2010Worship Arts

Team Application

…know them that labor among you…1 Thessalonians 5:12

[ ] New [ ] Renewal

Name: / Date:
Address: / [ ] Male [ ] Female
City: / State: / Zip:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Date of Birth: / SSN #:
Email Address:
Marital Status: [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Separated [ ] Divorced [ ] Widowed
Spouse’s Name:
Number of children: / Ages:
Date Saved: / Date Spirit Filled: / Date Water Baptized:

P.M.C. Preferred method of contact: (please check one) [ ] Email [ ] cell [ ] home [ ] text
For use in emergencies, special events, etc.

[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you a member of EastValleyChurch?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you attend consistently? If not, why? ______

[ ] Yes [ ] NoCan you commit to the best of your ability attending all training sessions and meetings?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoCan you commit to serve consistently for 2010? If not, why?______

[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you available Wednesday evenings?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you tithe?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you support and agree with the Senior Pastor’s vision for EVC?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoHave you ever been accused of being abusive (physically or verbally)?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoDo you now or have you during the past year smoked or been intoxicated by alcohol or illegal drugs?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you now involved in or over the past year been involvedin any illicit (unlawful) sexual activity (i.e. fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pornography, etc.) or anything else not mentioned?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoHave you ever been accused of abusing a child physically or sexually?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoAre you involved in any activity that would give the appearance of evil (i.e. living with a roommate of the opposite sex to save money, frequenting bars and/or clubs,posting inappropriate pictures and/or text on your Facebook/Twitter, etc.)?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoWould you agree to a background check if necessary?

[ ] Yes [ ] NoHave you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony (other than traffic tickets?) If yes, please briefly explain. ______


Briefly describe your strengths:
What church did you attend prior to coming to EastValley?
What areas of ministry were you involved in there?

How long have you attended EastValley? _____ years _____ months

I am interested in serving in the following way(s):

[ ] Vocal [ ] Band [ ] Specials [ ] Dance [ ] Drama [ ] Administration
[ ] Other ______

VocalRange:[ ] Soprano [ ] Alto [ ] Tenor [ ] Bass
Instrument(s): ______

How many years have you sung/played? ______

Have you sung/played on a worship team in the past? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Please briefly tell us about your personal testimony:
Please describe things that you do on a regular basis to grow in your relationship with Christ (for example: group ministry, personal prayer, daily devotions, Bible study, etc.):
Applicant’s Comments:

Applicant’s Signature: ______

Office Use Only

Date application received: _____/_____/____Received by: ______

Date [ ] Approved [ ] Denied _____/_____/____

[ ] Background Check (if applicable)

Date Welcome Letter sent: _____/_____/____

Assignment: ______

Revised 5/2010

2010Worship Arts Team Covenant

In addition to the guidelines created by the Worship Arts staff for involvement at EastValley, we ask that you agree to follow a list of values that we believe to be important as it relates to our ability to function as a healthy team of leaders. Our goal would be that each of us would commit and uphold these values in order to foster a healthy and unified team.

As a Team Leader, I covenant and uphold the purposes of the team by:

  1. Preserving a spirit of unity, realizing that within the bond of unity God commands his blessing. (Ephesians 4:3) (Psalm 133:1)
  1. Holding my gifts loosely and not comparing myself, my gifts, my abilities or my opportunities to serve to that of otherson the team. (Psalm 123:2)
    (1 Corinthians 12:22-25)
  1. Taking the personal responsibility to regularly prepare myself spiritually to be the most effective team member I can be outside of rehearsals and services. (2 Corinthians 8:5)
  1. Remaining open to input and guidance from my team leaders and fellow teammates. (Hebrews 13:17)
  1. Cultivating a lifestyle outside of the church that represents Christ’s principals and values. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
  1. Demonstrating respect to my teammates by coming to practices prepared and on time on the dates I am scheduled. (Philippians 2:2)
  1. Eliminating gossip or disparaging conversations about my teammates or team leaders. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) (1 Corinthians 12:26)
  1. Carrying an attitude of patience and encouragement with all of my teammates no matter where they are in their development and gift strength.
    (Hebrews 10:24) (1 Corinthians 12:26)
  1. Carrying an attitude of humility and honor no matter what my position or opportunities may be on the team. (1 Chronicles chapter 22)
  1. Being faithful to develop my own personal talents by way of personal practice and/or music lessons, studies, workshops, etc. (Matthew 25)

