State of Israel
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Pedagogical Secretariat
English Inspectorate
Achieving the Benchmarks
at the Foundation Level
Jerusalem 2005
Members of the Writing Committee:
Dr. Judy Steiner, Chairperson / Chief Inspector for English Language Education, Ministry of EducationMarsha Hachmon / English Inspector, Ministry of Education LevinskyCollege
Judy Kemp / English Inspector, Ministry of Education (retired)
Judy Segal / English Inspector, Ministry of Education BeitBerlCollege
Debby Toperoff / English Inspector, Ministry of Education TalpiotCollege
Barbara Vendriger / English Inspector, Ministry of Education LevinskyCollege
Special thanks to:
- the English Advisory Committeethat examined the document in-depth and made revisions accordingly.
- all the teachers, counselors and teacher trainers for their invaluable comments and suggestions that played a crucial role in the development and writing of this document.
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
for Achieving the Benchmarks at the Foundation Level
The rationale for writing this document derives from elementary school teachers’ questions regarding the role of grammar and accuracy within the domains of the national curriculum at the foundation level:
- Grammar: Should pupils at the foundation level be taught rules? If so, at what stage and to what extent?
- Accuracy: To what extent should accuracy be expected and assessed at the different stages of the foundation level?
- Teaching: How are grammar and accuracy integrated into teaching at the foundation level?
The purpose of this document is to supplement the curriculum by:
- demonstrating how to map out prerequisite knowledge, skills and strategies needed to reach targeted benchmarks at the foundation level.
- demonstrating how to map out the prerequisite knowledge, skills and strategies for a specific task for each of the three stages* for the same targeted benchmark at the foundation level.
- providing a tool to map out prerequisites for additional benchmarks at all levels.
* Each level of the national curriculum (foundation, intermediate and proficiency) is divided into three stages. At the foundation level, for example, stage one refers to the fourth grade, stage two to the fifth grade, and stage three to the sixth grade.
Organization of the Document
a. Map of the Prerequisites (MOP)
The map of the prerequisites indicates the prerequisite knowledge, skills and strategies for a specific benchmark along a continuum from stage one to stage three of the foundation level. These sample maps provide an overview of the development of the knowledge, skills and strategies that will enable pupils to achieve the benchmarks throughout the foundation level. The prerequisites for each stage are cumulative and therefore it is assumed that pupils have acquired the prerequisites of the lower stages.
b. Checklist of the Prerequisites (COP)
The checklist provides alist of the prerequisites needed for a specific task at a specific stage for a targeted benchmark. It enables the teacher to monitor pupils’ progress towards achieving the targeted benchmark.
c. A blank map and checklist to be used by the target audiences.
Target Audiences and Possible Uses
Target Audiences / Possible UsesTeachers /
- unit planning
- integrating classroom testing and teaching
- developing tables of specification for classroom testing
- adapting materials
- mapping out additional tasks
Teacher Trainers /
- training teachers in the implementation of the mapping process and the use of the checklists
Material and Test Writers /
- developing materials and tests
Points for Clarification
- The process of learning vocabulary and grammar includes the following stages: First, a lexical chunk is learned. A lexical chunk is a sequence of several words which the mind recognizes as a whole with a single meaning, for example, Close the door. Second, there is pattern awareness of the lexical chunk. The chunk is recognized as a sequence within whichindividual words can be varied, for example, Open/Close the door. Third,the pattern is analyzed as a language structure, for example, the lexical items open and the door are analyzed grammatically and the imperative structure is learned as a rule.
The following arethe definitionsand examples of the three stages:
Terminology / Definition / Exampleslexical chunk / a sequence of words that is recognized as a whole / What’s your name?
pattern awareness / recognition of lexical chunks as a sequence within which individual words can be varied / What’s your name? / address? / phone number?
rule / analysis of the patterns as language structures / knowing the rule for asking wh- questions
- The prerequisites were identified in order to enable pupils to achieve a specific benchmark by performing a specific task. Unlike the previous curriculum (1988) that contained lists of grammatical structures to be taught according to specific grade levels (e.g. simple past tense was only introduced in the sixth grade), in the current curriculum (2001), grammatical structures are taught according to the context of a specific task as part of the prerequisites for a targeted benchmark (e.g. simple past tense can be introduced at any stage in the foundation level, as required by the task).
- Grammar rules are taught in the context needed for performing the task that the pupils have to complete. The emphasis is on applying the rule in context rather than just stating and practicing the rule in isolation.
- The prerequisites are not listed in any specific hierarchical order.
Map of Prerequisites for a Specific Benchmark (MOP)
Domain / Social InteractionLevel / Foundation
Targeted Benchmark / Ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics and everyday situations
Prerequisite Knowledge Skills and Strategies / Stages
Pupils will know: / One / Two / Three
relevant function words / √ / √ / √
topic-related vocabulary / basic / / varied
word order for simple positive and negative sentences / lexical chunks / patternawareness / rules / √
appropriate tenses
(expressing present, past and future) / vocabulary items, lexical chunks / pattern awareness / rules (present simple, present progressive, past simple, future)
yes/no question form / lexical chunks / pattern awareness / pattern awareness / rules
wh- question form / lexical chunks / pattern awareness / pattern awareness / rules
correct pronunciation and intonation / √ / √ / √
how to listen to one another and respond / √ / √ / √
how to ask for clarification / √ / √ / √
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / Social InteractionLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage One / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics and everyday situations
Sample Oral Task / Ask your friend about his/her family
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
relevant function words (e.g. personal and possessive pronouns, prepositions, articles, am/is/are, have/ has, do/does, don't/doesn't, can/can't)
basic topic-related vocabulary
word order for simple positive and negative sentences as lexical chunks
present tense as chunks
yes/no question form as lexical chunks
wh- question form as lexical chunks
correct pronunciation and intonation
how to listen to one another and respond
how to ask for clarification
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / Social InteractionLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage Two / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics and everyday situations
Sample Oral Task / Ask a new friend about his/her after-school activities
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
relevant function words (e.g. question words, personal and possessive pronouns, prepositions, articles, am/is/are, have/has, do/does, don't/doesn't, can/can’t)
topic-related vocabulary
pattern awareness/rules of word order for simple positive and negative sentences
pattern awareness of present tense
pattern awareness of yes/no question form
pattern awareness of wh- question form
correct pronunciation and intonation
how to listen to one another and respond
how to ask for clarification
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / Social InteractionLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage Three / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Ask and answer simple questions about familiar topics and everyday situations
Sample Oral Task / Plan a class party
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
relevant function words (e.g. personal and possessive pronouns, prepositions, articles, am/is/are, have/has, do/don’t, does/doesn't, can/can’t, there is/there are)
varied topic-related vocabulary
word order for simple positive and negative sentences
rules for appropriate tenses
(expressing present, past and future)
pattern awareness/rules for yes/no question form
pattern awareness/rules for wh- question form (including "how" questions)
correct pronunciation and intonation
how to listen to one another and respond
how to ask for clarification
Map of Prerequisites for a Specific Benchmark (MOP)
Domain / Access to InformationLevel / Foundation
Targeted Benchmark / Locate relevant information for a specific purpose from written texts
Prerequisite Knowledge,Skills and Strategies / Stages
Pupils will know: / One / Two / Three
how to decode / √ / √ / √
familiar lexical chunks / √ / √ / √
relevant function words / √ / √ / √
topic-related vocabulary / basic / / varied
appropriate tenses (expressing present, past, future) / vocabulary items, lexical chunks / pattern awareness / √
connecting words / √ / √ / √
topic-related background information / √ / √ / √
structure of different text types / √ / √ / √
notes and short letters written in script / --- / --- / √
what to expect to find in a text (prediction) / √ / √ / √
how to scan for relevant information / √ / √ / √
how to identify general meaning / main idea / √ / √ / √
how to look up words in a glossary/ dictionary / --- / √ / √
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / Access to InformationLevel/Stage/ Class / Foundation Level / Stage One / Class _____
Targeted Benchmark / Locate relevant information for a specific purpose from written texts
Sample Reading Task / A birthday invitation
Prerequisite Knowledge,Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
how to decode
familiar lexical chunks (e.g. at 4:00, on Sunday)
relevant function words (e.g. prepositions of time and place)
basic topic-related vocabulary (e.g. days and date, activities)
imperatives as vocabulary items/lexical chunks
structure of an invitation
what to expect to find in a text (prediction)
how to scan for relevant information
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / Access to InformationLevel/Stage/ Class / Foundation Level / Stage Two / Class _____
Targeted Benchmark / Locate relevant information for a specific purpose from written texts
Sample Reading Task / Find something lost using the Lost and Found section in a newspaper
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
how to decode
familiar lexical chunks (e.g. blue notebook, please call)
topic-related vocabulary (e.g. days and dates, prepositions of time and place, adjectives of size and shape, colors, numbers)
pattern awareness of appropriate tenses (expressing present, past)
background information about finding a lost item using a newspaper
structure of Lost and Found section in a newspaper
what to expect to find in a text (prediction)
how to scan for relevant information
how to look up words in a glossary/ dictionary
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / Access to InformationLevel/Stage/ Class / Foundation Level / Stage Three / Class _____
Targeted Benchmark / Locate relevant information for a specific purpose from written texts
Sample Reading Task / Decide which movie you are going to see with your friend, based on three movie reviews and your friend’s likes and dislikes
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
familiar lexical chunks (e.g. I like, at 9:00)
relevant function words (e.g. personal pronouns, articles, am/is/are, have/has, do/don’t, does/ doesn't, can/can’t, there is/there are)
varied topic-related vocabulary (adjectives describing likes/dislikes, types of movies)
pattern awareness of appropriate tenses (expressing present, past, future)
connecting words(e.g. because, or)
background information on types of movies and movie reviews
structure of movie reviews
what to expect to find in a text (prediction)
how to scan for relevant information
how to identify general meaning / main idea
how to look up words in a glossary/ dictionary
Map of Prerequisites for a Specific Benchmark (MOP)
Domain / PresentationLevel / Foundation
Targeted Benchmark / Present written information on limited content, supported by visual aids
Prerequisite Knowledge,Skills and Strategies / Stages
Pupils will know: / One / Two / Three
letter formation / print / √ / script (connecting letters)
relevant function words / √ / √ / √
topic-related vocabulary / basic / / varied
adjectives (including adjective-noun order) / basic / / varied
word order for simple positive and negative sentences / lexical chunks / pattern awareness / rules
appropriate tenses (expressing present, past and future) / vocabulary items, lexical chunks / pattern awareness / rules (present simple, present progressive, past simple, future)
spelling / copying most frequent sight words / spelling frequent sight words / spelling topic-related vocabulary
punctuation / capital letters, full stops, question marks / additional punctuation marks (e.g. commas) / quotation marks
structure of different text types / √ / √ / √
process writing (pre-writing, drafting, revising) / --- / √ / √
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / PresentationLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage One / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Present written information on limited content, supported by visual aids
Sample Written Task / Prepare a family album
Prerequisite Knowledge
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
letter formation (print)
relevant function words (e.g. personal and possessive pronouns, prepositions, articles, am/is/are, have/has, do/don’t, does/ doesn't, can/can’t)
basic topic-related vocabulary
basic adjectives (including adjective-noun order)
topic-relatedlexical chunks
present simple and progressive as vocabulary items/lexical chunks
copying family-related vocabulary
punctuation (e.g. capital letters, full stops)
structure of family album
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / PresentationLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage Two / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Present written information on limited content, supported by visual aids
Sample Written Task / Write a letter to a pen-pal describing your family, based on a photograph
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
letter formation (print)
relevant function words (e.g. personal and possessive pronouns, prepositions, articles, am/is/are, there is/are, have/has, do/don’t, does/doesn't)
basic topic-related vocabulary
basic adjectives (including adjective-noun order)
pattern awareness of word order for simple sentences
pattern awareness of present tense
spelling of frequent sight words
punctuation (e.g. capital letters, full stops, commas)
structure of a letter to a friend
process writing (prewriting, drafting, revising)
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
Domain / PresentationLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage Three / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Present written information on limited content, supported by visual aids
Sample Written Task / Prepare a travel brochure
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
letter formation (print / script)
relevant function words (e.g. prepositions, articles, am/is/are, have/has, do/don’t, does/doesn't, can/can’t, there is/there are)
varied topic-related vocabulary
varied adjectives (including adjective-noun order)
rules for word order for simple positive and negative sentences
rules for expressing present, past, future tenses
spelling of topic-related vocabulary
punctuation (e.g. capital letters, full stops, commas, questions marks, exclamation point)
structure of a brochure
process writing (prewriting, drafting, revising)
Map of Prerequisites for a Specific Benchmark (MOP)
Domain / Appreciation of Literature and CultureLevel / Foundation
Targeted Benchmark / Describe main characters, setting and events in literary texts
Prerequisite Knowledge,Skills and Strategies * / Stages
Pupils will know: / One / Two / Three
features of different genres (e.g. stories, fairy tales, folk tales) / lexical chunks(e.g. once upon a time) / features (e.g. a problem, a happy ending, a hero/heroine) / √
the structure of a simple story / √ / √ / √
the sequence of events with the help of connecting words / √ / √ / √
topic-related vocabulary(including adjectives) / basic / / varied
appropriate tenses (expressing present, past, future) / vocabulary items, lexical chunks / pattern awareness / rules
how to map out story using given graphic organizers / √ / √ / √
how to writeaccording to a model / √ / √ / √
how to retell a story with the help of given graphic / visual organizers / √ / √ / √
* In addition to the above, pupils will need prerequisite knowledge, skills and strategies in the
domains of access to information from written texts and presentation.
Checklist of Prerequisites for a Specific Task (COP)
/ Appreciation of Literature and CultureLevel / Stage / Class / Foundation Level / Stage One / Class ___
Targeted Benchmark / Describe main characters, setting and events in literary texts
Sample Written Task / Make a book (parallel writing)
Prerequisite Knowledge, Skills and Strategies *
Pupils will know: / Needs to be taught / Needs to be reviewed / Pupils know
features of a book
basic topic-related vocabulary (including adjectives for describing characters and places)
the sequence of events with the help of connecting words (e.g. first, then, in the beginning)
how to write according to a model
* In addition to the above, pupils will need prerequisite knowledge, skills and strategies in the
domains of access to information from written texts and presentation.