Q1 First Name

Q2 Last Name

Q3 Email Address

Q4 School

Q5 What is your major or area of study?

Q6 When it comes to course materials (i.e., textbooks, study guides, digital homework solutions, etc.), what format do you typically prefer?



A mix of the two formats

Q7 Please explain the reason for your format preference.

Q8 To what extent do you agree that having your assignments, reading material, grades and study aids built into one online destination helps you prepare for a class or test?

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Q9 Were you required to use MindTap for your course?



Q10 How frequently did you access MindTap for your course?

Every day

Several times a week

Once a week

1-3 times a month

Less than once a month


Q11 How did you use MindTap in this course? (Please select all that apply.)

Reading, highlighting and taking notes through the e-Reader

Studying for tests and exams using the quizzes, flashcards or other study tools

Completing homework assigned by my instructor

Tracking my progress in the course

Using the MindTap app to read, study or keep track of assignments

Other (Please describe) ______

Q12 How would you like to use MindTap in this or other courses? (Please select all that apply.)

Reading, highlighting and taking notes through the e-Reader

Studying for tests and exams using the quizzes, flashcards or other study tools

Completing homework assigned by my instructor

Tracking my progress in the course

Reading, keeping track of assignments and studying through the MindTap app

Other (Please describe) ______

Q13 How would you like your instructor to customize MindTap for this course?(Please select all that apply.)

Assign homework through MindTap

Organize MindTap so that it matches course outline

Add own notes, PowerPoint slides or other documents for course

I wouldn't want my instructor to customize MindTap for this course

Other (Please describe) ______

Q14 To what degree do you agree with the following statements?

Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
I would choose a course that had MindTap over a course that didn't have MindTap /  /  /  /  / 
I think the learning path set out in MindTap helps me in my course studies /  /  /  /  / 
MindTap is valuable in preparing for tests and exams /  /  /  /  / 
I study more for this course as the result of using MindTap /  /  /  /  / 
Having assignments in MindTap helps me stay on track in this course /  /  /  /  / 
Using MindTap made me more engaged in the course material /  /  /  /  / 
I learned more in the course by using MindTap /  /  /  /  / 

Q15 Which digital learning solutions have you used? (Please select all that you have used.)

MindTap from Nelson Education or Cengage Learning

Aplia from Nelson Education or Cengage Learning

MyLab, Mastering or Revel from Pearson

Connect from McGraw Hill

Other (Please provide product name) ______

Q16 How does MindTap compare to other digital learning solutions you've used?

MindTap is better than other digital learning solutions I've used.

MindTap is the same as other digital learning solutions I've used.

MindTap is worse than other digital learning solutions I've used.

Q17 Please explain the reason for your selection.

Q18 If MindTap were available for a future course, what format would you prefer to buy?

MindTap only

MindTap bundled with a textbook

Textbook only

Q19 Would you recommend MindTap to an instructor?



Q20 What is one improvement you recommend we make to MindTap?

Q21 What do you like best about MindTap?

Q22 By checking the ‘I consent’ box below, I give Nelson Education permission to use my name and comments for marketing materials – otherwise, select the ‘I do not consent’ button.

I consent.

I do not consent.

Q23 Can a Nelson Education representative contact you with any follow up questions or requests based on your contributions to today's focus group and survey?



Thank you for your feedback!