Revised 8/17/2015


1.0MPT Definition and Responsibilities2

2.0Assimilation of Congregations into ECO3

2.1Church Interview Guide for Meeting with Sessions3

2.2ECO & Women in Ordained Leadership4

2.3ECO & Infant Baptism4

3.0Assimilation of Ministers into the Presbytery4

3.1Receiving Ministers from Other Denominations5

3.2Policy for laboring out of bounds5

3.3Receiving retired ministers5

4.0Guidelines and Minimums for Terms of Call6

Pastoral Terms of Call Form7

5.0Policy on Lay Pastors9

6.0Chartering a Congregation10

7.0Validation of Ministries Policy12

8.0Dissolution of Pastoral Relationship Policies13

8.3Voluntary Dissolution14

8.5Involuntary Dissolution14

8.7Termination Compensation15

9.0When a Pastor Prepare to Leave/Leaves a Church17

9.2Statement of Ethics for Departing Pastors18

9.3Moderators of Vacant Churches18

9.5The Service of a Transitional Pastor19

9.6Transitional Ministry Tasks 20

10.0Steps for When a Church Seeks a Pastor21

10.1Pastor Nominating Committee Suggestions22

11.0Family and Medical Leave Policy24

12.0Long Term Disability Policy24

13.0Sabbatical Policy25

14.0Background Check Policy26

Blank CIF (Church Information Form)27

CLP Commissioning Service30

Honorable Retirement Service31

15.0Sexual Misconduct Prevention Policy32

1.0 MPT Member Job Description: Summary from Polity, Section 3.0105

1.1 Ministry Partnerships Team (MPT)

Each Presbytery shall elect a Ministry Partnerships Team, which shall have broad responsibility for the pastoral relationships of the Presbytery. The Ministry Partnerships Team shall have at least eight members, all elected by the Presbytery, with membership being made up of an equal number of Elders and Pastors. No more than two members may be from the same congregation. The Ministry Partnerships Team shall be available to any Session or Pastor of the Presbytery. The Presbytery shall, by its own rule, delegate and determine the authority and functions of the Ministry Partnerships Team. Included in this authority that may be delegated to the MPT is the ability to approve ordination of candidates, transfer of Pastors to and from its jurisdiction, and approve commissions for installation and ordination.

1.2 MPT Responsibilities:

• Visit and consult with each Minister of the Presbytery when possible to encourage their local ministry and relationship with the Presbytery.

• Make recommendations to the Presbytery regarding calls for the services of its ministers

• Counsel with churches regarding calls to permanent pastoral relations and visit and counsel with pastoral nominating committees

• Counsel with churches regarding temporary contractual pastoral relationships

• Provide for implementation of equal opportunity employment for ministers

• Approve pastoral calls, approve examinations of Pastors, dissolve pastoral relationships, grant permission to labor within/out the bounds, dismiss Pastors to other presbyteries as delegated by the Presbytery.

• Serve as an instrument for promoting the peace and harmony of churches

• Facilitate the acceptance and transfer of congregations into the Presbytery

• Serve as liaison to Benefit Services Group

• Approve commissions for installation and ordination

1.3 Meetings of the MPT

The Ministry Partnerships Team meets at least every 3 months. The decisions of MPT are reported to Presbytery; the discussions that take place at MPT are confidential.

1.4 MPT Liaisons to Churches

The MPT will appoint a church liaison to each member congregation within the Presbytery as the need arises. The work of the church liaison is critical to the function of MPT as it is the liaison that initiates contact with our churches and helps us be a “connected” church.

The work of the liaison includes:

• Being both visible and supportive during times of transition in pastoral leadership by providing direction to both the Session and the PNC

• Assisting churches as they evaluate the needs for new pastoral positions or new ministries

• Facilitating communication as a means of resolving conflict within a church as necessary and appropriate.

The participation of all of its members is vital to the functioning of MPT. Thus, regular participation in the MPT meetings is important. Additional meetings are held as necessary. Ongoing and frequent contact and counsel with assigned liaison churches is also an essential part of the role of a MPT member.

2.0 Assimilation of Congregations from Reformed Denominations

As part of the mission of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, it is our hope to plant as many churches as we receive from other denominations. This is a shared responsibility across the Presbytery.

As part of the MPT specifically, it is our responsibility to make sure that those congregations and Pastors transferring to ECO from other Reformed denominations are examined appropriately to make sure they are a good fit for the mission and vision laid before us. The process for receiving a congregation is as follows:

1. The Session application to ECO is received at the ECO offices and forwarded to the appropriate representatives of the MPT.

2. The MPT arranges for an interview (either through conference call, or in person) with the Session. Interviews for Pastors occur separate from the Session.

3. After interviews, the MPT members notify the MPT Chair and the Presbytery Moderator of their recommendations.

4. The Presbytery Moderator notifies the Session of the MPT recommendations via letter.

5. The action of the church being received is contingent upon their release from their dismissing Presbytery.

2.1 ECO Church Interview Guide – Sessions

2.11 Introduction (to build / grow relationship)

1. Open with Prayer.

2. Introduce ECO representatives/interviewers.

3. Have each member of the Session introduce him/herself.

• Could include additional “get to know you” information – (how long each elder has been with the congregation / specific areas of ministry, etc.)

4. Explain why we do these interviews (not an ordination)...for our benefit and theirs.

5. Begin discussion with overview of the congregation’s history/journey. Why do they feel called to join ECO? What drew you to ECO?

6. Ask if each of them have read the Essential Tenets and Polity documents. Are all in agreement with the ET and Polity? Are there any questions or concerns that they have about either document?

2.12 Potential Questions to Ask:

Theology and Church Ministry

1. What would you say is the understanding within your Session (and the church at large) of the Authority of Scripture? What role does the Bible play in the life of your congregation?

2. What is your understanding of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ? Is He the only way to salvation?

3. In the Essential Tenet’s commentary of the 10 Commandments, there is a call to “honor the image of God in every human being from conception natural death.” What is your church’s understanding of the sanctity of human life?

4. In its commentary on the 10 Commandments there is also the call to “maintain chastity in thought and deed, being faithful within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman as established by God at the creation or embracing a celibate life as established by Jesus in the new covenant.” What is your understanding of human sexuality and Christian marriage?

The Ministry of Your Church

1. In the ECO polity manual, it speaks of the purpose of the Church to prepare “disciples to be the sent people of God in the world” (1.0101). Define the difference between the words “missions” and “missional”.

2. What is the congregation’s level of desire to plant new churches or worshipping communities? Do they have a history of it or is church planting a growing edge?

3. Covenantal accountability is a key distinctive of ECO life – both for individuals as “covenant partners” and for congregations within “mission affinity groups”. Describe how a life of accountability either is or may be carried out in your congregation. What types of congregations do you see yourselves partnering with?

4. What can ECO do for you? What can you do for ECO?

5. What are the next steps in the process? (Final thoughts, wrap-up, future of ECO, questions they may have.)

6. Conclude with having each member of the Session affirm the Essential Tenets of ECO.

2.2 Women in Ordained Leadership

ECO from its inception has been clear that it doesn't just allow women in ministry, but celebrates women in all offices and positions within the church. One of our values is "Egalitarian Ministry" and our essentials say, "We affirm that men and women alike are called to all the ministries of the Church." It is clear that church officers, congregations and presbyteries must ordain women who are called and qualified.

2.3 The Practice of Infant Baptism

ECO in its Essential Tenets also affirms the celebration of both infant and adult baptism. It is clear that church officers, congregations and presbyteries must offer and allow for the celebration of both of these baptisms.

3.0 Assimilation of Ministers Serving Existing Congregations or in Validated Ministries

Another responsibility of the MPT is to examine Ministers transferring to ECO from other Reformed denominations. We seek to examine their fitness for ministry, theological commitments, and appropriateness of the specific call in which they seek to serve. The process for receiving a Minister is as follows:

1. The Minister’s application to ECO is received at the ECO offices and forwarded to the Presbytery’s MPT.

2. Included with the application, the Minister will include a background check release form. The background check will be conducted by the national staff. Results will be forwarded to the Presbytery Moderator and MPT Team leader.

3. The MPT arranges for an interview (either through conference call, or in person) with the Minister.

4. After interview, the MPT members notify the MPT Chair and the Presbytery Moderator of their recommendations.

5. The MPT will ask the Minister for a statement of faith and a brief biography that together are not more than 2 pages (single spaced).

6. The MPT will check references when it deems this to be prudent.

7. The Minister will sign and return the MPT sexual misconduct policy form.

8. The MPT will then present the Minister to the Presbytery for their acceptance.

9. The action of the church and/or Minister being received is contingent upon their release from their dismissing Presbytery.

3.1 Procedures for Ministers of Other Denominations

3.11 The procedure for establishing a relationship between the Presbytery and ministers of other, non-Reformed denominations desiring to serve within our bounds is as follows. The applying Minister needs to do these things, in whatever order is workable:

1. Submit an ECO Pastor application.

2. Make contact with the Presbytery Moderator/Clerk and/or Ministry Partnerships Team (MPT).

3. Submit to the MPT a letter of standing with their current standing with their current denomination. (If lacking current standing in another denomination, submit a letter of endorsement from the congregation being served or validated ministry in which engaged.)

4. (If requested) Submit sealed transcripts of higher education for all ministry related degrees.

3.12 The MPT will interview the minister and make an initial assessment of the Minister’s credentials. If there are no concerns or questions about the credentials, the MPT will recommend the Minister for membership in the Presbytery.

• If the MPT does have concerns or questions about the credentials, the application materials will be forwarded to the PMOT for further assessment. The PMOT will communicate the results of their assessment any additional recommendations to the MPT. This assessment shall be forwarded to the MPT, which will formulate a plan of assimilation. The plan may include further study courses, mentoring, and/or ordination examinations.

• After successful completion of the plan of assimilation, the MPT will recommend the Minister for membership in the Presbytery, abiding by all appropriate provisions of the Polity of ECO.

• The Minister is not permitted to engage in active ministry in an ECO congregation until MPT has made its recommendation.

3.2 Laboring Outside the Bounds of the Presbytery

If a Minister member of Presbytery wishes to labor outside the bounds of the Presbytery, a request shall be submitted to the MPT chair prior to commencing labor.

3.3 Policy for Receiving Retired Minister into Presbytery

1. There will be a reference check made by either the Moderator or Ministry Partnerships Team leader with the Presbytery from which the Minister is coming.

2. The Minister will be asked to submit an ECO application to the MPT.

3. The MPT will interview the Minister.

4. The MPT will recommend the reception to the Presbytery, with opportunity for members of Presbytery to greet the Minister.

4.0 Pastoral Terms of Call

• Each Session shall prayerfully consider the appropriate annual salary and housing for the particular area in which the church resides. Comparable salaries in education and local business shall be considered. In addition, consideration shall be given to the Minister’s years of experience, length of tenure in current ministry, and level of education.

• The Presbytery of Southern California recommends that the minimum FTE salary be no lower than $50,000 annually.

• It shall be the responsibility of each Session to at least annually report the terms of call of all Pastors (Pastor/head of staff, Co-Pastor, Associate Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Transitional Pastor, and Affiliate Pastor) to the MPT. The Session shall report any changes to a Pastor’s terms of call within a month of such changes being made.

ECO Southern California Presbytery

Minimum Terms of Call for Pastoral Full Time Positions

(These figures should be prorated for part time positions where possible.)

• Salary and Housing:$50,000
(If Manse is provided – Cash Salary $30,000)

• Social Security Offset = 7.65% times Salary & Housing
(unless the Pastor has opted out of SS)$3,825

• Auto/Travel/Professional Expense Reimbursement (vouchered)$2,000

• Study Leave Allowance (vouchered)$1,500
Two (2) weeks per year cumulative for three (3) years to maximum of six weeks
(including the matching Sundays per week).

• Medical Insurance: The ECO plan required for Pastor and all FT church employees
(See ECO Rate sheet for current rates)

• Term Life, Accidental Death, LT and ST disability based on 2x effective Salary
(See ECO Rate sheet for current rates)

• Pension [403b] 10% of Salary & Housing$5,000

• Vacation One (1) month (31 days calendar days including 4 Sundays.)

MPT recommends that all churches transferring into ECO follow the practice of matching, as best as possible, the previous salary and benefit package for their Pastors before the dismissal from PC(USA). This may require a Pension contribution that is higher than 10% in order to ensure that upon retirement, Pastors receive a monthly pension reasonably close to what they would have received in the PC(USA) Defined Benefit Plan. Every situation is different so MPT encourages Pastors and church treasurers to contact Envoy Financial for assistance on making the pension transfer and Erin Kautzner at BSG for assistance in making the insurance transfer. In many cases 10% is adequate to accomplish the above goal.

is the website for more information

Compensation and Terms of Call Form

Ministry Partnerships Team – Presbytery of Southern California

The ______Presbyterian Church, located in ______,

recommends that these terms be ❒ approved (or) ❒ changed for Rev./Mr./Mrs./Ms. ______.

The date of the Session meeting making this request is ______.

The beginning date is ______.

Check all that apply: ❒ Pastor, ❒ Co-Pastor, ❒ Associate Pastor, ❒ Transitional Pastor, ❒ Assistant Pastor, ❒ Commissioned Lay Pastor, ❒ Other: ______.

❒ Full-time (50 hours/week) ❒ Part-time _____% of full-time (or) _____ number of hours/week.

❒ The church will pay all moving expenses (or) expenses up to $______.

1. $______Annual Cash Salary (regular payroll, salary supplements)

2. $______Housing Allowance (utilities, mortgage payments, real estate taxes)

3. $ ______Fair Rental Value of Manse (must be at least 30% of 1–5)

4. $______Deferred Income (IRS 403b Plan, Retirement Savings Plan)

5. $______Special (dental or life insurance, unvouchered allowances, loans*)

6. $______Misc.

7. $______Total Effective Salary (Lines 1-6) Minimum is $50,000.,000

8. $______Pension/403b (minimum 10% of Line 7 required)

9. $______Medical Plan (Per ECO requirements)

10. $______Continuing Education (study leave expenses) Minimum is $1,500

11. $______Auto/Professional (business expenses, vouchered IRS mileage rate) Minimum is $2,000

12. $______Social Security (7.65 % of Lines 1-6)
Minimum is $3,825 unless the Pastor as opted out of SS.

13. $______Total Cost to Church (Lines 7-12)

14. Study Leave: weeks per year ______Minimum is 2 weeks

15. Vacation Leave: ______Minimum of 1 month (defined as 31 calendar days including 4 Sundays.

15. Sabbatical Leave: at least 3 months after six years (see MPT Suggested Policy on Sabbaticals)

*NOTE: The terms of call are listed above. All other financial agreements (loans, etc.) must be attached to this form and approved by the Minister, congregation and Committee on Ministry.


Minister/Candidate ______cell______

Search/Personnel Committee Chair______cell______

Clerk of Session ______cell______

MPT Chair ______cell______

Moderator ______cell______

5.0 Policy on Lay Pastors for Presbytery of Southern California

Section 2.05 of the ECO polity delineates the roles and responsibilities of Lay Pastors. These are women and men, who, already ordained as a deacon or elder can serve in a pastoral role to carry out the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ through ECO. Lay Pastors are governed by our ECO polity with a special focus on Section 2.05. In addition to what is written there, the following practical guidelines have been deemed essential by the MPT of the Presbytery of Southern California. We call them CLP’s because in ECO they are commissioned in the name of Jesus Christ to carry out their ministry under our auspices, subject to our Polity.

1. Commissioned Lay Pastors (CLP’s) should serve under an assigned mentor, preferably an experienced Pastor. The assignment should be made by the MPT.

2. The CLP and mentor should set an annual schedule for meetings, preferably quarterly, and shall make such meetings a priority.

3. The mentor shall make a brief report to the MPT once each year with strengths and weaknesses identified, and methods to improve performance.

4. Content of mentor meetings shall consist but not be limited to the following:

a. How are you as a CLP doing spiritually, emotionally, physically?

b. Do you take time for personal devotions?

c. Are you participating in an accountable relationship, called “peer reviews,” which can take place within the Presbytery or within one of the Missional Affinity Networks?

d. What books and/or reading materials are you currently engaged?

e. How has your congregation grown through the efforts of your ministry?

f. What have you learned by serving as a CLP?

g. What are current challenges that our Covenant relationship can come along side of you to help find solutions?

h. How are the finances of the church you serve?

i. Using the ECO annual report as a guide, how is your church doing?