Mining companies are felling trees to remove deposits of iron ore, gold and copper. They build roads through the rainforest to reach the deposits. / Global warming is thought to be causing the Ross Ice Shelf to melt. If this continues sea levels could rise flooding island in the Pacific like the Noona atolls.
Early research stations did not take much care of the environment. Sewage went into the sea and rubbish was dumped. Now sewage is treated before it goes into the sea and rubbish is removed from Antarctica. / Large areas of the forest have been bought by multi-national companies for cattle ranching. They have burnt down trees and grown grass instead.
New roads have been built deep into the rainforest. The roads help move timber, cattle and crops to markets. One example is the Trans-Amazonian Highway / Building airstrips involved leveling the land and can destroy the shoreline. This can also create noise and pollution that disturb the environment over a larger area.
Many countries are allowed to fish around Antarctica. Some take more krill than they are allowed. Over-fishing of krill means that’s predators like whales don’t always have enough food. / Hydro-electric power stations provide lots of cheap electricity for industry, homes and transport. The reservoirs behind the dams flood large areas of forest.
New settlers bring diseases into the forest. Tribal groups have no immunity and can’t deal with these diseases. / Traditional ways of life are being influenced by settlers, in some places they have introduced s clothing and weapons like guns.
The number of tourists visiting Antarctica has increased dramatically. Some suggest that I has increased from around 1000 visitors per year in 1970, to around 13 000 in the year 2000. / Research stations are built on ice free sites. These areas support most of Antarctica’s plant and animal species, so people are in direct competition with wildlife.
Mining Companies Are Felling Trees to Remove Deposits of Iron Ore, Gold and Copper