Minutes of the Allotment Working Group Meeting

Thursday14thJanuary 2016at 6.30pm in Room 300, Newcastle Civic Centre

Present:Michael Armstrong (Chair),Mark Todd (NAO), Bob Heyman, Susan Pownall, Vanessa Robinson, Matty Hall, Donald Robinson, Keith Rogerson(Secretary/Minutes)

Guests: Keiji Makino, Ian Earnshaw.

Apologies: - Su Cumming, David Fay, Cllr Nigel Todd, Maurice Mason, John Tucker, Colin Boylin.

Minutes: The meeting noted that apologies from Bob Heyman had not been recorded. Otherwise minutes of the 10th December2015 were accepted as a true record.

Matters Arising

Bee Keeping

The meeting discussed options for future representation for our NAWG bee keeping members.

Secrateries post meeting note:

An informal meeting has been held with Tony Turnbull to discuss possible solutions to future bee keeping management arrangements.

Rent Concession

SP had requested clarification regarding acceptable DWP allowances relating to plotholder claims for the above concession. MT reported that NCC revenues were currently dealing with outstanding FY15/16

finance issues, but undertook to provide this information in the near future.

St Anthony’s (Walker)

MT had previously advised the meeting that the site had suffered significant criminal damage. He

advised the meeting that site re-organisation had resulted in up to fifteen extra plots. MT explained to the meeting that the committee had approached him with a request for grant application assistance due to their limited experience.

Web Design for NAWG

The chairman introduced Ian Earnshaw to the meeting who had agreed to attend and offer both technical and practical support to the new NAWG web site. A significant part of the procedings were used by Ian to introduce and explain the available options, their benefits, and disadvantages. His presentation

included external web design, Self Hosting (home access), Square space (drag and drop) and Weebly/Wix web design systems. The forum provided him with scematic diagrams of identified outputs and Ian agreed to carry out a preliminary investigation in order to match required data to the most appropriate web design tools.

Woodburning Stoves.

NAO/NAWG once again discussed the issues involved in providing a policy covering the use of woodburning stoves. Whilst specific guidance is contained in the heating paragraph of of the April 2011

guidance document, the meeting agreed that a rigid blanket policy governing the operation of such equipment may not be in the best interests of all NCC allotment associations. The forum agreed that site management of woodburners through the delegated authority of allotment tenancy agreements, and the building and structures guidance continued to provide the necessary safeguard.


MT reported to the meeting that from his allocated allotment budget of £60k his spend to date was

£55,119.32, leaving him a balance of £4880.68


KR reported to the meeting that the NAWG business account stood at £4,439.57, and the NAWG

current account at £130.72.


Attendees agreed that all plotholders should remain vigilant and alert when attending sites and/or plots. Careful consideration of the risks involved in extreme weather conditions should be a priority.

KR enquired from MT the current progress in identifying a suitable venue for the September 2016

Newcastle allotment show. He noted that previous years planning had identified programme publications as a long lead item needing to be progressed from February 2016.

MT provided invitations from Newcastle University Institute of Health & Society in respect of previous NAWG association support of their biomonitoring study. The event takes place on Thursday 3rd March 2016, commencing at 18.00 hrs in the Collingwood Room NCC Civic Centre.

VR Reported to MT that the main gate lock on Sheringham allotments was unserviceable and would require replacement.

SP reminded MT that the services of a tree surgeon remained an ongoing requirement and asked for a provisional date of attendance by the allocated contractors.

BH raised the issue of the use of barriers preventing plotholders parking at Highbury North and South. He will contact the Freeman to request an interim solution to this issue.

BH also raised the issue of allotment site flooding and enquired as to whether improvements to the existing drainage system would be possible. MT advised that the land was leased to NCC by the Freemen and that initial contact would need to be through them. He thought that they may consider some form of self help through the appropriate channels. SP commented that this was a long term issue also

experienced by Nuns Moor.

DR noted that a site visit was planned for Ridgewood Crescent and that John Tucker may need to be involved.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.00 hours

Next Meeting: 11th February 2016at 6.30 pm room 300