Mind and Meditation Exam:

Instructions:Please place your answers on the blank answer sheet provided (see last page). Each question is worth 2.5 points. Some have multiple answers.

  1. In Yoga philosophy we consider the body and mind:
  2. To be irrevocably separate
  3. Intimately connected but separate
  4. Gradations of the same elemental substances
  5. All of the Above
  1. Mind has a natural capacity to hypnotize itself by focusing or involving itself through the tattvas into a sensation. Most of our pain comes from the hypnotic interlock with:
  2. The element of ether
  3. The self-ego
  4. The body
  5. All of the Above
  1. Most healers become over time burned out, spaced out or at an unhealthy body weight because:
  2. They work too many hours
  3. Their tattvas interlock with the clients
  4. They do not do sat kriya regularly
  5. All of the Above
  1. There is much debate and speculation about what the mind is and how to think about it. Which of these statements do yogi’s generally accept that most scientists do not?(Identify all correct responses.)
  2. There is a universal mind as well as an individual mind
  3. The mind is what the brain does
  4. The experience of consciousness is what it feels like to have a cortex
  5. Each thought is an energy and a form that has its own karma and effect
  6. Consciousness is a quantum effect of extremely small tubules in the cells
  7. The mind is not unitary but constantly creates subpersonalities and aspects
  8. The universal mind records every action in the akashic records
  9. The mind and the tattvas are linked together
  10. Consciousness is not a property of the mind
  11. You exist beyond the mind and in every experience with the mind
  12. All of the Above
  1. When your mind is balanced it creates divinity and dignity in you by:
  2. Adhering to ethical rules
  3. Mixing the tattvas to support your consciousness
  4. Using your hypnotic capacity to intertwine with the higher mind
  5. Intertwining with the body to sense it and then to balance it within you
  6. b and d
  7. All of the Above
  1. A qualified teacher uses their sensitivity and neutral assessment to:
  2. Make the students have the same tattvas as the teacher
  3. Correct the gap between the consciousness of the student’s ultimate life and the tattva combination of the mind
  4. Make the student surrender and serve them
  5. All of the Above
  1. We often live in a blind spot and create much pain in our life because:
  2. We relate to the mind and its projections and not consciousness
  3. Our mind changes each sensation and feeling according to its tattva and chakra state in the moment
  4. Our ego attaches to a feeling or reacts and projects a thought which we chase
  5. The thousands of thoughts of the mind distract us from our individual intention and self
  6. All of the Above
  1. To master the mind we need to cultivate the capacity for shuniaa. The essence of shuniaa is:
  2. To be silent and not speak
  3. To remain detached from feelings
  4. To fixate on one thing only
  5. To become neutral, nonreactive and thoughtless beyond the ego
  6. All of the Above
  1. A powerful technique to reach shuniaa is to:
  2. Hold the breath more than three minutes
  3. Practice non-existence and exist at the same moment
  4. Chant mantra in an ashtang rhythm
  5. All of the Above
  1. Which of these characteristics is associated with the negative mind? (Identify all correct responses.)
  2. Quick to recognize problems and things to avoid
  3. Effective in utilizing things toward what you want to do
  4. Protects you against harm
  5. Assesses the reality of something
  6. Perceives the purpose and intent
  7. Gives a comparison an contrast to the negative mind thoughts
  8. Is the fastest mind
  9. Shares the quality of sattva
  10. Likes to increase the intensity of things pleasurable
  11. Compares the thought, feeling or belief to thoughts in other contexts and situations
  12. Motivates you with the fear of bad consequences
  13. Acts a s a good soldier
  1. Which characteristics describe the positive mind? (Identify all correct responses.)
  2. Quick to recognize problems and things to avoid
  3. Effective in utilizing things toward what you want to do
  4. Protects you against harm
  5. Assesses the reality of something
  6. Perceives the purpose and intent
  7. Gives a comparison an contrast to the negative mind thoughts
  8. Is the fastest mind
  9. Shares the quality of sattva
  10. Likes to increase the intensity of things pleasurable
  11. Compares the thought, feeling or belief to thoughts in other contexts and situations
  12. Motivates you with the fear of bad consequences
  13. Acts a s a good soldier
  1. Which characteristics are associated with the neutral mind? (Identify all correct responses.)
  2. Quick to recognize problems and things to avoid
  3. Effective in utilizing things toward what you want to do
  4. Protects you against harm
  5. Assesses the reality of something
  6. Perceives the purpose and intent
  7. Gives a comparison an contrast to the negative mind thoughts
  8. Is the fastest mind
  9. Shares the quality of sattva
  10. Likes to increase the intensity of things pleasurable
  11. Compares the thought, feeling or belief to thoughts in other contexts and situations
  12. Motivates you with the fear of bad consequences
  13. Acts a s a good soldier
  1. A mental intrigue is when:
  2. The mind inquires about something
  3. When the mind holds a secret or deceives it self
  4. The parts of the mind do not do their job and get used by the ego
  5. None of the above
  6. All of the Above
  1. An essential technique we use to meditate and to train the mind is metacognition. Metacognition is not:
  2. Being conscious of your consciousness
  3. Watching your mind think thoughts while being still
  4. The ability to perceive things beyond the normal
  5. Strategic quick thinking
  6. a and b
  7. c and d
  8. None of the above
  9. All of the Above
  1. Periodic fasting and good nutrition helps us to:
  2. Clear and calm the mind
  3. Stay healthy
  4. Balance the tattvas
  5. All of the Above
  1. Intuition is:
  2. A central goal and result of the practice of Kundalini yoga
  3. The capacity to be psychic
  4. A property of consciousness
  5. The ability to predict
  6. Opened with the neutral mind and the state of shuniaa
  7. a and b and d
  8. a and c and e
  9. All of the Above
  1. As the brain develops the mind can function through our body. As the brain/mind develops in the womb and in the early years of life which of these is not true:
  2. The brain gradually grows more neurons until it reaches a maximum about age 7
  3. The brain is shaped by genes and environment interacting
  4. The brain can learn tones and sound recognition even in the womb
  5. All parts of the brain develop at about the same rate until age 21
  6. The healthy brain continues to generate new neurons
  7. a and d
  8. d and e
  9. All of the Above
  1. Why do we think it is easier to just be neurotic and emotional and that the spiritual conscious way of living is hard?
  2. We do not know what it means to be spiritual
  3. We are not trained in solid religious disciplines
  4. Our ego strongly prefers the short term and immediate
  5. In our core consciousness we prefer to be emotional
  6. All of the Above
  1. The three impersonal minds are:
  2. Atma, Purusha and Guna
  3. Negative, Positive and Neutral Minds
  4. Manas, Ahangkar and Buddhi
  5. All of the Above
  1. An aspect results when the qualities of the three impersonal minds interact with the energy of the three functional minds. An Aspect is best thought of as:
  2. A part of the negative mind
  3. A tattva
  4. A projection of a chakra
  5. A stance, mental temperament or archetype
  6. An emotional component of a habit
  1. The nine aspects are:
  2. Based on numerology
  3. The result of a dynamic interaction of parts of the mind
  4. Are activated at different times of the day and moon cycle
  5. All of the Above
  1. The 27 projections come from the interaction of our nine aspects with our three functional minds. They represent :
  2. Our reaction to our own aspects from the three functional minds
  3. A bridge from the stance of our aspect to the habits and actions delivered by our mental facets
  4. For each aspect, three supporting applications or strategies
  5. All of the above
  6. None of the above
  1. The Aspect called Defender is a combination of:
  2. The positive mind and the negative mind
  3. The negative mind and buddhi
  4. The negative mind and manas
  1. In the Defender the Manas gives the quality of;
  2. Special energy like prana
  3. The ability to have strong or weak sensory impressions
  4. The earth tattva
  5. All of the Above
  1. If the quality of your neutral mind is strongest as your Defender acts, the result is the Projection called;
  2. The observer because of its detached perspective on self defense
  3. The prospector because of its ability to recognize what is important even in adversity
  4. The warrior because it can attack quickly without remorse
  5. None of the above
  1. We use several forms of meditation in Kundalini yoga. Pratyhara is a process of:
  2. Synchronization of each finite thought with the expanded ultimate self
  3. A withdrawal of consciousness from reacting to the senses while staying relaxed and neutral
  4. Becoming zero and still
  5. All of the above
  1. When Shiva gave Parabati a gift to always find him in the seat of the soul he gave her the technique of focus on the Neelkant. This technique:
  2. Commands the hypothalamus to stop reacting to all the thoughts
  3. Opens the psycho-radiance of the pineal gland to experience the realms of intuition
  4. Focuses on the nose tip and sees a blue circle or pearl
  5. All of the Above
  1. All nine aspects are useful. All should be strong so they can be flexibly used as circumstance and demands change. Most of us:
  2. Have one Aspect that tends to be the strongest for each functional mind
  3. Cannot balance an aspect once it is imbalanced
  4. Use more than one aspect at once
  5. a and c
  6. b and c
  7. All of the above
  1. Visual and auditory illusions show us that the mind:
  2. Operates mostly automatically
  3. Tries to aid our perception but makes many mistakes
  4. How even unconscious beliefs can determine or bias what we see and hear
  5. Needs some conscious training like meditation so we do not just react automatically
  6. All the above
  1. Our mind automatically judges and hates or likes things. 99% of the time we try to escape negative thoughts and feelings with distraction, drugs, socializing, sex and other means. We do not cultivate or use mental strength. The essence of mental strength is:
  2. The ability to hold one thought
  3. The ability to switch gears smoothly from negative to positive to neutral minds
  4. Intelligence
  5. All of the Above
  1. For the neutral mind to contribute to your mental strength and caliber it must:
  2. Be in the present
  3. Not entwine with the impulses of the subconscious or memory
  4. Perceive what is with intuition and without reactive thoughts
  5. Fully invite in and process all the negative and positive mind thoughts
  6. All of the above
  1. Mantra is the “resounding sound of self-esteem” according to Yogi Bhajan. This is because:
  2. The mantra sound must reflect your neutral intensified sense of life and control the tattvas
  3. It helps you cut each thought so its impact is not fulfilled
  4. It has to be used at least twice
  5. It is rare to get one so you can be proud
  6. Using it clears the thoughts so your self can shine and qualify your mind
  7. b and d
  8. a and b and e
  1. Yogi Bhajan describes meditation many ways both practically and philosophically. Which of these is not one of the ways he describes meditation?
  2. Meditation is just like taking a mental shower
  3. Meditation is hard work to clean out all the sewage of the subconscious
  4. Meditation is essential to be a human and act consciously
  5. Meditation is a pleasant focus on a positive feeling or thought
  6. Meditation is a way to clear out the thoughts from your samskaras, subconscious, focal and vocal thoughts from the galaxy and perpetual and unused perpetual thoughts.
  1. Through the use of much meditation we come to realize directly that we do not need an outside enemy nor do we need to project our problems onto other people or situations. In regard to our own minds in relationship to the world, which of these statements is false?
  2. We have our own nightmares, fears and aggressiveness that we experience as if it is all in others
  3. That the All is in all and we are the effectiveness of God
  4. Though life is full of ups and downs we are fine and are not bad or being punished
  5. We can control bad things and people
  6. All the above
  1. The neutral mind is not the same as a detached mind. Nonattachment means:
  2. You do not feel good or bad feelings
  3. You are fully committed and embrace all things equally without mental reaction
  4. You can step back from problems
  5. You remain passive and let things be
  6. All of the Above
  1. One result of meditation is the ability to be who you are all the time and to be happy. Instead of doing this our tendency is to:
  2. Pursue thoughts
  3. React to the positive and negative thoughts as if they are ours
  4. Focus on judgments of things we do not like
  5. Judging and classifying others so we can feel good about our self or our beliefs
  6. None of the above
  7. All of the above
  1. When you want to focus the mind and have it align with your tattvas and your intention do any of the following except:
  2. Become thoughtless
  3. Let go and accept all that is as is
  4. Bring your attention to something tangible in the present moment like the breath
  5. Think of what you do not want
  6. Use mantra to counter all the self thoughts and ego based thoughts that get in the way of seeing clearly what is
  1. The mind is very powerful in healing and self healing. In fact the brain, body and mind are constantly healing. When we study the mind we find that:
  2. Focusing on thoughts of what can go wrong when we are hurt slows healing time for wounds
  3. Sensing everything happening within us and relaxing in to stillness promotes automatic healing
  4. Since we can feel the impact of others in ours self when we intwine with them, just relaxing and becoming neutral in our self can induce healing in the other person
  5. Trying to analyze what is wrong is different than perceiving a state of mind and thoughts in our self that we resolve into our consciousness by releasing the thoughts
  6. All of the above
  1. Choosing promoting habits and rejecting demoting habits is a central goal for a yogic lifestyle. Habits can be changed easily through meditation and guiding the mind, but they seem hard to change because:
  2. Once a habit is learned it cannot be unlearned
  3. The first habit learned dominates all later habits you try to acquire
  4. We do not have the habit to meditate and process our reactive thoughts
  5. We do not confront our emotions that let us sense what is important and come from our tattvas balance
  6. All except a
  7. None of the above
  1. The nature of the impersonal mind function of Ahangkar is (Identify all correct responses):
  2. To attach
  3. To identify with things
  4. To hypnotize the mind through enmeshment in the senses
  5. To associate things into a common category or perception
  6. To create anger
  7. To balance Manas
  8. a and b and e
  9. a and b only

Mind and Meditation Blank Answer Sheet

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