Minnesota Hockey District 11

July 22, 2009Heritage HockeyCenter

Pete Calls the meeting 7:03pm

Introduction of all in attendance –

April 30, 2009 Minutes – Motion made by Wade 2nd Shawn Bourgeault. Motion Carried

Butch Orrey – Presentation for having a Junior Gold A or Junior Gold B team there will be several kids in the area associations that will need to have more then one Junior Gold team. Need to find a coach to begin looking find ice for the Junior Gold. Call if you need to help.

Treasurers Report Motion to accept Wade LeBlanc, 2nd Terry Burn. Motion carried.

Tournaments report – discussion the other possibilities. District playoffs no tournaments Feb 19, 2009 or later for Bantam A and B’s, Peewee A and B’s, Girls U14 and U12’s

Coaching Director – Christian Kroelling to working on the coaches Clinics.

Girls Program – Inquiries on a Girls 12UA Team which would be considered a Rainbow team. Motion to deny the rainbow team By Wade 2nd by Greg Swanson Discussion. Motion carried. State

Referees – Brett K. Nehoa Feedback for the coaches, managers and rink directors. To be able to give feedback through the website software. Increased in numbers of referees. Seminars feedback that would like late seminars. This year nothing has changed Nick came in late and was not able to organize any changes. Discussion regarding identifying the referees for grading.

District Report –

Golf outing – Motion to budget to send a 4 man team into the Golf Tournament also to review sponsorships or donations made by Clarke Coole 2nd Wiley Discussion. Motion Carried.

Participation rule – Discussion. Leave number 4 in needs to be revised.

Hep Program – Wiley Pugh presentation – Need Ace Coordinators information

District Policy –Mite 1 tabled policy to fall meeting. Bring to Minnesota Hockey regarding changing the blue puck rule for mite 2 teams. Review policies and will be approved at the fall meeting. A "No Waiver Policy" for the district is not allowed by Minnesota Hockey.

Regions and State hosting packages. Mike Guzzo has handed in his package.

Recruitment- I need to find out who the association recruiter is. A meeting in August will occur with the manuals to be handed out and there is availability for grants to help with recruiting. This information will be shared a the Recruiting meeting.

B level teams. – Discussion District 11 B1 vs B2 level teams. Straw pole is all the associations look at having a B teams

Registration –

Oct 18 Noon Scheduling Meeting.

Motion to adjourn. 9pm Clarke Coole 2nd by Tim .