Minnesota Incident Command System (MNICS)
Board of Directors-Task Force
Meeting Minutes

Date and location

Feb. 22, 2018 at 1300

Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC) Grand Rapids

Board of Directors/MNICS Task Force

Attendees: Connie Cummins (USFS), Kurt Fogelberg (NPS), Seth Grimm (FWS), Roy Holmes (HSEM), Russ Langford (FWS), Darla Lenz (USFS), Rebekah Luedtke (DNR), Paul Lundgren (DNR), Chase Marshall (USFS), Greg Peterson (BIA), Christi Powers (DNR), Tom Remus (BIA), Mike Rice (USFS), Ron Stoffel (DNR), Tasha Woodwick (BIA)

Minnesota Interagency Coordination Center (MnCC)

Rebekah Luedtke made a presentation on the dispatch integration progress at the Minnesota Interagency Fire Center (MIFC). Based on recommendations from two coordination center managers (Renae Crippen, Blue Mountain Dispatch Center in Oregon; and Jill Jones, NortheastWashingtonInteragencyCommunications Center) the Minnesota Incident Command System (MNICS) Board of Directors (BoD) approved a phased approach with incremental changes to align the operations, logistics and aviation dispatch functions.

MIFC Dispatch is now referred to as the Minnesota Interagency Coordination Center (MNCC). The illustration below shows how the Tier 3Center aligns with national, geographical area coordination center (GACC)standards.

The former naming convention (MFC) will be changed (MNCC) within federal systems such as the Resource Ordering & Status System (ROSS) and IQS/ICQS for red card credentialing. The dispatch organizational structure is illustrated below.

MnCC mission and timeline

MNCC members created a new tag (‘Our mission is your safety’) along with a mission statement:

“…To provide the highest quality services possible through interagency cooperation for safe, efficient and effective logistical, aviation and tactical support to the MNICS partners; and to exemplify the highest standards of professionalism while providing excellent customer service.”


Key highlights of dispatch integration progress include:

  • June 2017: Internal/external assessment conducted by Crippen and Jones
  • August 2017: MNICS Task Force/BoDreceives 18-page report with Crippen and Jones’ recommendations
  • October 2017: BoD approves formal integration and executes Delegation of Authority naming Rebekah Luedtke as Center Manager
  • January 2018: MNCC title approved and adopted
  • February 2018: Implementation of assigned Gmail accounts for logistics, operations and aviation

Team cohesion is starting to form and work is in progressto merge and update standard operating procedures and guidelines. Integration of online, flight following (WildCAD) and radio systems is being addressed prior to the start of the 2018 spring fire season.

MIFC functional areas

While significant dispatch changes are occurring, core MIFC functions and services remain as indicated below:

Estimates to upgrade equipment

Changes to the physical layout of MNCC have begun with removal of the wall between the air desk and logistics dispatch area. Rebekah Luedtke submitted a $104,700 remodeling quote to include costs for electrical rewiring, IP-224 radio systems ($5,000 for two units) and upgrade of state/federal radio voice over internet (VOIP) radio systems.

She recommends a phased approach to upgrading radio equipment. Accessible from computer desktops versus radio consoles, C-Soft software allows any dispatcher to access both state and federal systems. C-Soft could be replaced unit-by-unit but may require additional dedicated computers.

‘Gray box’ radio consoles (approximately $6,500 each) could be replaced over time and remain as a back-up to C-Soft.The USFS initial attack desk currently has four radio consoles. Radio technicians Pat Coughlin, Dave Jalonen and Kevin Throop worked on a plan that can be explained in further detail.


There are two remodeling projects pending at MIFC. The first floor remodeling project isestimated at $26,775.84 to replace cubicle walls, wiring, carpet and paint. The Task Force motioned to proceed withthe first floor project; and the BoD unanimously approved.

The second remodeling project is to reconfigure the MNCC dispatch area estimated at $99,700. This does not include radio upgrades or replacements. Currently there is $102,000 in uncommitted MIFC co-op funds. The Task Force recommends a prudent reserve of $20,000 leaving $82,000 toward the total cost of $139,975.84 for both remodeling projects. BIA estimates a $32,000 contribution and DNR will be asked to contribute $20,000 during the current fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. Surplus federal funds may be available toward the end of the federal fiscal year in September. This would postpone repaving and extending the front parking lot at MIFC (approximate cost $48,000).

Eastern Area Coordinating Group meeting and IMT collaboration

Several MNICS Task Force and BoD members attended the Eastern Area Coordinating Group (EACG) meeting Feb. 13-15 in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. There MNICS members met with Eastern Area incident management team (EA-IMT) members and representatives from the Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC).

Subsequent to that meeting, MNICS BoD members andMNICS incident commanders (Brian Pisarek, Greg Peterson and Mark Wurdeman) scheduled a joint teleconference with EA-IMT incident commanders (Russ Langford and Steve Goldman) to discuss team rotation for the upcoming fire season. Based on this discussion, the IMT rotation schedule was changed again. Tasha Woodwick will reconfigure the schedule and finalize changes with updates to the MNICS IMT roster for distribution by the end of February.

To facilitate continued collaboration, Brendan Neylon from the Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC) will facilitate monthly phone calls with MNICS and EA-IMT ICs. It was also decided that MNICS IMTs and the EA-IMT will hold a joint meeting in 2019. Location is to be determined but the possibility of holding it in conjunction with the Wildfire on Ice event in Walker, Minnesota during the second weekend in January was discussed.


The joint BoD/MNICS Task Force meeting adjourned at approximately 1415.

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