Minnesota Certification Board, Inc.



Certified Prevention Professional Advanced (CPPA)

Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal (CPPR)


Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) Prevention certification was developed in the State of Minnesota to provide standards of professional preparation for substance abuse prevention providers that meet or exceed the standards recognized by the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC) as appropriate for substance abuse prevention specialists.

The purpose of prevention certification is to promote consumer protection and public confidence by assuring that ATOD prevention services are being provided by appropriately qualified individuals. For the provider, prevention certification gives recognition to the special experience, education and skills of the prevention provider, encouragement for professional growth and development, and an internationally recognized professional credential.

This application manual contains the requirements, procedures and application forms for the Certified Prevention Professional Advanced (CPPA) and the Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal (CPPR) credential offered through the Minnesota Certification Board, Inc. (MCB).

The Certified Prevention Professional Advanced (CPPA) and the Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal (CPPR) certification is for substance abuse prevention practitioners with at least one year of prevention experience. The CPPR is a credential which meets the IC&RC prevention specialist standard, is recognized as equivalent to the prevention specialist credential offered by member boards, and qualifies the holder for international reciprocal recognition as a qualified provider of ATOD prevention services.

Recertification is every three years for CPPA’s and every two years (biannually) for CPPR’s. Recertification requires documentation of 40 hours of approved continuing education in the substance abuse Prevention Performance Domains. There is an annual fee of $95.00 or $80 biannually.

To apply for certification, go to the Forms section of this manual. Instructions and application forms including brief summaries of the requirements each form is intended to address are included in that section. The remainder of this manual includes information and instruction details about each required area and should be consulted while the forms are being completed. Recertification requirements and instructions are contained in the Recertification section.

Table of Contents


Submission Submission & Review

The CPPA & CPPR Certifications

Overview Overview of Requirements



Experience Experience



Supervision Supervised Practical Training


Testing Testing & Review

IC&RC Prevention Exam

Ethics Residency & Code of Ethics


IC&RC Reciprocity & IC&RC Certification


IC&RC Certification

Recertification Recertification



Forms Application Instructions & Submission Forms

Application Instructions


Application Review Checklist


Supervised Practical Training

Education Cover Sheet

Documentation of Education Forms

Ethics Training & Test Documentation

Code of Ethics


App. A Appendix A - ATOD Prevention

Code of Ethical Standards

App. B Appendix B - IC&RC Prevention

Certification Performance

Domains & Job Tasks


Hearing Procedures

Appeals of Decision of Hearing Panel


Prevention Professional

Advanced (CPPA)


Prevention Professional

Reciprocal (CPPR)

Tab - Submission & Review

Submission & Review

The process of certification requires the submission of the application forms (located in the Forms section of this manual) and supporting documentation to the Minnesota Certification Board Inc. All materials should be submitted as a completed packet along with appropriate fees (Application fee $30.00, Written exam fee $120.00 and first year certification fee $95.00). If you choose to take the exam on the computer, please enclose an additional $60. Make checks payable to "MCB". Submit the completed application packet to:

Minnesota Certification Board, Inc.

4817 Viking Blvd. NE

Suit 101

Wyoming, MN, 55092

If you have used any name other than the name on the application please submit legal documentation of a name change along with the Prevention Application.

You will be notified by mail when your application has been reviewed and approved. Applications will be reviewed within 30 days of receipt.

There is a $30.00 charge for the first review of the application. Any deficiencies must be corrected within ninety (90) days after notification.

If you have any questions, please call the Minnesota Certification Board at: 763-434-9787.


Prevention Professional Advanced


Prevention Professional Reciprocal (CPPR)

Tab – Overview

Certified Prevention Professional Advanced (CPPA)

Overview of Requirements

SAPS Course – Completion is not required if you are grandparenting.

Experience - 2,000 hours full or part-time experience providing Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) prevention services at a Minnesota licensed substance abuse prevention program.

Education - 40 hours of education in ATOD prevention within the areas defined by the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A listing of the Performance Domains is contained in Appendix B of this manual. A minimum of 12 hours must be specific to ATOD prevention knowledge and skills. A minimum of 6 hours must be specific to ethics.

Testing and Review - Successful completion of the IC&RC Prevention Specialist written examination.

Code of Ethics - The Prevention Code of Ethics must be signed and submitted. A minimum of six (6) contact hours of ATOD Prevention Ethics training must be completed.

Residency - Must live or work within the State of Minnesota fifty-one (51%) percent of the time.

Application - When all CPPR standards have been met submit your application along with documentation to MCB for review.

Fee - Submit $95.00 annual certification fee.

Recertification - Documentation of 40 hours of approved continuing education training for a two- (2) year certification. Training must be in the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. The Code of Ethics must be signed and a non-refundable recertification fee submitted.

These requirements are described in greater detail in the following sections of this manual. All documentation must be on copies of the forms provided and in the format specified in this manual to be applicable to the CPPR standards. All documentation is then submitted as an application packet to MCB for review.

Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal

Overview of Requirements

SAPS Course – Completion is not required if you are grandparenting.

Experience - 2,000 hours full or part-time experience providing Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) prevention services at a Minnesota licensed substance abuse prevention program.

Education - 100 hours of education in ATOD prevention within the areas defined by the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A listing of the Performance Domains is contained in Appendix B of this manual. A minimum of 50 hours must be specific to ATOD prevention knowledge and skills. A minimum of 6 hours must be specific to ethics.

Supervised Practical Training - 120 hours of direct supervision performing ATOD prevention functions related to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A minimum of 10 hours must be spent in supervised activities in each Performance Domain.

Testing and Review - Successful completion of the IC&RC Prevention Specialist written examination.

Code of Ethics - The Prevention Code of Ethics must be signed and submitted. A minimum of six (6) contact hours of ATOD Prevention Ethics training must be completed.

Residency - Must live or work within the State of Minnesota fifty-one (51%) percent of the time.

Application - When all CPPR standards have been met submit your application along with documentation to MCB for review.

Fee - Submit $95.00 annual certification fee.

Recertification - Documentation of 40 hours of approved continuing education training for a two- (2) year certification. Training must be in the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. The Code of Ethics must be signed and a non-refundable recertification fee submitted.

These requirements are described in greater detail in the following sections of this manual. All documentation must be on copies of the forms provided and in the format specified in this manual to be applicable to the CPPR standards. All documentation is then submitted as an application packet to MCB for review.

Certified Prevention Professional

Advanced (CPPA)


Certified Prevention Professional

Reciprocal (CPPR)

Tab - Experience




CPPA and CPPR - To meet the experience standard the applicant must document 2,000 hours full- or part-time experience (2,000 hours is the equivalent of one (1) year of full-time work) in the field of prevention at a Minnesota prevention program. The experience must be in the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains and may be paid or volunteer.


Applicants must use the Certified Prevention Professional Advanced / Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal Documentation of Experience Form (Form #3) in this manual. Submit a separate form for each program where you have accumulated experience. If you are submitting a college degree for a portion of the experience requirement, go to the Ethics Training, IC&RC Exam and Degree-For-Experience Documentation Form (Form #6) fill in the appropriate areas and attach a copy of your degree or your transcripts with the major and date of completion highlighted.

Certified Prevention Professional

Advanced (CPPA)

Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal (CPPR)

Tab – Education





Education must be related to the skills and knowledge of the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. All applicants must have completed at least six (6) contact hours of education in Prevention Ethics. The total number of hours are:

CPPR - 40 hours of education in ATOD prevention within the areas defined by the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A listing of the Performance Domains is contained in Appendix B of this manual. A minimum of 12 hours must be specific to ATOD prevention knowledge and skills. Applicants must also complete six (6) contact hours of Prevention Ethics training.

CPPR - 100 hours of education in ATOD prevention within the areas defined by the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A listing of the Performance Domains is contained in Appendix B of this manual. A minimum of 50 hours must be specific to ATOD prevention knowledge and skills. Applicants must also complete six (6) contact hours of Prevention Ethics training.

A contact hour means at least fifty (50) minutes of formal, face-to-face, applicant-trainer instructional interaction. In order to count toward the education standard the applicant's education must be relevant to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. Applicants are responsible for securing and submitting documentation of attendance, the number of contact hours, date(s) and title of the event.

Sources of Education- Acceptable sources of education are listed below. Education obtained through a source other than those listed must be submitted to MCB for approval.

College and University Courses

Courses specific to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains offered by an accredited institution of higher education and accepted by the institution toward a recognized degree (e.g. AA, BA, MA, M.S.W., etc.), or approved by a college or university for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be accepted toward completion of this standard. Credit is not allowed for any audited college courses.

Computation of Hours - The number of CEUs from a college or university is multiplied by 10. For each applicable college course, the number of credit hours is multiplied by 15. For all other education, the amount of time on the documentation is used.

IC&RC Member Approved

Education events or providers which have received approval by another IC&RC member board may be applied to this standard.

In-Service Education

Contact hours may be earned for participating in in-service education at Minnesota licensed programs. Home study and teleconferences can be applied to this standard if they are part of a Minnesota licensed program’s in-service education. Form #5E should be used to document in-service education.

State of Minnesota Departments

Education sponsored by State of Minnesota departments which is relevant to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains can be applied to this standard.

Home Study Courses - Home Study courses may only be used for recertification and the provider must have the course approved by MCB. Home study training includes course work completed in a non-traditional education setting. Information can be presented through distant learning media’s (Internet, correspondence, teleconferences).

Regional Substance Abuse Coordinating Agencies

Education sponsored by a Regional Substance Abuse Coordinating Agency which is relevant to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains can be applied to this standard.

Professional Associations

Education, relevant to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains, provided or approved by state or national professional associations may be applied to this standard.

Minnesota Licensed Training Provider

Education relevant to ATOD prevention

Any education other than from these sources must be MCB approved.

Therapeutic education and attendance at meetings of AA, ALANON, etc., are not applicable to prevention certification.


After each educational offering is completed, make it a point to complete the

information required on the Documentation of Education Forms (Forms #5A-5E). Keep all certificates of completion to document attendance and the number of contact hours.

Use the Education Cover Sheet (Form #5) when submitting education. The cover sheet will assist MCB staff in applying the education to the applicable areas. If applicability is not clear from the title, a description of the content will also assist the staff.

Applicants are responsible for submitting documentation of attendance, the topic, the date(s), and amount of time for all education events on the Documentation of Education Form. If a certificate of attendance was not provided which includes all this information, submit the training on Form #5E.

Certified Prevention Professional Reciprocal (CPPR)

Tab - Supervised Practical Training




To meet the Supervised Practical Training requirement applicants must have supervised experience at a Minnesota prevention program. The experience must be in the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains with a minimum of 10 hours in each Domain. The number of hours are:

CPPR - 120 hours

IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains

Listed below are the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains which must be included to complete the requirements of this standard. An explanation of these Performance Domains can be found in Appendix B.

- Planning and Evaluation.

- Education and Skill Development

- Community Organization

- Public and Organizational Policy

- Professional Growth and Responsibility