Mining in Canada
iPad Exploration Part 1
Mineral Brainstorm
Make a list of as many different minerals you can think of. Then, identify how people use these minerals.
Mineral Match Up!
Copy the list of minerals you see on the board into column A. Now, match them up with the correct finished products in column B. Draw a line to connect the columns.
______Money (coins)
______Stainless steel spoon
______Plastic iPod case
______Nuclear power
Mining Basics
Fill in the blanks as you watch the Prezi presentation in class.
1. Minerals are ______.
2. There are _____ types of minerals. These include:______, ______,
______, ______.
3. There are ____ main ways that mining takes place. These include:______, ______and ______.
Mining and the Environment: iPad Image Exploration
With your partner, click here to check out the satellite images of mines around the world.
1. List the names/locations of 5 mines that you see in the photos and identify what type of mineral they mine.
2. ______4.______
2. Now look at these images. Describeat least threeenvironmental impacts of the mines (how do they affect the environment?)
3. How are clearcutting and mining related?
4. Give an example of how you use at least three different minerals in your daily life.
Geo-Literacy Independent Work Time
Use pages 124-126 in Canada Now to answer the following questions to learn more about the importance of mining in Canada. Record your answers in your notebook.
- Are minerals a renewable or non-renewable resource? Explain why.
- Provide four examples of how humans use minerals.
- Create a chart like the one on page 125. Use your own words.
Mining in Canada
Mining and the Economy Part 2
Participate in either “Going for Gold” or “Mining Matters.” Debrief together as a class on how challenging it was to mine for gold.
Use pages 125-126 in Canada Now to complete your work.
1a) Describe the term resource-based community and provide an example of a community like this in Canada.
b) Create a T-chart to compare the benefits and drawbacks of living in a resource-based community. Identify 3 benefits and 3 drawbacks.(Hint: read the fast fact on page 126 to get an idea of a drawback)
2. Create a graded-shaded map showing the value (millions of dollars) of mining metallic and non-metallic minerals to each province and territory. Use the map provided by your teacher and respect the following legend:
Value (millions of dollars)
0-400 = light yellow
401-900 = dark yellow
901- 2000 = orange
2001+ = red