You will be creating miniature food sculptures using colored Sculpey polymer clay. Sculptures must be smaller than life size and will depict an entire deliciously scrumptious meal that has some sort of meaning to you.

·  Sculpey clay is a lot like playdough – if you have experience using playdough or clay from ceramics class, use this knowledge to help mold the polymer clay. We have tools to use to help you create different textures, to roll clay out, and to add tiny details.

·  DETAILS are what will make your tiny sculptures interesting, so it will be important to think about the texture and color of your food. For example, a slice of pickle has small ridges in it, so you should create those ridges on a smaller scale to make it more realistic. Also, brighter foods are going to be more exciting visually – think about a cupcake with pink frosting and lots of colorful sprinkles. Now think about a piece of wheat bread. Which is more visually exciting to you? How could you make that piece of bread a little more exciting?

·  Once your piece is finished, we cook the Sculpey clay in a clay oven (or toaster oven) to harden it.

·  Once your piece is “fired,” you can add fine details with paint or by adding other elements you find around the room (for example: you could use a button for a plate, or some wire to make utensils.)

Ask yourself:

What is your go-to “I can whip that up—no problem!” dish?

What would you like to eat on your birthday?

What is a unique meal that your family makes?

What is your grandma’s signature dish?

Brainstorm – write the following favorites down:

Favorite breakfast meal:
Favorite lunch that you make:
Favorite lunch at a restaurant: Which restaurant?
Favorite dinner in the summer time:
Favorite dinner in the winter:

Favorite restaurant dinner:
Favorite sweet food(s):
Favorite snack/appetizer food(s):

Looking at the above and chatting with your neighbor about your awesome food ideas, please draw a detailed sketch of the multiple foods you will include in your sculpture. Please use the back of this page and color!!

What did you enjoy and/or not enjoy about this project?