For Response to Reproductive Health Needs
(24 September 2001)
Reproductive Health Indicators for Afghanistan
Basic demographic information
Total population 22.720.000
Sex Ratio (M:F) 1.05:1
% of women who are aged 15 – 49 45.3 %
% of total population who are women aged 15 – 49 22.1 %
Percentage <5 years of age 19.2 %
Total fertility rate (per woman) 6.9
Safe Motherhood reference rates
Crude birth rate (per 1000 population) 51.3
Early ( 7 d) neonatal mortality rate (per 1000 live births) 70.2
Neonatal mortality rate (0 – 4 weeks) (per 1000 live births) 121
Stillbirth rate (per 1000 live births) 70
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100.000 live births) 820 (Estimated range: 300 – 1700)
Lifetime risk of maternal death 1 in 15
Low Birth Weight (%) 20 %
Coverage of Antenatal Care (%) 8 %
Births attended by trained personnel (%) 8 %
Institutional deliveries (% of live births) n.a.
Unsafe abortion n.a.
Anaemia in pregnant women (%) n.a.
Coverage of tetanus vaccination (% of pregnant women) 20 %
STDs, including HIV/AIDS
There are no existing prevalence data on HIV/AIDS and STDs in this population
Family planning
Contraceptive prevalence (% of women 15 – 49) 2 % (1972-1973)
Among Afghan refugee women in Pakistan, 2000:
Currently using Family Planning 10 %
Contraceptive method mix
Injection 68 %
Pill 17 %
IUD 2 %
Other (including natural methods) 13 %
There is no information on the incidence of sexual and gender-based violence
Existing training materials for Safe Motherhood for the peripheral level may be obtained from the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
Summary of recent reproductive health programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan refugee situations*
In Afghanistan
UNFPA: IFRC was funded by UNFPA in 1998-99 to undertake RH programmes in Afghanistan.
In Pakistan
UNHCR with UNFPA funds has been implementing a RH capacity building programme.
IRC and Marie Stopes are very active in RH in the Peshawar area.
Current preparedness for RH*
UNFPA may preposition RH kits in the region.
UNHCR is calculating needs and liasing with UNFPA.
*These items will be updated as more information becomes available
Main sources for data
Total population, women of reproductive age, under-five year old
United Nations Population Division
Total fertility rate, crude birth rate
United Nations Population Division
Maternal mortality, lifetime risk
World Health Organization (WHO)
Neonatal mortality, still birth rate and low birth weight
Unpublished revised estimates, World Health Organization (WHO)
Coverage of antenatal care, skilled attendants
World Health Organization (WHO)
Contraceptive prevalence
United Nations Population Division
Contraceptive prevalence among Afghan refugees in Pakistan
B. Tomczyk et. al. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Tetanus immunization
World Health Organization (WHO)
Wilma Doedens/WHO/RHR/21-09-01