George W. Gibbs Elementary 507-328-4108
September 24 – 28, 2012
Language Arts
Minnesota State Standards:
Reading Literature 1:Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Reading Literature 2:Retell stories, including key details.
Reading Literature 3:Describe characters, settings and major events in a story.
Reading Literature 7: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
Phonics Skill: Short o, -s Plurals
Comprehension Skill: Character and Setting
Comprehension Strategy: Visualize
Grammar Skill: Introduce Action Parts of a Sentence
Read and write these words:
Spelling WordsHigh Frequency Words
1. mom1. help
2. hot2. use
3. hop
4. pot
5. pop
6. ox
7. lock
8. mop
9. got
10. rock
A pretest is given on Monday in class; students will bring home their pretest. Please review and practice the words your child had trouble with. We will take a final test on the words on Friday. Some of the words may be easy for your child, please remember we are working on practicing the words during the week and testing on Friday. Spelling is not graded on the report card 1st quarter.
High Frequency Words
24 - Monday / 25 – Tuesday / 26- Wednesday / 27 – Thursday / 28 - FridayB – PE
NWEA Math Test / C – Media/Library checkout / D – Music
Noah’s B-day / E – PE
Torrey’s B-day
Quarry Hill 1:10-3:15 / F – Art
1.12Weather and Temperature Routines
1.13Number Stories
Unit 1 Review
Unit 1 Oral Assessment (Thursday)
Unit 1 Written Assessment (Friday)
** See Math Homeworkfor more information
If you have not sent money (20 pennies, 6 nickels, 10 dimes, and 4 quarters) to school, please do so as soon as possible. We will use the money on a regular basis.
Core Knowledge - Fiction
Listening to stories helps children develop an understanding of the elements of a story, increases print awareness, and builds vocabulary. This week we will be reading folktales and doing different activities with each of the stories.
This year the first grade team has planned many activities and fun times for your child. If you have not made your $7 donation or would like to donate to this fund, please send the money in a sealed envelope with your child.
We will be going to Quarry Hill on Thursday, Sept. 27. The bus will leave school at 1:10 and arrive back at school around 3:15. If you would like to volunteer for this field trip, please let me know. You are welcome to ride the bus with us or meet us there.
Our class website will be up and running this weekend. Please check it out, it contains many helpful resources.