Minimal requirements for the system Visapoint2:

·  Generally, system Visapoint2 was designed in order to be used in all current browsers. It was tested on Internet Explorer 8 and 9, Google Chrome 10 and Mozilla Firefox 4 and higher ones.

·  The system should work in most of the modern mobile equipments (iPad, Android tablets etc.). This was tested on Google Chrome in the system Android 3. In regard to a broad variety and specificity of these browsers, 100% functionality cannot be guaranteed.

·  For a proper functioning of the system, the PC must enable javascript.

·  The system verifies reading and approving of the conditions by sending “season” cookie. That is why the applicants must have at least “season” cookies enabled. (“Season” cookies are cookies that are valid only within one relation, e.g. are deleted automatically when the PC is turned off. This is the difference comparing to the persistent cookies that stay in the PC for the period of their validity, regardless of turning off the PC. Persistent cookies are not used in the client/user’s part of the system.

·  Users must enable displaying pictures; otherwise it will not be possible to accept the captcha code as a verification of the reservation.

·  Technologies as Java, Flash, AciveX are not used within the system; that is why they are not required. In future only W3C standard will be used: HTML3.