
Govt. of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Dept. of School Education and Literacy

Mid Day Meal Division

MDM-PAB meeting

to consider and approve AWP&B 2010-11

(Date of the meeting: 27.04.10)




Sl. No. / CHAPTER / Page no.
Part-A / General Information / 1-2
Part-B / Review of performance during 2009-10 / 3-6
Part-C / Recommendations of Appraisal team and quantification of variables for central assistance during 2010-11. / 7-9
Part-D / Fact sheet. / 10-18



Mid Day Meal Scheme - Annual Work Plan & Budget 2010-11


General Information


Mid day Meal Programme was started in Mizoram from 15th August 1995 by distributing raw rice to students. Cooked meals were served to primary students in the entire state since 15th Feb.2006 and continued without interruption till date.

Basic Information: (Year 2009-10)

Primary / Upper Primary / Total
I. / No. of Institutions approved / 1402 / 964 / 2366
No. of Institutions / 1421 / 991 / 2412*
No. of Institutions served MDM / 1421 / 991 / 2412
II. / No. of Children
a / Approved by MDM PAB / 1,04,221 / 51,373 / 1,55,594
b / Enrollment / 1,07,439 / 53,854 / 1,61,293
c / Opted MDM / 1,07,412 / 53,882 / 1,61,294
d / Availed MDM (April –Dec 09 ) / 99912 / 50,070 / 1,49,982
No. of children availed MDM
QPR-1( April- June 2009) / 99,824 / 50,543 / 1,50,367
QPR-2 ( July- Sept 2009) / 99,465 / 49,552 / 1,49,017
QPR-3 ( Oct – Dec 2009) / 1,00,452 / 50,117 / 1,50,569
III. No. of working days approved for FY 2009-10 –( 205)
a / Approved for Q1 / 56 / 56 / 56
Achievement during Q1 / 57 / 57 / 57
Difference / (+1) / (+1) / (+1)
b. / Approved for Q2 / 56 / 56 / 56
Achievement during Q2 / 57 / 57 / 57
Difference / (+1) / (+1) / (+1)
c. / Approved for Q 3 / 43 / 43 / 43
Achievement during Q 3 / 43 / 43 / 43
Difference / (- ) / (- ) / (-)
d. / Approved for Q 4 / 50 / 50 / 50
Achievement during Q 4 / - / - / -
e / Approved by PAB (April- Dec 09 ) / 155 / 155 / 155
f / MDM served (April- Dec 09) / 157 / 157 / 157

*Increase in no. of institutions from 2008-09 to 2009-10 was due to introduction of new upgraded primary schools under and inclusion of newly lump sum grant in aid schools at upper primary schools


S.no / INDICATORS / Allocation / Releases * / Exp.
Pry / Up.Pry
I. / Unit Cost /child/day / Rs.2.50 / Rs.3.00 / - / -
a. / Central Share / Rs.1.89 / Rs.2.415 / - / -
b. / State share / Rs.0.61 / Rs.0.585
c. / Allocation of cooking cost( In Lakhs)
Centre share / 403.804 / 254.33 / 164.32 / 900.76
State Share / 130.34 / 61.61 / 600.00
Total / 534.14 / 315.95 / 764.32
II. / Food Grains Allocation (In MTs)
Allocation for FY 2009-10 / 2157.37 / 1595.13 / 2950.77 / 3015.29
Total / 3752.51
III. / Transportation Assistance ( In Lakhs)
Allocation for FY 2009-10 / 26.71 / 19.75 / 46.46 / 30.90
Total / 46.46
IV / MME( In Lakhs)
Allocation for FY 2009 -10 / 9.86 / 6.50 / 16.36 / 7.71
Total / 16.36
VI / Infrastructure Development / Sanctioned / Achievement
No. of Units / Released / No. of Units / Exp.
a. / No. of Kitchen Sheds sanctioned (2006-09) / 1533 / 920.05 / 1533 / 919.80
b. / No. of Kitchen Devices (2006-09) / 1294 / 64.70 / 1294 / 64.70
VII / Honorarium to Cooks-cum-helpers (Dec 2009- March 2010) -2790
Central Share / 100.44 / 100.44 / -
State Share / 11.16 / - / -
Total / 111.60 / - / -
VIII / QPR Status# / Dated / Received on / In time/Late
i) / Ist Quarter / 17-8-09 / 19-8-09 / Late
ii) / IInd Quarter / 30-10-09 / 9-11-09 / In time
iii) / IIIrd Quarter / 9-2-10 / 25-2-10 / Late

·  Also includes opening balance as on 1-4-09.

# Cooking cost : i) Districts had received only adhoc grant of Central assistance .ii) Ist and 2nd Installment not yet received by the districts. State share was released on anticipation of receiving the cooking cost (Central share ). iii) 2nd Installment of central assistance was released on 31-12-09

# Revised QPRs are submitted along with AWP &B -2010-11


Review of Performance in 2009- 10

(01.04.09 to 31.12.2009)

2. Based on the information provided by the State Govt. in its AWP&B 2010-11, the performance during 2009-10 (01.04.09 to 31.12.2009) was reviewed. The major issues in implementation during 2009-10 are summarized as under: -

2.1 Coverage of Institutions:

S.no / Stage / Total
Primary / Upper Primary
1 / No. of Institutions approved / 1402 / 964 / 2366
2 / Total no. of institutions / 1421 / 991 / 2412
3 / No. of Institutions serving MDM / 1421 / 991 / 2412

Against the 2366 total no. of institutions approved for 2009-10, the State had implemented the scheme in 1421 primary schools and 991 upper primary schools during the FY 2009-10. Increase in no. of institutions from 2008-09 to 2009-10 was due to introduction of new upgraded primary schools under MDM and inclusion of newly lump sum grant in aid schools at upper primary stage.

An analysis of coverage of institutes shows that in both the stages (Primary & Upper Primary) cent percent schools were covered under MDM Scheme as on 31-12-09. The below tables gives the institutional wise coverage status:

2.1.1 Institutional wise coverage –Primary

(Refer Table-AT-3 of AWP&B 2010-11)

S.no / Type of Schools / No. of schools / No. of schools serving MDM / Coverage
1 / Govt.+LB / 1217 / 1217 / 100%
2 / GA Schools / 0 / 0 / 0
3 / EGS/AIE centres / 138 / 138 / 100%
4 / Upgraded / 66 / 66 / 100%
Total / 1421 / 1421 / 100%

2.1.2. Institutional wise coverage -Upper Primary

(Refer Table-AT-3A&3B of AWP&B 2010-11)

S.no / Type of Schools / No. of schools / No. of schools serving MDM / Coverage
1 / Govt.+LB / 691 / 691 / 100%
2 / GA Schools / 106 / 106 / 100%
3 / EGS/AIE centres / 34 / 34 / 100%
4 / Upgraded / 160 / 160 / 100%
Total / 991 / 991 / 100%

Note - As per the first and second QPRs, MDM was served in 1425 schools at primary stage and 996 schools at the upper primary stage. During the 3rd QPR, due to amalgamate/defunct of some schools, no. of schools decreased at both primary and upper primary stages.


2.2.1 Total Enrolment, No. of children opted MDM & Availed MDM:

i) Institutional –wise details (Primary)

(Refer Table-AT-4 & 5of AWP&B 2010-11)

S.no / Type of Schools / Total Enrolment as on 30-09-09 / No. of Children opted MDM / Ave. No. of children availed MDM
( April –Dec 09)
1 / Govt.+LB+GA Schools / 94007 / 94004 / 87,441
2 / EGS Centres / 3230 / 3,222 / 2,997
3 / AIE centres / 5993 / 5,988 / 5,569
4 / Upgraded / 4209 / 4,198 / 3,905
Total / 1,07,439 / 1,07,412 / 99,912

ii) Institutional –wise details (Upper Primary)

(Refer Table-AT-4A & 5Aof AWP&B 2010-11)

S.no / Type of Schools / Total Enrolment as on 30-09-09 / No. of Children opted MDM / Ave. No. of children availed MDM
( April –Dec 09)
1 / Govt.+LB+GA Schools / 47,437 / 47,454 / 44,098
2 / EGS Centres / 1 / 1 / 1
3 / AIE centres / 2,207 / 2208 / 2050
4 / Upgraded / 4,209 / 4219 / 2921
Total / 53,854 / 53,882 / 50,070

Against the enrolment 92% of the children availed MDM during the period –April- December 09 at both primary and upper primary stages.

2.2.2 MDM-PAB approval VS. Performance

(Refer Table-AT-5 & 5A of AWP&B 2010-11)

S.no / Stage / No. of children approved by MDM-PAB / Ave. No. of children availed MDM
( April –Dec 09) / Coverage
1 / Primary / 104221 / 99912 / 96%
2 / Upper Primary / 51373 / 50,070 / 97%
Total / 155594 / 1,49,982 / 96%

Average no. of children availed MDM was 4% less than the PAB approval during April –December 2009.At primary stage, average no. of children availed MDM during 9 months was 4% less than the PAB approval.

2.2.3 No. of Meals served

S.no / Stage / No. of meals to be served / No.of meals served
( April –Dec 09) / Coverage
1 / Primary / 21365305 / 15686184 / 73%
2 / Upper Primary / 10531465 / 7860990 / 75%
Total / 31896770 / 23547174 / 74%


2.3.1 Level of Opening balance as on 01.04.09:

District- wise analysis shows that the State had 75.57 MTs i.e. 2% opening stock of food grains as on 01.04.09.

2.3.2 Level of closing balance as on 31.12.09:

An analysis of the district wise closing balance of food grains as on 31.12.09 is 11.68 MTs.

2.3.3  Lifting (availability) of Food grains: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09):

An analysis of the district wise availability of food grains as on 31.12.09 shows that the State had lifted 2950.78 MTs i.e + O.B -75.57 MTs = 3026.35 i.e.81% of food grains . Details of level of lifting are as follows:

(Total Districts =8)

(Ref : Table no. 4.6 of Analysis Sheet)

S. No. / Level of lifting
(availability) / No. of Districts / Name of the districts
1 / Below 80% / 4 / Champahai & Lawngtlai (78%), Lunglei(79%), Aizwal (80%),
2 / 80% - 85% / 2 / Serchhip (81%),Kolasib (85%)
3 / Above 85% / 2 / Mamit (86%) & Saiha (90%)

2.3.4 Utilization of food grains:

Primary + Upper Primary: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09)

Considering that three-fourths of the year was over by 31.12.2009, the State should have utilized at least 75 % of the food grains allocation. The State has utilized about 3015.29 MTs i.e (81% ) of food grains as on 31.12.2009.

(Total Districts =8)

(Ref: Table no. 4.8 of Analysis Sheet)

Sl. No. / Level of utilisation / No. of Districts / Name of the districts
1 / Below 80% / 3 / Champhai & Lawngtlai, (78%),Lunglei (79%)
2 / 80% - 90% / 5 / Aizawl(80%), Mamit(81%), Serchhip(81%), Kolasib(85%), Saiha(90%)


2.4.1 Level of Opening balance as on 01.04.09:

The district wise analysis of opening balance of cooking cost as on 1.04.09 shows that the State had Rs. 143.67 lakhs i.e 17% opening balance. Details of level of opening balance are as follows:

Opening Balance as on 01.04.2009

(Total districts :8 )

(Ref : Table no. 5.3 of Analysis Sheet)

Less than 10% / 10- 15% / 15- 20% / Above 20% / Total
No. of Districts / - / 4 / 2 / 2 / 8

2.4.2  Level of closing balance as on 31.12.09:

District –wise analysis of unspent balance of cooking cost as on 31.12.09 shows that state has Rs 7.23 Lakhs -i.e 1% unspent balance.

2.4.3 Utilization of Cooking Cost:

Primary + Upper Primary: (01.04.09 to 31.12.09)

An analysis of the utilization of cooking cost during 2009-10 shows that State has claimed to have utilized Rs. 900.76 lakhs i.e 106% cooking cost .All the districts had utilized more than 100% of the cooking cost .

2.5 Utilization of MME (Reference Table – 6.3 of Analysis Sheet)

Allocation for MME fund for financial year 2009-10 was Rs. 16.36 Lakhs. The State Government has incurred expenditure of Rs. 7.71 lakhs i.e 47% by end of the 3 quarters.

2.6 Utilization of Transport Assistance (Reference Table – 7.3 of Analysis Sheet)

The central assistance towards total transport cost for financial year 2009-10 is Rs. 46.52 Lakhs, whereas the State has shown 66 % expenditure.

2.7 Construction of Kitchen sheds (Reference Table -8.1 of Analysis Sheet):

Central assistance of Rs. 920.05 Lakhs released towards construction of Kitchen Sheds for schools during 2006 -09 for primary and upper primary stage for 1533 units. State has shown 100% of physical progress in construction of kitchen sheds.

2.8 Procurement of Kitchen devices (Reference Table -8.2 of Analysis sheet)

Central assistance released towards procurement of kitchen devices for schools during 2006-10 for primary and upper primary stage is Rs.64.70 lakhs for 1294 devices. The State has shown physical progress and financial progress as 100%.

Part - C

Recommendations for quantification of

Central assistance for 2010-11.

3.1 Number of Children [Primary]:

a. Trends in Enrollment [PRIMARY]:

3.1.1 In Mizoram, population (age group 6-11 years) has fallen by 3.8% from 2008-09 to 2009-10 as per Census-2001 projections. (Reference Table 9.1. of Analysis Sheet)

3.1.2 In 2008-09, 80 % of the children has been enrolled in schools (Primary) (Reference Table 9.2 of Analysis Sheet)

b) Trends in number of children availing MDM [PRIMARY]:

3.1.4 In 2008-09, 113% of the children availed MDM against the PAB approval likewise 96% of the children availed MDM against the approval of FY 2009-10. (Reference Table 9.4 of Analysis Sheet)

3.1.5 No. of children availing MDM (7%) is less than the opted MDM during 2009-10 (Reference table 9.5 of analysis sheet).

Analysis of no. of children (Primary)

Sl. No / Year / Population * / DISE / Enrolment
(Shown in Plan ) / PAB Approval / Opted MDM / Availed MDM
1 / 2008-09 / 116380 / 1,26,305 / 1,00,454 / 89,709 / - / 1,01,577
2 / 2009-10 / 112036 / 107439 / 104221 / 107412 / 99,912

*Child Population -6-11 years