Milton KeynesBridge Club
Minutes of committee meeting held on 11 November 2015
Present: David Gilmore, Alan OddieJohn Bateman,Lynne Emmett,KeithRickson,
Janet Marsh, Roger Kerkinand Rosalind Bateman Action
There were none.
Minutes of the committee meeting held on 1 April2015 were agreed.
Matters arising
(1)Wider use grant
John said that it seems likely that this will be available in 2016..
(2) Modification of competition rules
Lynne remarked that most of the top 30 players for the ‘AllDuplicate Trophy’ are at or above the rank
of regional master. For next year the criteria may have to be raised and this would be looked into. John
(3) Lamination
The movement cards have now been done by Roger.
David said that Katy has very kindly given her laminator to the club.
Secretary’s report
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s report
Keith presented a report and the net worth at present is £1650.
There is likely to be a surplus of £700 after paying end of year expenses including the Christmas parties.
Lynne asked if pass cards for the bidding boxes could be purchased.
Also David mentioned that he would like to go on a director’s course(s) and David Gilling has expressed
an interest also. It was thought that all this would be quite affordable.
Timekeeping issues including Brian Keable/s formal complaint
There are sometimes problems with time keeping. Alan Oddie volunteered to be the time keeper on
Wednesdays and Janet agreed to do this when Alan is absent.
Ros mentioned that an electronic clock has been introduced at Towcester and this seems to be working
very well. It was agreed that we would try this on a 3 month trial and see how it worked out. John and Ros
This will be held on 10 February. All present agreed to stand again.
John will do this. It was agreed as last year Friday Sims sessions would be a lot fewer than
Wednesdays. They would include World Wide Sims, Children In Need, and the EBU educational initiative. John
Improving Bridge etiquette and adherence to ethical play.
David commented that standards have slipped somewhat recently.
Convention cards were discussed and it was agreed that the club should expect these to be completed
by regular pairs early in the New Year. As David now has a laminator, he agreed he would laminate any
convention cards that were required. In addition, help will be offered to less experienced pairs who may
have difficulty in completing them.
Committee members should feel free to point out any irregularities in bidding or in play especially from
inexperienced pairs with a view to gently rectifying the situation.
When hesitations occur (for example in playing a singleton) the director should be called.
A pet hate is when north in charge of the bridge mate fails to show the opponents the other results.
It was agreed that we are a friendly club and would undertake these improvements in a gentle manner.
David also agreed to cover points re etiquette one by one over the next few weeks starting tonight
(and on Friday) with the need for convention cards. David
Banning certain conventions
It was decided that the Suction convention would be banned on Fridays from 1 January as being
inappropriate for Friday nights where many players are inexperienced. In addition it was decided that
the multi 2 diamond opening bid would also be banned, David would have a word with the affected pairs. David
Holiday in Worthing
Everybody enjoyed the holiday in Worthing. In particular the food was excellent and the hotel staff helpful.
We would be happy to go there again
There has been interest in a holiday in Maderia (24 people) which might be In January 2017.
The format might be bridge only in the evenings and trips arranged for the days. David will speak with
Colin O’Hara of the Regis bridge club to see if any of their members would be interested as at least
30 people are needed to make the room rate economic.David
Christmas parties
Lynne has very kindly agreed to purchase the food as last year for both Wednesday 16th December
and Friday 18th December Lynne .
End of year newsletter
Lynne agreed to compile this again and asked for items of interest to be sent to her. Lynne
David said that Katy is out of hospital and she thanked the club for the card she received.
John said that he would compile a sheet indicating which movement to use in given circumstances.John
Brian Keable spoke to John about concerns of the decreasing numbers on Monday afternoons.
We discussed how to find new members. It was decided we would look into putting an advertisement
In the MK Flyer and/or MK Pulse.John
Roger mentioned that Pat Cheval and Mary Baker no longer come to the club, apparently due
to remarks made by Ron Davis and Alan Oddie over a period of time. Alan, present at the
meeting, expressed great surprise at this. It was agreed that David would contact Pat and Mary
to ascertain what the problem is and see if it could be sorted out. David
Roger said that Barry Dudley had experienced a problem in trying to find a partner re the
partnership finder service. John said that all you had to do was to click on the name of the partner
and contact details are given.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.15 pm.
Rosalind Bateman