Ministry Plan
(See pg 2 for instructions)


Ministry Team:

Team Leader:

Date Range for Ministry Plan:

  1. Key people God is leading me to pursue:
  1. What ministry goals & activities can I pursue during this time period?
  1. What general or specific things will be part of my schedule in the months ahead?

Ministry Plan Instructions

Overview: The purpose of the Ministry Plan is to assist you in moving forward in your ministry, and to prevent stagnation or getting stuck in a rut. It can become a challenge to find ways to impact a person or whole community with the Gospel. We believe that God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will guide you in ordering your steps so that the lost will hear the life-giving message that we bring.

Date Range: This can include a time period of anywhere from 3-12 months. What time frame will help you set reasonable goals and stay focused?

  1. Try to list at least 3 (but no more than 10) people who you feel God is leading you to develop a relationship with and help move towards Jesus. You can list believers and non-believers. It might be helpful to identify where each person is at on their journey to Jesus by using either the 4 Chair Discipling model or the SEND International model (see pg 3).
  2. These goals should be measurable and attainable. Also, they should be in coordination with your Team Leader and the goals established for your particular location and ministry. Here are some examples:
    -To invite your neighbor over for dinner or tea (as the first step in building relationship)
    -To attend all the community basketball games this season
    -To invite Martha’s family to go berry picking
    -To establish a regular time to meet with a new believer in your community
    -To pass off the leadership of a local Bible study to another member of the group
    -To start a regular “phone fellowship” with believers from several villages
    -To help Mary develop a heart for nearby villages by taking her to visit Rhonda
    -To talk to Pastor Tom about appointing Steve as a regional elder
  3. Include any regular daily, weekly, or monthly events. These can be formal or informal. You can include goal-oriented activities or just other things that take up your time. Use creativity but remember to balance your time between ministry, family, personal and recreation. Here are some examples:
    -Mondays: Family day / Sabbath
    -Tuesday mornings: Phone call with accountability partner
    -Friday evenings: Teen ministry activities
    -Saturday mornings: Coffee with women at Kendra’s house
    -First Saturday of the month: Check-in & prayer with Team Leader
    -Monday – Friday, 7:30AM-4:30PM: Teaching at school
    -October 15-20: Ministry Conference
    -January – February: Discretionary Leave to visit with supporters

After your Ministry Plan is ready, notify your Team Leader and set up a meeting so that you are both in agreement with your plan. Allow for occasional checkups (at least monthly) with your Team Leader by scheduling a fixed time to meet via phone, in person or Skype.

4 Chair Discipling / Intentional Ministry Model
The Lost / Dialog – We have shared spiritual conversations
Scripture/Story – I have intentionally shared Scripture several times
Study – This person is regularly meeting to investigate Jesus and the Gospel
Believer / Follower / Growing – This person is learning the basics of spiritual growth and is beginning to fellowship with other believers
Worker / Serving – This person is engaging in tangible acts of service and learning about their spiritual gifts
Sharing – This person is beginning to share their testimony and/or the Gospel with others
Disciple Maker / Leading – This person shows initiative and is faithful with opportunities with other people to pray, read Scripture, or ask spiritual questions
Reproducing – This person is demonstrating a commitment to help others becoming reproducing disciples of Jesus