Ministry Descriptions
High School
Thank you for showing interest in serving the high school students of Christ Fellowship - Royal Palm. Whether you want to serve in our large group environment on Wednesday nights, as a Life Group leader, or at our special events there is a place for you. We believe in providing high quality services that impact students with the love and message of Jesus Christ. Our desire is to connect with students at a personal, relational and spiritual level, weekly.
We have created several “catches” for students to experience during our weekly large group gathering. Below each catch is defined and a short ministry description explaining what it takes to work in that area. Student ministry can be intimidating but just be yourself! Students can spot a faker a mile away so just be you. Each leader is asked to sit in and amongst the students, not to just stand in the back of the room.
Pray through these descriptions and the weekly two hour commitment (6:30-8:30p) to student ministries. If you have any reservations or fears - its okay. We all felt that way when we got into this crazy world of student ministry. Please call our Student Ministry Administrative Assistant, Kim Neuparth at 561.799-7602 ext. 1533 or email her at if you have any questions or to schedule a time to visit one of our services.
Hospitality/Check-In: If you like to handout side-hugs and high-fives this is the place for you. All you have to do is smile and greet students as they come in. Our check-in process is new and many students are not used to checking in weekly. This helps us track student attendance and visitors. You may need to strongly encourage some students to check-in, but a smile and a hello will usually do the trick. If you can say “I'm glad you’re here! Do me a favor, could you please sign-in?” this is the place for you!
Game Area: Okay, so conversation may not be your thing but competition excites you. The game area is your new stomping ground. Students arrive weekly carrying the stress of their school life and home life. The game area was created to help students connect without awkward conversation at first. We hope the games provide new outlets for students who normally would not connect. If you can shoot pool, play video games or swing a paddle this is the place for you!
Outside Courts: Love to shoot hoops? This is one of the easiest places to serve students on Wednesdays. The only requirement is hand-eye coordination. Currently basketball is the only activity outside. We are working to add some small skateboard equipment in the near future. If a little sweat doesn't scare you and you’re a bit athletic this is the place for you!
Cafe Area: This is another easy-in with students. They love food, especially cheap food! The cafe takes little work preparing for the evening and is an area for constant connection with students. After a few weeks you'll know their name and favorite candy bar. You'll be looking for them each week and they'll be looking for you. If you can add, subtract, serve with a smile and keep your hands out of the candy, this is the place for you!
Security: We believe in providing a safe place for students. We are not looking for an overtly strong person in stature as we are looking for someone who can ask a student to calm down, stop talking, quit making-out, or come inside with gentle authoritative tone (yes, there is really such a thing). This position requires multiple walk-abouts during the night. During the service you'll need to check the outside rec areas and church hallways for dazed and confused students who have forgotten where they need to be. All you'll need to say is “hey we've created this service for you and you really don't want to miss anything tonight.” If you need to walk around and sitting through a large group experience is not your thing and you can politely ask a student to make their way to the service this is the place for you!
Life Group Leader: If these large group descriptions don't seem to fit your strengths, then Bible study and mentoring may be your thing. You know how to ask open ended questions and you know you don't have all the answers. You've got time during the week to prepare for your group and building deep relationships with students is something that resonates with you, this is the place for you! See Jeremy Hurd, Student Discipleship Leader at 799-7602 ext. 1582 for more info in leading a life group.