Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education




Registered "APPROVED"

Educational Department Vice Rector for Academic Affairs,

№ ______Teshaev O.R.______

"_____" ______2016"_____" ______2016


by subject


Area of ​​expertise: 100000 - Humanitarian region

500000 - Health and welfare

Field of study: 110000 - Pedagogy

510000 - Health

Direction of Education: 5111000 - Vocational Education (5510100 - Treatment)

5510100 - Treatment

5510300 - Medical-preventive work

Tashkent - 2016

Training work program on the subject is based upon the work of the curriculum and curriculum work.

Compiled by:

Kulmanova M.U. - Head of the Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry TMA, MD, PhD


1. Head of the Department of Anatomy and OSTA, prof.Sagatov T.A.

2. Professor of Department of Pathology, prof. Iriskulov B.U.

Training work program on the subject discussed and approved at a meeting of the Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry Protocol № ___ dated "___" in May 2016 and submitted for review and approval by the faculty council.


Head of the Department Kulmanova M.U.

Training work program on the subject discussed and approved for use on the advice of the medical-preventive faculty (Protocol № ___ dated "___" in June 2016 g)

Chairman of the faculty council, prof. SalomovaF.I.


Head of training and methodological

TMA management Rakhimov B.B.


According to the State educational learning higher education subject biological chemistry, and teaches in the areas of knowledge, "Education" and "Health", consists of general and private sections. Based on the study of metabolic processes occurring in the body, their laws, relationships with the function of organs and tissues, knowledge of regulatory biochemical parameters, methods for their determination and their interpretation will allow future specialist general practitioner to understand the molecular basis of physiology, especially their age changes, the pathogenesis of pathological states and syndromes, the molecular basis of diseases. This will allow general practitioners to develop clinical reasoning, correctly diagnose the disease, spending their differential diagnosis with biochemical products to justify the tactics of treatment, to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic measures and to take preventive measures.

1.1. Purpose and tasks of discipline

Subject biological chemistry included in the complex biomedical disciplines taught in 3 - and 4-semesters.

The purpose of discipline - on the basis of achievements present biochemistry studies the chemical structure of organic compounds that make up living organisms, metabolism and their relationship with metabolic changes functions of organs and tissues. This allows not only to formulate a materialist thinking in students, but also is important in the formation of ideas about the future profession; teach students complex general theoretical knowledge: the chemical composition of a living organism and intimate mechanisms of functioning of the whole organism in health and disease at the organ, subcellular and molecular levels.

Tasks Item

- Specialist training focused on practical medical activities, which shall integrate information on the static part of the object with widely represented in this program data on the dynamic changes of multiple low-and high-molecular compounds of the body.

- The recovery of the amount of knowledge students to correctly interpret the results of laboratory studies conducted widely in clinical diagnostic laboratories.

- Training of the molecular basis of human physiological functions, molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis of diseases (molecular and genetic pathology), the biochemical basis for the prevention and treatment of diseases, biochemical methods for diagnosis of disease and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

- On the basis of in vivo and in vitro studies of physical and chemical parameters to interpret metabolic changes under the influence of physical and chemical environmental factors on the body; conduct environmental link between the violation and the morbidity of the population.

1.2. Requirements set by the skills of the discipline

The passage of the subject "Biological Chemistry" Bachelor should master:

- Relationship between the processes wich occurs in the body, homeostasis and about its regulation.

- Abuse of metabolism in certain pathologies: diabetes, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, stomach diseases, gallstones and kidney stones, hypertension, hereditary diseases, pancreatitis, hypo-and hypervitaminosis, gout, immunodeficiency;

- Constants blood biochemical parameters depending on age (protein indicators, indicators carbohydrate, lipid indicators, spectrum of enzymes).

- Biochemical constants of gastric juice in normal and pathological conditions.

- Urine biochemical parameters in normal and pathological conditions.

- Biochemical basis of metabolism in the body.

- Define the acidity of gastric juice and to detect pathological elements gastric juice.

- An analysis of urine and to determine the presence of pathological components in urine.

- Use bioassays and reagent kits for determination of enzyme activity and concentrations of metabolites in various biological fluids.

Along with them, must have skills:

- Use photoelectrocolorimeters, spectrophotometer, pH meter, centrifuge and the thermostat

- Use tables, directories, manuals.

- The use of chemical and biochemical systems in clinical biochemistry, the methods of measurement and evaluation indicators characterizing the functional state of the major body systems.

- Be able to reasonably express their opinions and conclusions.

1.3. Communication with other disciplines the items specified in the curriculum and its place in healthcare

Subject biological chemistry is based on the knowledge gained on the disciplines medical chemistry, human anatomy, histology, embryology and normal physiology. This discipline is the basis for the development of disciplines such as pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, pharmacology, medicine, surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, neurology and other clinical disciplines.

Subject biological chemistry is important and necessary for the formation of basic knowledge on medicine in general practice. Along with other basic disciplines gives full information about the processes occurring in the body, along with that enable the student to develop clinical reasoning.

1.4. Using the training discipline of modern information and pedagogical technologies.

In the assimilation of studentsknowledge on the subject "Biochemistry" important use of modern inter-active learning of new information and educational technologies. Students to learn the knowledge of biochemistry used textbooks, and manuals, lecture material, handouts electronic versions of books, videos, computer games, which are summarized in the "educational complex." In practical and laboratory classes, students learn and work with modern biochemical equipment: electronic scales, Photocolorimeters, spectrophotometers, centrifuges, pH meters, biochemical and immuno analyzers, video. In accordance with the considered section in lectures and practical classes using new educational technology.

When planning the course "Biological Chemistry", the following basic conseptual destinations:

Education aimed at personality. This education is in essence implies the full development of all members of the educational system. This, in turn, in planning education course does not imply a person receiving education, but primarily specialty activities related goals of learning.

A systematic approach. Technology training should cover all the signs: the logic of the process, the relationship of all parts of his integrity

Approach aimed at activities. Formation of personality traits, activation and intensification of activity of the student reflects training aimed at opening of all abilities and opportunities in the educational process.

Conversational approach. This approach is the need to establish educational relationships. As a result of this creative activity is enhanced personality activate themselves and be able to show themselves.

Organization of cooperative learning. Formation of democracy, equity and student learning activities, and evaluation of results achieved indicates the need for collaboration

Problem education. Teaching the meaning of education as a method of problem contributes to the revitalization of the training. In this creative use of scientific knowledge, the objective contradiction and methods for their solution form and develops didactic thinking and as a result provides an independent creative activity of the student.

Using modern techniques and methods of information transfer - introduction in educational process of new computer and information technologies.

Methods and techniques of teaching. Lecture (introduction, matching threads visualization) probleinoe training, case studies, pinbord paradox and design methods, practical work.

Forms of organization learning: dialogue polylogue based on frontal, collective and group learning and sharing mutual learning.

Learning tools along with traditional forms of learning (tutorial lectures text) computer and information technology.

Communication methods: based on mutual direct inverse relationship between operational listeners.

Methods and techniques of feedback: observation, quiz, based on the results of the interim analysis, the results of current and control diagnostics training.

Methods and techniques of management: planning training sessions in the form of process maps to a particular stage training session, a joint activity of the teacher and the student for achieving the objective, the control shall not be construed classroom, but also extracurricular independent works.

Monitoring and evaluation: during the training sessions, as well as during the whole course of training routine monitoring of learning outcomes. Assessment of the students at the end of course practical skills and test tasks.

In the process of teaching the subject "Biological Chemistry" computer technologies used on the topics prepared handouts. Assessment of the students is conducted in the form of oral questioning, computer tests.

Distribution of topics and scope of training load on the subject of biological chemistry

In areas of education-5510100 Treatment, 5111000 - Vocational (5510100-Treatment) 5510300 - Medical-preventive work

№ / Name of topic / Total number of hours / Lectures / Practical lessons / Laboratory classes / Self work
TreatmentVocationaleducation / Medical-preventive / TreatmentVocationaleducation / Medical-preventive
1 / Structure, function and spatial configuration of proteins. The dependence of the biological function of the proteins of their spatial configuration / 22 / 22 / 2 / 12 / 8 / 8
2 / Construction of nucleic acid.
The biosynthesis of nucleic acids. / 20 / 16 / 2 / 8 / 10 / 6
3 / Protein biosynthesis. / 10 / 10 / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4
4 / Enzymes study features enzymatic properties as biological catalysts. Regulation of enzyme activity, clinical enzymology. / 14 / 14 / 2 / 8 / 4 / 4
5 / Vitamins, classification and their biological significance. Fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins. / 10 / 10 / - / 6 / 4 / 4
6 / Metabolism biomembrane. / 10 / 10 / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4
7 / Biological oxidation.
Oxidative phosphorylation. Regulation of biological oxidation. / 14 / 14 / 2 / 8 / 4 / 4
8 / General path catabolic substances. / 8 / 8 / - / 4 / 4 / 4
9 / Exchange of carbohydrates. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. Meaning of glycolysis and glycogenolysis. The biosynthesis of glucose. Regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Exchange of fructose and galactose. Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism hormones. Meaning of the pentose phosphate pathway of glucose oxidation. Glycoproteins, and proteoglycans. / 24 / 24 / 4 / 8 / 4 / 8 / 8
10 / Lipid exchange and its function. Digestion, absorption and transport of lipids. Intermediate lipid metabolism. Exchange of phospholipids and steroids. Regulation and metabolism of lipids. / 28 / 28 / 4 / 12 / 4 / 8 / 8
11 / Protein metabolism. Digestion and absorption of proteins. Common pathways of catabolism of amino acids. Synthesis pathway of biogenic amines. The formation of ammonia and the way its neutralization. Exchange of individual amino acids. / 28 / 24 / 4 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 4
12 / Exchange of nucleotides. / 10 / 10 / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4
13 / Relationship exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. / 8 / 8 / - / 4 / 4 / 4
14 / Regulation of metabolism and body functions by hormones. / 18 / 14 / 2 / 8 / 8 / 4
15 / Biochemistry of blood. / 10 / 10 / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4
16 / Liver biochemistry. / 10 / 10 / 2 / 4 / 4 / 4
17 / Biochemistry of urine. / 8 / 8 / - / - / 4 / 4 / 4
18 / Biochemistry of muscle and connective tissue. / 8 / 8 / - / 4 / 4 / 4
Total / 260 / 252 / 32 / 110 / 20 / 98 / 90


2.1. Lectures

1. Structure, function and spatial configuration of proteins. The dependence of the biological function of the proteins of their spatial configuration (2 hours)

Subject and problems of biochemistry. Parts and areas subject biochemistry. Clinical biochemistry. The functions of proteins, the protein composition of organs and tissues. Features of the protein composition of the child organism.Aminoacid content of proteins. The primary structure of proteins, its diversity. Spatial conformation of the protein molecule (secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure). Communication functions and properties of proteins from their spatial conformation. Isofunctional proteins. The interaction of proteins with ligands. Classification proteins. Changing the protein composition of organs and tissues in the ontogeny and diseases.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

2. Biosynthesis of nucleic acids (2 hours)

DNA and heredity. Biosynthesis of DNA (replication). Replication - way transmission of hereditary information. Postreplicational DNA changes. Repair and its importance in medicine. Biosynthesis of RNA (transcription) - generation of information in the DNA in the form of RNA. Posttranscriptional changes - RNA maturation.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

3. Biosynthesis protein (2 hours)

The genetic code and its composition. Significance of the experiments Nirenberg and Matteo in clarifying the genetic code. Stage of protein biosynthesis, post-translational changes. Regulation of protein biosynthesis inhibitors of protein biosynthesis. Regulation of gene action and cell differentiation. Molecular basis of genetics. Molecular mechanisms of hereditary diseases. Disease of children associated with impaired protein synthesis. DNA damage and its repair. Polymorphism of proteins. Histoincompatibility.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

4. Structure and properties of the enzymes, their mechanism of action. Vitamins. (2 hours)

General properties of enzymes, their specificity. The general concept of enzymatic catalysis. Classification and nomenclature of enzymes. Units of enzyme activity. Isoenzymes, multifermenty, cofactors and coenzymes. Inhibitors of enzyme activity. Medicinal preparations as inhibitors.

Regulation of enzyme activity. Changes in the activity of enzymes in ontogenesis. Features enzymatic activity in young children. Clinical enzymology: enzymopatology, enzymodiagnosis and enzyme therapy. The use of enzymes as reagents.

General concepts about vitamins. Classification of vitamins. Methods for determination of vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins, their properties, significance and role in metabolism. Application of fat-soluble vitamins in children, rickets and mechanism of prevention. And secondary nutritional deficiency diseases, hypovitaminosis. Antivitamins.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

5. Structure of cell membranes. Introduction metabolism. (2 hours)

The general concept of membranes function of biological membranes. Lipid composition of the membrane lipid bilayer structure. Cell membrane proteins, glycoproteins and their functions. General properties of membranes: transverse asymmetry, fluidity and selective permeability. Intermembrane transfer of substances.

Stages of metabolism: nutrition, digestion and absorption, metabolism and excretion. Age features of supply. Common pathways of catabolism.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

6. Biological oxidation (2 hours)

Concept of biological oxidation. Enzymes are biological oxidation. Respiratory electron transport chain and protons. Redox potential of electron carriers. Phosphorylation of ADP (Substrate and oxidative phosphorylation). The mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation. Respiratory control ratio and phosphorylation. Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation.

Microsomal oxidation, its value in the removal of drugs and toxic metabolites. Age features of mitochondrial and microsomal oxidation.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

7. Digestion of carbohydrates. Synthesis and breakdown of glycogen. (2 hours)

The main carbohydratesof food and the body. Biological functions of carbohydrates. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, their particular age. Lactic acid fermentation, milk intolerance. Fate suck carbohydrates in the body. Synthesis and breakdown of glycogen, its physiological significance. Molecular basis of the regulation of glycogen metabolism. Catabolism of glucose. Aerobic glycolysis - the main way breakdown of glucose. Glycogenolysis. Alcoholic fermentation. The shuttle mechanism of hydrogen transport from the cytoplasm to mitochondria. Anaerobic glycolysis, its distribution and importance.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

8. Catabolism of glucose and gluconeogenesis (2 hours)

Gluconeogenesis - the main route for the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate components. Key enzymes of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, their regulation. Cori cycle. Exchange of fructose and galactose in children, hereditary fructosemia and galactosemia. Pentose phosphate pathway of glucose oxidation, its value. Regulation of blood glucose levels, the age characteristics of its regulation. The concept of the glycoproteins and proteoglycans, their carbohydrate moieties value.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

9. Lipid digestion (2 hours)

Basic food and body lipids and their importance. The digestion and absorption of lipids, particularly lipid digestion in children. Bile acids, their importance in the digestion and absorption of lipids. Resynthesis of triglycerides in the intestinal wall.
Chylomicron formation and lipid transport in the blood. Structure and function of lipoproteins, lipoprotein lipase value. Lipid metabolism and redundancy in the adipose tissue. Cascade activation mechanism triglyceride. Oxidation of glycerol and fatty acids in tissues and their physiological significance. Meaning of brown fat in infants.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

10. Lipid Metabolism (2 hours)

Fatty acid biosynthesis and its regulation. Palmitatesynthetase multienzyme complex. Ketone bodies, their biosynthesis and decay, their physiological significance. Structure of cholesterol and its value. The biosynthesis of cholesterol and its transportation. Basic phospho-and glycolipids organism, their meaning. Regulation of lipid metabolism, especially her age. Steatosis, obesity, cachexia. Types of hypercholesterolemia, the biochemical basis of the development of atherosclerosis. Cholelithiasis. Biochemical basis for the development of cholesterol stones.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

11. The digestion of proteins. Common pathways of catabolism of amino acids (2 hours)

Value of proteins, dynamic state of proteins in the body. Biological value proteins, nitrogen balance his age features. Formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, its value and standard values. Digestion of proteins. Exo-and endopeptidase specificity of their action. Absorption of amino acids. Features of protein digestion in children, food allergies in children. Protein putrefaction in the intestine, and the resulting neutralization of toxic metabolites in the liver.

Fate suck amino acids, common ways of sharing. Transamination of amino acids. Transaminase. Coenzyme function of vitamin B6. Clinical significance of determination of the activity of ALT and AST in serum. Deamination of amino acids. Direct and indirect oxidative deamination.

M. 1-3; 7 F -

12. Decarboxylation of amino acids. Neutralization of ammonia. Specific amino acid pathway (2 hours)

Decarboxylation of amino acids. Function of biogenic amines and their treatment path. Role of histamine in allergic and inflammatory reactions. Antihistamines. Way of formation and neutralization of ammonia in the body. Biosynthesis of urea causes hyperammonemia and their consequences. Exchange of serine and glycine. Exchange methionine transmethylation. The value of folic acid and vitamin B12 in the transmethylation reactions (synthesis of adrenaline, creatine, choline, DNA methylation, neutralization reaction of various substances.) Folic acid deficiency. Bactriocydic action of sulfonamides. Exchange of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, hereditary diseases violations of their metabolism in children.