Millikan Middle School

5041 Sunnyslope Ave

Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

Telephone (818)766-5632

Dear Parents/Guardians

Welcome to an exciting 7th grade school year at Millikan Affiliated Charter School. 7th grade science incorporates 1 semester of N.G.S.S. integrated science with 1 semester of health. 7th grade science/health is a challenging course that prepares students to have a healthy life and to be college and career ready. Students will complete hands on laboratory assignments. Students will complete a major project each quarter. There will be weekly exams and vocabulary quizzes to prepare for the 8th grade state testing.

7th Grade integrated science is taught in 20 weeks. The main topics are: photosynthesis, ecosystems, cycles of Earth’s materials, natural disasters, atoms, chemical reactions, energy, and technology.

Textbooks: Holt CA Life Science, Glencoe Teen Health Course 2.

Required Materials: Composition Style Notebook,2 Blue or Black ink writing pens, 2 sharpened pencils, Eraser, colored pencil set, tape, and a usb flash drive.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

  1. Arrive on Time, sit in your assigned seat and begin your warm up problems each day during the beginning of class. Parents will be notified via Misis for all tardies. Excessive tardies lower your work habits grade.
  2. Be prepared for class. Examples: Bring your composition notebook and textbook along with your writing utensils each day. Complete all work on time. Study your notes and textbook daily so you are ready for class laboratory activities.
  3. Be Safe, follow all science safety rules.
  4. Be respectful of others and property

Raise your hand and obtain permission before speaking, asking questions or to move seats.

Wait patiently and listen to others before speaking.

Leave your work area cleaner than you found it.

  1. Display Responsible behavior

Follow All School Rules.

Show a positive attitude.

Help others finish their labs if you are finished.

Listen carefully and follow directions and instructions.

No eating, drinking, gum chewing or appearance of gum chewing.

Keep all personal property put away during class.

Consequences, if you choose not to follow class rules:

1st: Verbal Warning

2nd: Behavior notification: A phone call home.

3rd: Detention after class.

4th: Parent Conference.

5th: Office Referral

Rewards: 1. Bonus Grade Points. 2. Class Dojo Points

Restroom Passes: Restroom passes are only given for emergencies. Students must sign out before using the pass. If the pass is used multiple times, missing class time must be made up after class.

If the pass is never used, students will earn bonus points.

Homework: Homework is assigned every Monday and Tuesday. Homework is due every Wednesday. Homework is written on the board and posted on the class website at: .

Grading Policy: cooperation grades are determined by a student’s behavior for each grading period. Work habits grades are based on classwork homework, attendance, and effort. Students earn E:Excellent S:Satisfactory and U:Unsatisfactory.

Academic grades will include homework, classwork, quizzes, tests, and projects.

Academic Grade Scale:
A: 90–100% B: 80–89% C: 70–79% D: 60–69% Fail<60%

Attendance: Attending school every day is an essential way for your son/daughter to stay caught up. All absent and late work must be turned into the absent work box. The makeup work must be turned in by no more extra days than your student was absent. Example: If your student was absent 2 days, then he/she will have 2 days to make up the work without penalty. Late work will have a letter grade deducted. Work more than 2 weeks late will be deducted 50%. Please take exams and quizzes on time. Tests and quizzes can be made up. Missed tests and quizzes not made up will be given a 50% grade. Some tests may be assigned online after school during a testing window using Google Forms. Instructions will be sent home.


Mr. Duffy

7th Grade Science Teacher (Room 31)

Tear Off

Please return to Mr. Duffy


Student NameParent Name


Student SignatureParent Signature


Parent Cell Phone #


Parent Email Address