbul. Hansin will coordinate with BRC, headquarter and country offices, as adequate.

It is expected that technical expertise will be organized by the regional water and private sector development (PSD) sub-practices, as supported by Juerg Staudenmann and Karolina Mzyk in the BRC. This will among other things entail management of resources for regional water and PSD programming.


Time/date / Event
14th October 2005 / Leadership level meeting in Istanbul between UNDP RBEC and Coca-Cola EMED
20th January 2006 / Meeting between UNDP Turkey and Coca-Cola to develop a framework for cooperation
24th January 2006 / Meeting between UNDP RBEC/Bratislava Regional Centre, UNDP Turkeyand Coca-Cola
5th and 6th February 2006 / Regional meeting of Res. Reps., including presentation by Coca-Cola on UNDP/Coca-Cola partnership
Mid-February 2006 / Circulate concept paper of UNDP/Coca-Cola partnership to Resident Representatives for comment and feedback
End February / Prepare a more detailed concept paper based on comments received and research undertaken
March 2006 (dates not yet determined) / Meeting in Istanbul between Coca-Cola and UNDP RBEC/Bratislava Regional Centre/country office Res. Reps to validate contents of concept paper and come up with a Partnership Strategy decision

Expected participants from UNDP (Director of UNDP RBEC; interested/identified country office Res. Reps; cluster heads; HDR Office and Bratislava Regional Centre among others)

Proposed areas of focus of the 2-day meeting will be the following:


  • Coca-Cola HQ (Global Water Initiative + Risk Assessment Report) + UNDP strategy and approach – half day
  • Existing partnership
  • Replication of Life+ project
  • Presentation and validation of contents of concept paper (end of day 1)


  • Recap of discussion on Day 1
  • Agreement on way forward (specific activity ideas, etc)
  • HDR + other issues

Juerg to share full TEST document to Kadri Ozen + outline of strategy regarding replication of TEST

Prepare concept paper to be shared with UNDP country offices + RBEC HQ and Coca Cola

Lovita - share with Kadri Ozen concept paper on ‘Business and MDGs’ event in Vienna in June, 2006

Kadri Ozen – to share with UNDP structure of Coca-Cola / water-related activities / Water Fund


[1] This Division covers the Middle East, Central Asia, Turkey and Balkans

[2] Suggestion by UNDP that it also be an opportunity to present the partnership during the Vienna Conference on Business and MDGs on 21-22 June, 2006

[3] Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies (TEST) to reduce Transboundary pollution in the Danube River Basins

[4] Coca Cola Hellenic Bottlers Company (bottlers which are outsourced by Coca Cola) in Greece and Ghana already participate in the network. We are given to understand that Coca Cola Company may consider, at a later stage, to join the Global Compact

[5] Coca Cola is already doing so through, for example, local sourcing of raw materials like sugar, labels, etc.

[6] This is UNDP’s last year in the Danube project partnership and UNDP will shortly prepare a paper, capturing lessons learnt from the project and how to replicate same elsewhere

[7] 16 countries where both UNDP and Coca Cola have overlapping strong presence and capacities: Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia-Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzsthan, Tajikistan – Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to be considered at a later stage of the partnership