Minimum Requirements for Syllabi

Every regularly scheduled class must have a syllabus which should be handed out the first day of class or no later than the second day of class.

Course Name
Course Prefix & Number (PHC 6xxx)
Sections: 3__ (ref# _____), 3__ (ref# _____), 3__ (ref# _____)
Semester: Fall/Spring/Summer 20__
Course Description: / Use the official description in the USF COPH catalog
Instructor Information:
Instructor Name:
Office/ mailing address:
Office Hours: / (Indicate if by appointment, walk-in.)
Email address:
Objectives: / Objectives are broad statements which are measurable and overt behaviors. Additional performance objectives can be included with each topic.
The following web sites help with writing objectives:
Attendance: / Indicate behaviors expected from students related to attendance.
May also add expectations regarding class participation
Permission to Use Lectures: / State your policy about the distribution and use of any materials in your course including audio (taping), video and print or electronic documents.
Grading Scale: / Indicate if + and – grades or straight letter grades are given. Indicate the number of required points for each grade level. Do you curve or weight grades?
(All sections of the same course must use the same grading system)
Suggest using a table format.
Official USF Grading Scale:
Course Outline: / topics, dates and assignments including; readings; papers, examinations; field trips

Recommended For Inclusion in Syllabus, but Not Required

Dates: / beginning and ending dates
Location: / Room number, Building
Credit Hours: / Example: 3
Pre-Requisites: / Example: College Algebra or CI (consent of instructor)
Delivery Format: / Identify if partially web-based, computer-aided instruction, face-to-face classroom/seminar, field study, video-conferencing, satellite, audio-conferencing, etc.
Instructor Information:
Preferred method of contact: / Identify the preferred method of contact for instructor. Select from email, BB messaging, telephone, fax. Include instructions if applicable.
Reply policy: / Indicate when students can expect a reply from the instructor.
Example: Sun-Thu.( 24-48 hrs), Fri-Sat (48-72 hrs)
TA information:
TA Name
Office address:
Office Hours: / (Indicate if by appointment, walk-in.)
Email address:
Preferred method of contact: / Identify the preferred method of contact for TA/GA’s. Select from Blackboard email (select user or all TA/GA’s), BB messaging, telephone, fax. Provide specific directions.
Reply policy: / Indicate when students can expect a reply from the TA.
Example: Sun-Thu.( 24-48 hrs), Fri-Sat (48-72 hrs)
Required Materials: / Specify what students need to purchase or have to successfully complete the class. Does not include basic technology requirements.
Textbook available at the Health Science bookstore:
Supplemental Reading Packet at the COPH Copy Center:
Purpose: / Example: To meet the core course requirements of the MPH program
Course Format: / Includes delivery format, pacing, structure (i.e. modules vs weekly), number of units
Types of Assessments: / Describe the types of assessments and point value. Indicate if the assessments are individual or group grades.
Types of exams (essay, multiple choice, short answer, computerized, etc.).
Expectations for any papers including length. Indicate if you are intending to use Safe Assignment.
Indicate when students can expect feedback and method of feedback.
For subjective assessments identify how the evaluation criteria will be presented to the student.
Note: specific instructions for completing assignments or exams can be provided in the syllabus, on the course website, or in class.
Instructor Expectations: / Include philosophy of teaching, expectations for this course, your accessibility during the course, methods and format for feedback to students
Cheating Statement: / The USF College of Public Health expects students to maintain academic honesty in all courses. By virtue of being registered in an online public health course, students agree to refrain from cheating. If cheating in any form (academic dishonesty) is detected, appropriate action will be taken. (Refer to USF Academic Dishonesty Policy).
Grading Policies: / Describe your policies for assigning grades, exceeding time limit on exams, feedback on assignments and exams, review of exam questions, consequences for late assignments, and making up exams or assignments. Provide instructions for the process to request a make-up. Indicate if students will be penalized if they do not follow directions for submission of assignments. If applicable, provide details to receive extra credit and the value.
Incomplete Policy: / Indicate your policy and procedure for receiving an incomplete grade for the course.
COPH policy:
Field Trip Policy: / Include expectations for appropriate dress, dates and time, location, and other requirements
Class Participation: / Graded or ungraded, expectations about quantity and quality of participation

The following are helpful links that may be included in the syllabus

Institutional Policies:
Student Handbook: /
Student Conduct: / USF Student Rights/Responsibilities:
USF Student Code of Conduct:
Disruption of Academic Process/Academic Integrity of Students: / web/currentregs/USF3-025.htm
Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism: / Undergraduate:
The University of South Florida has an account with an automated plagiarism detection service (SafeAssign), which allows instructors and students to submit student assignments to be checked for plagiarism. I (the instructor) reserve the right to 1) request that assignments be submitted as electronic files and 2) submit students’ assignments to SafeAssign, or 3) request students to submit their assignments to SafeAssign through myUSF. Assignments are compared automatically with a database of journal articles, web articles, the internet and previously submitted papers. The instructor receives a report showing exactly how a student’s paper was plagiarized.
NOTE: An institution may not release a paper to a plagiarism detection software without the student’s prior consent unless all personally identifiable information has been removed, such as a student’s name, social security number, student number, etc.. Note that a paper/essay is considered an educational record and an institution may not ask a student to waive their rights under FERPA for the purpose of submitting papers to a plagiarism detection software.
For more information about Plagiarism and SafeAssign, visit:
Plagiarism tutorial:
SafeAssign manual:
Student Grievance Procedure: / USF Academic Grievance Policy at:
USF Academic Grievance Procedure at:
Office of Student Relations Grievance Procedure at: Grievances.pdf
Special Accommodations: /
Holidays and Religious Observances: /
Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity: / In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal operations. During this time, USF may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to: Blackboard, Elluminate, Skype, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It’s the responsibility of the student to monitor Blackboard site for each class for course specific communication, and the main USF, College, and department websites, emails, and MoBull messages for important general information.
Additional Resources for Students:
Library Resources: / USF Library Resources and Services:
Shimberg Health Sciences Library:
Shimberg Health Sciences Library Tutorials: (follow links under ‘Instructional Services’ section)
Citing Sources (APA, MLA, etc.) Guides and Examples: /
Using Bibliographic Management Software: /
Netiquette (online communication etiquette) Guidelines: /
Plagiarism: / Tutorial on Plagiarism:
SafeAssign Manual: /
How to use Blackboard Assignment Submission Tool: /
How to use Blackboard Discussion Board: /